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S _ _ |t , I . 7. - " - I - - . . - I : - i FINE FIELD FOR LAT0NIA DERBY. Donau. Joe Morris and Boola Boola Among Those , Pointing for Next Important Western Fixture. Cincinnati. 1., May 28. The Lalonia Derby, down 1 for decision oil Monday. J ,. is u,,- nel great t wesiern race in which inl.-iest .enters. It. as usual. . ihis s.-asou f.-atures the opening day of the sum-t in-r meeiiii- of the Latoaia Jockey Club, and will I undoubtedly contribute to the succesaral launching ; ot a in cUag of exeellcat character over tin- course ■ dependent oa Cincinnati for its principal rapport. Since Hi. passing of the American Derby the Latoaia 1 race has been the only counterpart in this section of the great English .lassie after which all su.-h events 1 are fashioned. Since isiic the Kentucky Derby has 1 been run al a Quarter of a mil,- less ilian the mile ■ and a half regulation Darby course, hut the latoaia Derby is still run over Ihe mile and a half route. The latoaia Derby has ■ history rnaalng back to ivs::. when the beautiful track aeatllag in the hills of K.-nlon County was lirst laid out. It was inau- gnrated as the Hindoo Stakes and was run as .--uch until lss7. Leonataa was its Brat winner, and among its succeeding victors are manv turf luuii-iiari.s. Anions this years eligiMea are soim- that seem capable of upholding Ihe traditions ,,f the race. The probable starters, with their weights and Jack-eys. are as follows: Horse. Own.r. Jockey. wt. Doaan W. Gerst Herbert 127 Sager It. Schreiber V. PaareH 122 Boola Boola I. N. Camden. ..C. Oraiul 117 Joe Morris K. ft Anderson. T. ltice 117 iallant lirate. ...I. it. Wawright.Kennedy 114 Cbiiulia S. K. Hughe*. . .T. Koern.-r. . . . 112 loan Pal long J. P. Rogers K. Martin 112 Loyal Report W. L". Nunn Hill 112 This is a field sure to be productive of a great contest. Donaua victory al a mil.- at Churchill Downs last Thursday under weight within the pounds of his Impost in ihe Latoaia .vent his strengthened confidence in him. Donau s only defeats this season have Im-ch in all au.-il races. UpoB the i.isi occasion when beaten in- abowed had beha-rhw ai the poet. The weight that William Gents greal is asked to COawdti to Joe Morris and Boola Boola. however, makes the Latoaia Derby one of tin- most OPea events of its kind in vears. In their Kentucky Derby showiag either of these has a splendid chance of defeating the son of Wools Ihoij..- over the attic and a half Derby route. Neither has raced since the Louisville event, which would seem to indicate that their trainers are tak in:.- 110 chances of losing their weight allowances in the Latoaia fixture. Both arc tniniag splendidly at LontsvUie. Thai al Latoaia then will be ■ continual ion of tin- success that has attended all the raeiiij.- in Kentucky this season is the belief of all turf folk, Including such substantial patrons as T. C. McDow-. cj|. k. R. Bradley ami naateroas others, whs bare si-niiied th.-ir Intentions of shipping to the Milldalc track at the close of the Churchill Dow lis meeting. In view of the success of the Lexington sseetlng and the remarkahle prosperity now prevaQing at Churchill Downs, the Lalonia sseetlng is likely to he the most -iKc.ssful iii a laag period or years. The unit 11. 1 system of betting is gr*wt*C .liiilv in favor at Churchill Downs an.l will be popular at Latoaia. Once before the system was operated at the Latoaia course, but did not prove the success expected. Conditions were then different and the s - following that has made the Lexington and Churchill Downs meetings successful will patronize the K BtOS County traek. Pnt tile cominjr week many stables will be shipped her.- from Louisville. They will lx- the ad- ranee guard, for the real exodus of horsemen and th.-ir charges will not begin until Saturday, ahes several special trains will transfer them. Secretary Magians estimate that i. np horses will be quartered al the track and in its vicinity may he exceeded, as many who had contemplated shippinj; to New York have changed their plans and are coming here. With a view to ivini; patrons of the sport clean and wholesome raeitr_- the management lias exerted every effort to secure officials who will supervise Vigilantly and ballet prompt punishment for anv deviation from the racing rules. The Lalonia inana-,.-ment has also installed several innovations that will meet with popular approval. The employment Of a veterinarian as paddock Judge is considered a move in the rkrhl direction. Inconsistent ruaniag of horses will not be tolerated and offenders will be asked to vacate. There wli: be a strict rule that not over fourteen horses will lie allowed to start in any one race, excepting in stakes-. Should there b - an exCCM of entries to anv race the first fourteen drawn will make up the ti.l.l. Daring the first two weeks no entrance money will In- charged, but should it he found ■eeesssry thereafter to rartall the pwleisaas entry of horses aa eul ranee fee of 0 will Ik- the rule. The entrance money will in all cases ;.• . to the winner. The present perfected syateai of asatacl lM-ttiim will dispense With delays that attended former at tempts at making the inutu.-l system a success at Latoaia. On Derby day sixteen machines will Im- in use. They will l»- for tickets of 85 and .*K» denominations. After Derby day the -Mil machines will be discontinued an.l ones substituted. The miiliiels will he reinforced by auction pooling an.l the 11111I11, ■! combination form of speculation. i: ui: n- Blrod, who will have char-e .,r the bettinu iiu;.. will brin a bi- force of assistants with him for the opening, and will have everything in working ord-r. To facilitate the pay lag off of whining tiek.-ts after each race a force ef Iftees paying tell era Will be employed.