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MAKES IT FOUR STRAIGHT KINGS DAUGHTER AGAIN SUCCESSFULLY CONCEDES CHUNKS OF WEIGHT. T. C. McDowells Great Mare Scores the Thirty-Fourth Victory of Her Career and Her Owner Changes His Plans for the Summer. Louisville. Ky.. May 27. — T. C. McIhnIM consistent mare, kings Daughter, gave additional evidence of her higu class when she successfully made great weight concosions to all the other starters in the u,il. lin n.Ii. n it whiej. fl mtmn 4 todays card at Churchill Ifc-niis. It marked her fourth consecutive ietor.v this Mar. and Wrought her total numl er of succcs-ses .luring her six seasons on tin- turf to thirty four. In todays race she thoroughly demon stratod her su|K-riorily to any raeer in this section by forcing lit r own pan and winning as her rider phased. Her racing record is now as follows: Year. Age. Sts. 1st. ML ML Cup. Won. 9MS 2 v.: r. r, n :: | and2M M§§ :: 11 ■ i i r, 7..10.1 Nfff 4 it; :: 4 l s loos .". i :: :t 4 i u 4.2-_ :: MM t; 17 s 2 2 .1 7.N.1.1 MM 7 4 4 t» 0 o 2.750 Totals fii s4 M 13 5 ::o BJH In todays race the speedy Meadow finished second to Mr. McDowells great mare, and Haudzaretta letl the remainder ttf the field to the finish. The other ran-s today were so framed that horses of itrdiuary |iiality wen- engaged, hut the simrt they furnished was satisfying. Starter Shelleys work at the hairier represented a vast improvement over that of yesterday, due primarily to his use of the standing start. ■ . II. Fixers Dm pa furnished the main surprise of the afternoon hy leading home a smart hand of youngsters in the second race ami netting Jut hackers handsome returns. lima. 4 ihn Carroll ami Oolconda were favorites that failed during the afternoon. The last named was hacked stoutly, hut was never a serious contender. The racers owned hy W. E. Applega-fo and W. D. Y.itike were shipped tonight to Sheepshead Bay for a campaign on the eastern tracks during the summer. Colon.l Applcgate expressed a Itellef that the New York racing situation is not as serious as it MM-1IIS. Boca Orande. reported to have broken down yesterday, was not as seriously affected as at first sup|tosed. and his owner stated today that he would probably auain tie a starter before the close of the present meeting. The horses in Lon Johnsons stable will shortly be disponed of by auction. They include Tom liavward and All Red. Throe I.atoiiia Derby candidates were given workouts this morning as follows: Joe Morris, mile in 1:43s: John Furlmg. mile in 1:50. ami Besia Boola mile under hard restraint in 2:00. Col. M. J. Winn, general manager of the Churchill Downs. Juarez ami Empire City tracks, when asked regarding the future plans of the latter track, stated that he was not sufficiently in touch with the New-York situation to make a |Kisitive statement, anil until the recently-passed bills were clearly defined 1m- could not express an opinion as to the future of the sjMtrt in the metropolis. He is convinced, however, that all the New York tracks will go along in their usual way this season, as none of the hills passed will go into effect Itefore September 1. •Sentiment for racing is too strong in New York." saitl Mr. Winn, and to my way of thinking the public there will not permit it to be wipe*] out entirely. Km pi re City track will tlo its share to keep the apart alive until things change for the better." Jockey A. Walsh was Itadlv kicked on his return tit the scales in the second race by Koschurg III., but plnckily took the mount m Hugh McOowau in the next race. The participants in the race for the Centlemens Cup tomorrow will be as follows: Hoist. Uider. Wt. Ornamosa Mr. Jtcrt E. Collvcr. . .145 Prince Ingoidshy Mr. It. W. Keene 138 Automatic Mr. Cud Boeder 147 Adder Mr. R. Mobbs 147 Dander Mr. It. W. Iearce l.lo Dario Mr. M. J. Karris 1.VI Captain Keiineilv Mr. A. S. White Ml lied Hussar Mr. J. II. Bear Ml Countermand Mr. A. Dinkelspiel Lit; T. C. McDowell lias announced a change of plans. and will ship his entire string of racers to l.aloiiia Instead ttf to New York, as he had at first intended.