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PIMLIC0 HAS DAY OF AWRY FORM. All the Favorites Go Down to Defeat and Horses at Liberal Odds Capture the Prizes. . Baltimore. Md.. April U.—A decided improvement in the g.ii.g at Iiinlico this affinoon provod the un-■Mdaa- of ionn lollow. is. Calculations were geiieniiv based 141 a heavy track, and horses that had shown a pr.l.r.n.e for that sort ..f going were favored. All si i. m .ntes were beaten and most of the winners were at long odds. The Walden stable w.i-espenally conspicuous, the Maryland turfman fur-liishing the winners in the first and sixth races in 4 hilton Belie and M. T. Ureeae, both of whlci were out-iders. lackey Walker had the imiunt aa hota .wyn Foaapktea, arbo has won most of the itec-pli. I.ases run during the meeting, gathered another puis,- this afternoon when Rossfentou heat the l.aviiv backed fororite. Toaraey. in a driving aalah. JojJay s effort was Rojafeatoaa first taroash the field anil he c-me out of the race with living colors. In In- schooling he has heea erratic-, but in actual racing he ran straight ami true and feared well He lias a good turn at Baeed on the flat and with ■ little lion , uerieaee it Iiks u |f he might develop intii a home that will rank the top notci,,. is m tie rtrraauaaai division The maiden ran- found the first f„ur fighting it out loads apart and Captain Cassatts l.avminster got up to win by ■ BOae. It was the first time this season that the famous Cassatt colors bad Ih-cii s.i-ii in trout and the viejory was r« pillar. I. W. Iturttsi-liell WMlte the loss of his two-vcar old ] ruitfui. which died this afteraaaa of aaeaaMala eiina. the winner ..f the second race, had not started since ;!.e Jamestown spring meeting of last year, at which sin- won. Shortly afterwards she ran into a fence, cutting a eaaa in ln-r breast that threaieiied to be fatal. M. T. Greeae. winner of the last race, scored lii-tirst rictory this afterniHiu since earlv iu his two- jeu-olil e.uier. Qaajd, I starter in todays t wo-vear-obl race. is tin- most ktehli tried youngster in itites stable and can towropc Mic v . which won yeaterday. Sig I w arrivinl from Cbicaca last nigh; and will remain throughout the meeting.