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SHELLEY SUCCEEDS MILTON STARTING TROUBLES AT CHURCHILL DOWNS RESULT IN A RESIGNATION. Associate Judge Takes Up Task of Dispatching: Fields and Makes a Promising Beginning — Another Raise in Purses. I.ouis Me, Ky.. M:iy 25. — Interest in todays racing ::l Churchill Downs mainly centered in tin- work ..[ William Shelley, who MM M James Milton as ■In lee al -. 1 1 • i-1 notice, due to tin- hitters resigna-I loll. Keeling that In- was unable to do himself or the public justice on account of tin- walk-up system. .1. in.s Milt. .ii forwarded the following letter las: night to tin- esecatree committee of tin- New Lo-tis lilt- Jockey Club, tendering his resignation: ••Louisville. Ky.. May 24. 1910. "To M. J. Winn. Manager Churchill Downs. Louis-x ill*- Dear Sir: I herewith tender my resignation as starter for tlie New Louisville Jockey Club. 1 am sitisiie.l tliat this course is tine not only to the elttli hut to lli. public and to myself. I have tried hard. hut fortune ami I lie limitations pin upon me hy the rain of :he racing commission have heen against me. I l.eliev a starter sin mid 1m- permitted lo employ the methoN which may achieve the Ix-st results. whether it he with a walk up start, a standing st irt. with or without whips, or whatever t lse may serve to acquit- a go«Ml start. "Early in tin- meeting, you will rememher. I informed you that I could not effect good starts with llw walk-up system, and I tendered iny resignation, hut to oblige on I consented t- continue. I have iloae so. hiii. unfortunately. 1 have had no siteei ss. and I feel that 1 should no louder euiharrass the club. All I can sa is that 1 have done the host I could, and 1 have not wittingly gives anyone either I In- l«st or the Worst of it. ••1 thank you lor jour kind consideration and hope nij Harereaar will iiave better luck thau I. Very truly jours. •James Milton." Later a meeting of the executive committee of the Jockev Cluli was hehl and the resignation of Mr. Milton was accepted. V. 11. Shelley, one of the as-sociate judges, who has had previous experience ill that capacity, assumeil the luties of starter today Mr. Shelle"s work at the harrier. considering the circumstances, was exeelh-nt anil promises success. Mr. Shelley disregarded the state com missions rule regarding the use of whips hy his assistants. His helpers plied the whip when it was necessary to uMitrel a fractious actor or keep him in line. Mr. Slulliv wanted hut little time at the harrier in the different r.-o •■•s. His atari in th - third race, when Intent the quartet of starters off on even terms was lilxrallv apilauded. The scratching of Colloquy. Kings Daughter and Impriuleiit necessitate.! the declaring off of the handicap, originally intemled as the fi-ature. as the lull— require four starters where the added money of the pi-.iM- is .fcmt. A race at tbree-quartera of a mile, lor platers, was substituted for the handicap. Iniprovoil weather brought out the full quota «if race -fliers. The most ini|Kirt ant race on the card was the third, in which only four starters contested. Hanbrhlge was eousidered vastly superior to those ugaged with him. and was installed a UK favorite bj the speculators. He made good in decisive fash ion hy assuming the lead when rolled on and won with much in reserve from Bonnie Hard. Tom II. iy ward landed a distant third and does not appear to Im- in his liest form. Announcement was made today hy Oc— 1 Man- ■ jter M. J. Winn that In-ginning Monday no purse will have a les value than 00 in added nioii-y. Tlie announcement came as a surprise to the horse-nien .iinl the associations action was iimi mended. It is tin- aim of those having charge of the racing here to make Churchill Downs rank with the most nreti lit hum courses in tlie country, and they will from time to time add lihi rally to the stakes and purses. it is the aim to attract the liest horses to tin so parts, and with this in view plans are licing formula te.l for several handicaps, to he run next ■BSMV. on the lilies of the Brooklyn. Suhurhan and Brighton. Starter Shelley strengthened his corps of assistants !iv tin- employment of Tom Drown, who as-Msioii Mars assiily at Juarez last winter. In accordance with a meal announcement, the total limnhcr .if tickets sold on each of the starlets was displaced after each race on a huge hlackhoard. enallinu who desired to do so to compare the cahulatoi-s figures. The number of tickets M.hl at *lo. .•".". and •hB straight, place and show wen ri e ril. d on all tie- starters. J. II. Res|M-ss purchased today the two year-old. Ioi-elii ad. from John Morris for the reported price ■ il ILM, He will run in the interest of his new owner in tomorrows stake race. Iat oDoimell. a hooktnakers clerk, formerly .in lie- employ of Darney S.-hrciber. is ie|Mirled danger oiish ill wii.i pneumonia at a local hospital. William Shelley, who succeeded .lames Milton as ■tartar, am i lie taut lo accept the position and did so only alter repeated urging on the part of the direi tor . After her ih-feat ill the opening race. Star Venus, which tinisli.-.l thinl. was claimed for MM l,y K. Speuee. owner ol Yankee Pooh. Mac ol the Sr, straight pari-iiiutiie I machines has heen i -hanged M a ih-viee. thus reducing the machines in aaeratiaa to three and Increasing the sl: ■ ices to tWo. K. K. Bradl. | w ill go to I.lh- Hour Farm Saturday to rest a few days In-fore the I.atonia meeting. The Draiihi siring will he to tin- Ki •unit! trark as sum as tin- nie.ting dam at i i. :r hill ihiaraa. This will |«. tie tirst season for Mr Dia.ll.v .il I.atonia. Bd Trotter will ship ta Fort at tin MM of racing here.