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OAKLAND OFFICIALS TAKE ACTION. Sr.n 1 rancjsco. Cal.. May i.— -Jockey A. Williams landed three winners at Oakland today, bin will go into retirement for a time, as he was suspended for •.oiioi-.-illv a— allafai tiii I riding, with special refer-« im -e to his handling of .1. R. Langhrey in the fifth race yesterday . The entries of F. K. Raird have Wen ordered refused, pending fun her investigation as to tlie causes tor the scratching of Don Knrinue out of the same race. In the race in question, Aks-Arlti-i was backed for a gixid thing, but he stumble, 1 at the start and the attempted coup was s|X,i|,-d. It is intimated that Hon Kurhpic was withdrawn for a consideration to make it easier for him. J. R. Laughiev ran below his true form. Kern I., won the feature race today after heating the bairier. She was in front all the way. Inclement, a .Mi to 1 chance, closed fast and was second. with I aneiiil Hall next. Men try handled Goldfluu. ihe favorite, badh and she made a poor showing. Gem- Russell proved a surprise in the first race. Aftermath closed with a- rush and beat Marburg .iinl Round and Round in a drive. Canteui. plunged on in the final race, was lieaten *iy Ormonde Cunningham in the last stride. F. K. Raird. whose entries were ordered refused, J«ought Silver Crain and llavigny today. V. OK. Maedonoiigh plans to ship twenty yearlings in "eW York for the summer sales. Fine jiriees were realised in the east last year for yotiiig-bters from his Oruioudale I aim.