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MONTREAL PROGRAM BOOK ISSUED. Montr .-al. Que.. Mav 2.".. Tlie iKH.k for the spring in.-. I in- ..f the Montreal J. ..key Club from Saturday. laae 4. to Batarday, June li. at Blue Rounds, has in:!. I.- its a pp. araiice. I!..- b-nik ibis season is leafrril oa generally ay bareeaaea as the beat ihat bas .v.-r been coatpUed by tliis club. It is most lilwral in the way of handicaps, some of which have .*7 io in added money, while others have ?f,m. Tin-re are nlv four 1 1 ■ I anadian bred horses out of tie for-v-nine to be rim at the meeting. The tu . rear-otda have Imh-ii well looked after, as tea raeca at this deaeriarJea are baahad. There will be ■ si, .-pi. .-base every afternoon, the majority of llniii v.rth ki. Thai then all he plenty f racing material is shown by the following applications which bae beea received for ■tabling: Charles Howlaad, v W. Garth, 2 »: F. J. Pons. l»i: W. C WUaoa. -".: Thomas Clyde. ::..: W. 11 .gan. 12; W. :. Kin- •Dedde. 4: .lames McLaughlin, 12: D. Cornell. ::: A Gamaa, 7: C A. Crew, 5: E. George. 7: P. J. Mil. a i. W. Shields. 12: S. Ivouis. 7: James Hewitt. 7- MHal.e A. Penny, 7: J. II. Lamb. S: Courtland H Smith. 7: C. De Witt. 12: P. M. Wetter, 5: Aaaaa Turn. v. IS: R. D. Williams. 12: Woodstock Stable 12: Geerae Ri.hings. ::: Walter House. 5; R. I.. Thomas. I".: N. Bay, 7: G. H. Madman, ."i: ,. . ■ far. I; I. H. Do.uie. 7: C. C. Hall. 7: B .1 klacfcensie, 12: Valley Farm Stable. 14: J. B Seagram. 10: M.nle Nicoll. 7: M. C. Prit.har.l. 7: P. J. Mab-ne. "•: Dvnniit If hie. 12.