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ALMOST SWEEP FOR FAVORITES. San Iraneiseo. fa!.. Ma.v 7. lose and eeiting Finishes marked the sporl al Oakland today. Five favorites were suecesslul and the sixth. .Napa Nick. was only beaten a nose in Ihe last jump by Rabeld. But for swerving. Napa Nbk would have landed. Chester Kruin won the Havward Handiea|. in a drive Willi Kaleih. In the two-year-old race, .la.-k Stryker. of the W. T. Anderson -table, appeared beaten, but closed gaajcly and outlasted Salnli. ColiUinn just got up to beat Thistle Belle in the third. Faneuil Hall threw up his head, loosened the teeth of jockey Vau-diisen and was left at the post. .1. T. Strite claimed Thistle Belle for ,100. The hoavily-lwicked Falwiu T. Fryer was caught in Ihe harrier in the fifth race, losing all chance, a. id Pottle L, raaaaed home. lOcfcee B van repotted to trainer YVilliam SI1.1t that he was approached and asiced to pull Koiuul and Round yesterday in the interest of gteel. The matter is lĀ«itig investigated. Jockey Thomas leaves for New ork Monday evening.