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INCIDENTS OF RECENT ENGLISH RACING. Eliznbcttas Chester Cup — Bayardo Narrowly Escapes , Defeat for Cliester Vase — Darlings Success. London. Fuj:.. Mav i . Following the e.eiteinenl attending the raaaug of the Two Tboaaand Ualneaa and One Thousand Cuineas. as well as other events , of lesser but slill eoiisi.brable iiiiportanec at the Newiiiarket sprint: aaeetiaa;. tke rachnr, at the obi-faakh 1 but kms raUblfojhed Cheater aaeetiju; seemed sonuwhai tame. This, of course, to the , regulars who follow the roaning of the horses throagil thick and thin. So far as the uihmI people of Ch.slor and vicinity were concerned, the apart was of absorbine, interest. In token whereof it is , • •tlieiailv ainiouii.-cd that the al tendance on Cup day was 45.2SH and the gate receipts 8,573. The Chester meeting was formerly free to all comers except the tenants of the stands and betting rings, but is is now an etieb aed course willi an admission charge, so the foregoing figures will serve to show that the Cluster meeting, while not so highly important as formerly, brings very profitable returns in the way of money. The Chester Cup was formerly the medium of heavy ante-post betting and tremendous coups were brought off ill its running now and then by the old-time plungers. With the gradual decline of that form of betting the Cup decreased in importaace and of recent voars it has more than once failed to fill at tie regular time of closing for entries, enforcing a reopening and a second closing. There was no trouble this year in that respect. There was a good entry list and twenty-one horses went to the post, the largtst number since so far back as 1Sb7. The greatest field numerically in the history of the Cup was in 1sr,2. arben Joe -Miller, carrying lib pounds, won from forty one competitors and it was aeeeanary to start the horses in two lines across the track in order to effect a stait. Joe Miller drew the inside place ill the lirsi line and it was an item in tin gossip of the time that his diminutive jockey had number one in his ciinbby fist before he dipped it into the bag of nuinliers. as well as afterwards. This rear Mr. H. s. Goadaaaa Marco rraaer. carrying M iMiiinds. whs ii good favorite, but he fell lame in the race and when its two miles and a quarter had been traversed. Iteid Walkers four-v. at-old Pi," m nd Jubilee filly. Elizabetta. K pounds, was first by four lengths with Sir Peter Walkers fillv. Accurate. OR seiiuid and J. A. de Rothschilds mare. Laughing Mirror. !I7. third. None of tke heavy-weights had a look in. Lagos finding his four teen-pounds penalty for winning the Great Metropolitan Handicap at Epsom an insurmountable obstacle. On the first day of the meeting Bayardo and Dannv Maker between them contrived to give the horses backers some extremely anxious moments. lie was a .". to 1 on iavorite for tke Chester Vase at a mile and a half and. despite the price, was heavily supported on the principle that it was "tust like finding it." William the Fourth, making his first start since his defeat for the irand Prix de laris last year, carried on the running, while Maker lingered far in tke rear with Bavardo. When be began to move up with his customary rush. Lay-artlo was cut off and defeat seemed Impending, but la a final desperate effort Maier got him up and won from William the Fourth by a head. It was a close call ami led to the suggestion that some dav Maker might wait too long in his supreme confidence in Bayardo and lose a race with much trouble to follow in conse.iuence. The first race of the same day was won by W. Harveys filly. Cte. with Lord Leasdalea American-bred filly. Kincarb. by Kingston -Gingham, second. Cte was bought in for flJaW. The next day Lord Lonsdale lodged an objection against Fte on the ground the entry was neither made by the owner, nor by his authorized agent at tke time of entry. After an investigation the objection was sustained and Tte. being disqualified, tke race went to Kincarb. it was an unlucky debut on the turf for ttes owner, she being the ■lat horse he had ever owned and raced. F. Darling, who succeeds the American trainer. Walker, as trainer for the Gorman stable of Messrs. von Weinlierg. made an auspicious start at the Berlin meeting; a few davs ago bv winning three of the seven races of the card of Sunday. .Tor won the Erroffnungs Rennen. Morgeuruf the Hanibal Reniieu and Sngitta the Sporber Rennen. On the following dav Ielln won the Jungfern Rennen for the stable and Droll ran a dead heat with Blaus-Irumpf for the Edgaro Rennen. and in the Cold Whip Ladvlike ran second to the Craditz Studs Abindluft. J. Childs was the stables jockey In each instance. The leading winning stallions up to date are: Man... four races, value t7.7*4: William the Third, three. £4.917; Orey Leg. five. £2.7: 4: Rock Sand. tiv. . £2.025: Collar, five. tl.Slii: Desmond, five. £1.Kl:f r.s.: Laveno. five. t1.720: Tre-Iennis. one. £1,675; Cyllene. four. tl.«07: Wolfs Crag. ten. £l.."i."i2: Symington, three, itl,o44: St. Frusquin. six. £1.200. Racing in Belgium is threatened with the loss of-mi excellent sportsman in tin- person of M. Ribau-court. tiie Roubaix owner, who trains with Brezc at Znlte. owing to the decision of the stewards at the Ib.itsfoid meeting. As in France, there is a deal of bumping and jostling with the newly imported American s,.-,!. M. Ribaucourt ran two horses in the Irix dArenlK-rg. Ohq sur Mer and Hakon. The latter was out with a pace-making mission, and showed the way. giving up the rails at the distance lo his stable companion. Boston in the colors of M. Mathicui and Fanfan in those of M. Brugmann were close „|,. Fanfan and Boston swerved on to tlakaa. Objections were lodged, and proofs were offered by the stewards that both Hakon and Fnnfan had quitted the ixisitions assigned them at the i onitueiicenient of the race. Hakon. which had simply pulled out to let up his stable companion, was ilenrived of the benefit of second money and was distanced, whilst his companion. Ooq sur Mer. was placed second instead of first, and the race was a warded to Itoston, with Fanfan third. One could IHissiblv understand from the standpoint of the stewards the distancing of Hakon and Coq sur Mer. but it is hard to grasp why one of M. Ribaucourts I, .uses should be pegged back one while his stable companion was distanced for alleged interfering. It is to be honed that M. Ribaucourt. who is very popular, will In- persuaded by his friends to refrain from withdrawing his colors. I . Maker still leads the riders of the year, not only in nereeatage. but in number of winning mounts as well. In fact, he is now so far in advance of his nearest competitor in the latter regard that be is not likely to be soon overtaken. To date the records of the leaders in jockeyship are: It 111 J Mts. 1st. 2d. ::d. Lnp. P. 0. Maker. D 112 M Hi 11 B 2C.7S Saxbv, W K4 18 11 S 52 15. 17 HiggS, W 121 12 13 20 7« !».01 Trigg, c 132 12 M M 88 O.ftt dark, J H 11 B» 1« :s:i 1748 Griggs. William ■» 11 13 M 58 12.22 Fox F 123 11 13 14 85 8,75 Wootton. F 04 Hi 18 5 88 15.82 Grigga, Walter 75 Id 2 lo 53 13.33 .lelliss H 88 !► 5 .» 50 13.04 Plant. J 88 .» 4 8 38 13.«4 Randall, II *0 !♦ 10 5 58 11.25 Fov C 74 S 4 0 50 10.81