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I JUBILEE AGAIN IN WINNING FORM. , l P.altiiuoi. . Md.. April J!t. -ired Fit llefields .Tubi lee inach- hi- I.- appearance, at liuilici this alter n i and cam.- hack I., tin- i.-ic-.-- a -diillv sort ol a horse. lie lint rather an ..iclin.iiv I.. | in the .losing dash. . bill won Willi ease afle* being handled in -inh a a . inn mo r that he siirTere.l gr -al inleif.-r.-ii.-e cm the I. a. k-lr.-l. h. In his twoyearohl form Jnlcih-e was i. iled as a good one. but lie went wrong and sub-.-ipientlv did Utile raetag. lb- is again a g...H| horse, however, in, | veterinarians who have examined him sa.v thai he i- a- soiiml as a dollar. Jubilee was I lave. rile- in his race, that is. he went 1o the | tirst eh-.i.e. Ihe oiler vviiuiiii favofile was Jiu Jilsu. vvhiih lua. I. ■ a ninawav affair of the ; Stc-e- I j.b eha-e. Jill Jitsii f.-n.-. cl splendidly and showed line spi--.| tar a hitiitc-r. l.vncli had him in hand from .-t art to lini-h and ii looks as ir he may be the I champion of Ihe huiilin fl vision. The best finish ■ *,f tin- iftmiM caine with the running of the sic i oinl la.. . in which Lai o! I.aiigdcn heal Oollla Orins-l»y a leacl afler a hmg ami hard stretch drive. I inakin. 1 i- lir-l apiM-aran.-e at the ni«-et- I In—, w.-ii in handsome fashion after coining from be hind in the slicic-li. Ihe Mart in liie o|ieiiing race was delaved seven I t.-.-n ininii!. - b] lb,- ,-ra/. action- of l.aeh-elc. He | i-.-ai.-d up when he reached the barri.-r and. fallinir backward, tln.u M.-Cah.-v hc-avilv. The lad I v a- kiH.i-ked f..r a time and was unable to ride, i Met ai..- was -ubsi imte.1 and Ix-fore Hm- li.-ld was linallv -.-nl aav l„-|ile.l.. Mi.c-c-eihcl in liii-.a I ing lie 1ab.- three tlnes. I.-Cahey n v. red ipiic-kly and •will Ik- able to a -c-c-pl mounts tomorrow.