Woodbine Track in Good Condition.: Horses Working over it in Preparation for Canadian Season-Dyment and Seagram Stable Lists., Daily Racing Form, 1910-05-08


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WOODBINE TRACK IN GOOD CONDITION. Hoi scs Working Over It in Preparation frr Canadian Season — Dyment and Seagram Stable Lists. Toronto. OnK. Ma.v 7. Woodbine, even in all lis glorv of race-day. never looked more Ircsh and beautiful than now. Tlie fr.euucnt ruins have made Hie Held loin one end to the other the same boauti-l ! ul DM as the gnat! hee/abaf, lawn, and the track jlsei! is iii wonderful condition in spile of the same rainfall that so great l beaeSted the infield. The lmnks in the steeplechase coins, have been brushed and uiiiuiil and need only the red and white tlags lo be leant lor racing. I ne many horses quartered there are taking t In ir daily work al a rale that abrahaes readiness for the srnux4es now so close at hand. Thursday "Canada tack" Adkins Praaara horse. Robert oop.r. vent tnree-ejoartera handily in the middle at the Hack in 1:22!. and his Chuc-lannnda Idly. Carillon, did half a mile in •" -». The ererereen province-bred Caper Sauce looks in his eighth rear belter Uian eer and he romped half a mile witli Cannio Maid in 53, A smart two-year-old. Half-War. by Orine abate- Verne K.. went a |i!.iiiei in 2ij si eon, Is with r.ioadsnoril. whose half was in ."2 . Mr. Boyles two year olds all had useful gallops and l»» leciive. one of tin- most impressive of thoroughbreds. di l his mile in two minutes, eager to run faster Nat Kas jumpers. Byzantine. Braggadocio, King Holiday and Student King, worked miles in belter than two minutes, and ibis accomplished horseman will cm a considerable Scare in the decision of the races through the field this spring. Dan Brazil m in cieemiale the first three-eighth* of a. three quarter mile work in 311. King of Mist had an i asy mile. Tom Meagher, who is training half a dozen horses, including tii • Kinds Plater, larade. a tive-y ear-old bv Procession, brought some of them down from Little York for a gallop. The racing striae, of the Meeara. Dyeerat have ar rived from Bairie. and have taken up the quarters liny will occupy at Woodbine until tin- meeting is inter. .1. K. Bealgrama lot, consisting of the follow-iug. Bulled from Waterl.Hi yesterday: Bouquet, b. ni. 5. by Kiuley Ma k Briar Sweet. Cruchc dOr. eh. m. 5. bv Chorefe dOr— Cruiskeen II. Suncoe. eh. g. 5. by Toddington Luckless. Seismic, b. h. ."•. by Havoc Semley. Mill on the k"lo-s, eh. in. 5. bv Milner — Irish l.ass II. Tollendal. br. c. -1. h Toddington Dclicia. Pearl Piaher, br. r. 1. bj Pereaore— -lycera. Jane shore, bik. f. ::. by Pcrabore Martyrdom. Carrie Milner. br. f. ::. by Milner — Merry Carrie. Gre Girl. ui . I. 3, b Mazagan if naltlar Bemele. b. 1. ::. hy Havoc Semley. Shepherds Song, b. f. 3. bv J.actantiiis — Kose »lndngal. Sana fhtyera, br. -. 5. bf Ooatestor- llousegirl. Tibcrus. b. g. 2. hi Sempronius Patty. Spinning Wheel, ch. f. 2. by WooUtborpe -Hope Ou. Bride Lane. b. f. 2, bv Si. Auiaut -Rone Madrigal. IJavr.H-k. eh. e. _•. bv Haw Wana Oaaar. T. it.ir Cirl. br. f. 2. by The Tartar — Royal Dame. Laomidona. a two-.* ear old bay colt by Tilhoniis — Musiea! slipper, i- ;n e.iarge of William Garth at Baltimore, but will le her.- next week. There are tea in the Uyau.nl string, including i iht two -yi ar ol.!-. Port Carry and Chief Kee are the dhers. the • -iiij hte list b«iim: Tort Carrv. ph. z. 4. b Part Hunter Flying Bi-ss. chi.q- Kee. b. e. :;. bv AHnaraj lleraac. Solid Iomfort b. l. 2. bj Voter Ioaiteat. I.r.ianz.i. b. e. J., by Sir lixon Meidiu. Baroness Bi.von. b. f. r. bv Sir Dixaa Ilaroness lepper. P. T. lark. eh. e j. bv Islington — llasia. Halhvs ■Miiel. b. c. 2. bv Star ,Sh »d Cold Wave Coal s;,o.,t io • o i,v si»r Shoal -Dordiea. ITraaias. b. p, 2. bv Ktar Shoot itetl-x. Allan i» M»iie. e ,. e. 2. by Pan Hunter -Miss Haranat Fort : any. now a ejeMhajc, will nri in the shorler races his year and should do eredit to the speed repi. -em, d in ids nedhrree. His spread Toot, whhh Ilevented liim fi- in raeiu a f ler nild-siiuiiiier. is now ns aaad as new and Chief Kee haa Brawn, into a ■rand leohlnr horae and will be naeftid in the cents for tlir e -mm: obis over a roaaiflerable dfartance of ground. All the haraea idiaw that their trainer has taken adrantage •■! the earls aeaaan and the younc stirs have j- ii. i re., euiitlis in :;r,. while the three-yiaro],; ;,:,.. heea a i.iih in 1:43 at home, so that they will lartt a thius n the matter of readiness. With no Kings Mat xa for this season antanjc his lot. traiii-r 1 1 no n i will be able to look nfcttanophi-eally on tie- troubles of others who are preparing haraea for the euinoaa. Natnrallv the brother lo Star Wave i !!• d for much attention as the string paraded np the Ktreteu to their stables near Wood bin- a ream on their arrival and Joe Haaae was aanerly aratrhing for the duplicate of the eoll that did so n M f.- liim 1 -t rear. He is :, hbihyiag voiiu-m.:. Hal.,- Come!, and Mr. Uoaae said: •lbs .i miiiu cbanipioa. sure, and I hope hc"ll turn out ;,- ,„h1 a- i i brother. This U HaUeyl Comets year to shine." Blnfce ilenraa abw arrivd from Cedar Springs, tin., a ■. ii ear ntoilnte-breaa: Bdith anipl.ll. ph. f. 4. bv Arliugl.Hi Marcellina. .1. K. l. a.ivlor. br. . 2. by Bansetlaa -Marcellina. Tl a oo -s. » j.„ ke s and anpreatfeej are ii minded that I heir a..pli aliens !,.,■ ]i.-,.,,ses ahoald 1m- filed at the oBee of the c.Hiadlan Kacias Asaoriatlaaa not biter thai Monday. Maj •■ . on irid..v rat Gkrrr foitnd the teaefc s., inviting that be Krerpoweretl hbt boj and ran awav a couple of mi!. - over 11 arbea he raaar on for his firs; calloo. He ;.s ; i n.-.l a aUht and a quarter of the run in %tZl, and palled *p prettj tintl. but apparently not ■neh dlatreaard. CfarJa Sleldrum sent the Klrfcbeld Stables tin . M.irobl. p.nr-ar. Kve-eixbtha in 1 : *■,. !!•• v.iiv Farm Plftera. Paraaer. Whaap and taal Coat, aboanrd i Blee turn of apeed. ojn a anarter ii 21. half a mile in o :;. thice-quaners in 1:2J and . i-ed up the mile in 1 :."W. Last Past went only the Ural i art with tin- ..tliers. Banner was the leader and h.- is beyond ifoeatlua a faal ei.it that ill Ii!- .i |.t of beat in- in tii" ra.e f..r the kinara i 1 lib mi v.nrked ii, eblbth ill 12. This 1eli.- has tool i Ums real and will not In- hurried. Grimmer « -.rk.-d n mile in ronipanj with l inl Flam snd Itiiiv, Kilu i in l:"..;-;. pviug Hie lirsl half in .vn. and ir • anartera la l:BM. Plandmore went thl-ee-quji ers ta 1:24 and a mile in 1:53a. other watfca of the aaanabnf were: * iutisi !••!• Frank Half miie in ."•."•. Ptanl star Tbree-qnartera in 1:2:. l»ean-ii and Meadip Half mile in ",2. c.ld -.t ,• • en etshtha la 1 :-"s lli-k.;- sii.k rbree-qnarterti In 1 :S2-. Kiii ftowsauda Tbiee eiahtha in 12. K.ik.ii.. ilooe qiiartei s ,e 1 .-J:V I.mr. : i.i if •; ji: . :n IS. Teiiiuieriiire Prre-eiabtba in !: ••"•*. Tlioinc.nd I lire, on .i :eis in 1:21*. From the t !i nioou Biaa.net, twice wbanct a ihe 1 i-. AutMuia Iap. to the yaaaajeitt, J. B. S a ■nuaa boraea punid not b-o. nrtj better. From the roar ribzililes f.r the Plate. Pearl Fisher. XVdlendal. .I.i, Sbore and Carrie Milner. if is prohahle Unit th. f ,nr ..ar-obN will be chosen t. carry the colors on Mi;. 21 and the are sure to sice a ;;.»mI aeeoaal of thrnaalTrr .lane Rbore has mt lllb-d out as well as antietpated ulnee laat ; ar. but she is a beautifnl lillv. on. arbaae oiif..rmatioii and wax ••! moving sti.mp Ii r aw better than oidinarv. and it ma.v be thai Iraiu r I inl leld v. ill Hrefer to dop.n.l m the ,,lde: [.in tad :i ■ ill.- rtaachtor M::i1.iii|..in - II,:, I Will led illVoive so strenuous a pop.; ration at i- nw-drd • h a three-yearU to na a ujde ind a qoartei bo eart in the year.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1910s/drf1910050801/drf1910050801_2_3
Local Identifier: drf1910050801_2_3
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800