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00,000 FOR JUAREZ RACES. Louisville. Ky.. Mav 10. —Following a meeting of the directors of the Jockey Club J nana, hel.l during the recent visit here of James Rutler. Alberto Ter-razzas ami Price McKinney. Col. M. J. Winn, man agor of the new Mexican course, announces that in connection with the meeting to be held at Juarez next winter, a gross sum ot 00,000 in stakes and purses will be given during a meeting of one hundred days, beginning Thanksgiving Day. which means an average af .noo a day. a daily increase of ,000 over the offering ot the shorter meeting last season. Arrangemenls have been completed for the build ing of t;oo mhlitioual stalls for the accommodation of th.e many horses will be shipped to the Mexican course next fall. Other improvements conteni plated include a niiinl or of collages for horsemen as well as the erection of suitable buildimrs for north, in visitors. The racing officials next season will be: Col. M J. Winn, general manager: Will Shelley, presiding judge: Mars Cassidy. .starter: Lyman II. Daws, racing secretary and handicapper.