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1 JACK ATKIN IS UNLUCKY SCHREIBER SPRINTER LOSES RACE IN WHICH HE SHOWS HIS SUPERIORITY. Fails to Get Away from the Post with His Opponents and Finishes Second at Woodbine — Detective Takes Liverpool Cup. Toronto. Ont.. May 25. — Barney Schreiliers great sprinter. Jack Atkiu. has come to be one of the most unfortunate horses on the turf. He has lieen beaten in several of his starts of late as a result of poor luck at the harrier. Today he again met defeat in a race which he would unquestionably have won with an equal break. Jack Atkin was meeting a hand of good sprinters in the Prince of Wales Handicap, the feature race of the program offered at Woodbine this afternoon. He was ridden by W. II. Walkt r. carried ISS ihiuimIs. and was a heavilv-backed favorite. The start found Jack Atkin standing tlat-f.Hited. and he was virtually left at the post. John GriHin II. . off in a forward position, dash.-d lo the front and opened up an easy lead, showing extreme s|ieed in going the first quarter in 23 and the half In 46*. This was a terrific clip, considering the condition of the track. In the meantime Jack Atkin was lumlM-ring along in the rear, and not until rounding the far turn did he ln-iu to improve his position. Entering the homestretch jockey Walker took him to the out-ide and he closed with a great hurst of speed, gaining on the leader with every stride. Considering the disadvantage that he suffered at the start Jack Atkins effort was really a wonderful one. The condensed history of the Prince of Wales Handicap is as follows: Vear. Winner. A. Wt. Jockev. Val. Time. 1007 Tongorder 5 114 Nicol ,015 1 134; 1008 Jub. Juggins... 3 .86 Quarrington. MS 1:131 V.XI9 Lady Irma 3 KfT Rettig LSM 1:134 DUO John Griffin II.S 117 Musgrave .. 1.200 1:14" There were two other stake events on the card, the Coronation Stakes, which called for Canadian-bred twii-year-ohls. and the LiverK ol Cup. .-ailing for Canadian-owned three-year-olds and upward. Jockey D. McCarthy, a Toronto lad. rode the winner in each of these races. The former proved an easy tiling for Satin Bower, which made a runaway affair of the race, while the Liverpool tup furnished a splendid contest, in which the Meddler colt. Detective, under 131 jiounds. got up in the last few strides to win going away by a length. Don Antonio, recently purchased at a stiff figure by R. J. Mackenzie, was second and Busy third. Former jockey Edward Snapper Garrison came on from New York to see his filly. Miss Popular, run in the sixth race, and he had the satisfaction of seeing h.-r win from Clem Beaehey after a stirring1 stretch drive, in which she showed to advantage. The full list of the officials for the current meeting of the Ontario Jockey Club is as follows: Stewards — Maj. William Hendrie. Thomas Clyde and Henry O. Tallmadge. Judges —Francis Nelson. J. J. Burke and Dr. D. King Smith. Starter— A. B. Dade. H anal capper — Joseph J. Burke: assistant, A. L. Ilassard Short. Clerk of the Scabs— F. W. Gerhardv. Timers— Charles Boyle. R. W. Davies and J. C. Palmer. Paddock Jttdgi — F. Elmore. Patml Judgi — W. A. Hewitt. Chrk of the Course — W. P. Eraser. R. T. Wilson. Jr.s Reaponsfnl, Dorchester, Fort Worth and Limpid: W. Hogans Gild. Ijottie Hay aml St. Aubyn, and Hal Hill MeLennaus Agent. Minto. Tappington. Brendan and Henley are among the recent arrivals.