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I I I ■ i I I I | I i LEGISLATIVE SITUATION AT ALBANY. Albany. N. Y.. April M— Senator Crady, leader of the Democratic minority, has given nolice thai on Tu.-sdav. when tin- Amiew bills are scheduled to come up in the Senate for final passage, he will move to strike out the prohibition against making lxiok-"wiili or without writing" and substitute the words: "Or solicits or ladaeea the public to make bets or wagers or buy pools by the preparation in writing or other record of li-t- ..r memoranda of odds or the di-play or exhibition of the same. Senator Agn.-w i- confident that the bills will bo pasaed unamend.-.!. He says that they will pass in the form in which they were reported bv the Senate Codea Coinniitte. or not at all. CM the P.rkin- bills deafened lo affect the racetrack interests, which ate the same a- the Agtiew bills in the- S.-iiat.-. all have passed the A— i-mblv with tl xe.-ptioii of Ihe bill in relation to the pub li.ation eel" odd- and lip-t.-rs advertisements. Which i- still in the Assembly Committee on Code-.