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, 1 t . I ; ■ 1 1 1 ■ STAKE RACING OF THE PRESENT WEEK. N.-w York rarJag shifts this week from Reltnont Park to the more easily accessible Gravesead track. In ana. la ra.-in-, will continue over Monday and raesdsy al Tsraato and then then will Ik- a break 111 the contlnnltj of lh, sport until it is resumed at Montreal next Saturday, June 4. The LoaisvIUs sseethaf will continue tlir.uih the week, easssssj to an end with Ha turdays r-icinir. Tin- Belmont Park aseeUng ends tomorrow with the National Stalli.,11 Race, Grand National Steepleehass and li.-hiioiii Stakes as th. star featUTM of tile day. They arc asacrihed risewheM in this issue. For Use tirst day of the lirooklyu Jockey Clubs meeting at Gravesead Ihe stake races are the Criterion Stakes, for twoyear-ol.l tillies. and the always popular Brooklyn Handicap for three-year-olds ami over, at a mile an.l a quarter. The Criterion has seventy-two eOgibles, with public form in-st ream sented by Madcap. Golden Hand, Horizon. Housemaid, i.uia. Nightfall, Golden Agnes, Baahti, Picks- ninny, Anna ass,-. Isabel Cassc. Maid. Riuda and ladora. The Brooklyn Handicap is one of the great-eat annual events of the American turf and will prohahjy ha eoatested bv siicli cracks as Fitz H.-r-bert, Kins -Klines. Maskette. Hilarious. Priscillisn, Olambsla, Diana Ken, Waldo. Fashion Plate, Rocky OBrien, Glue one, Prbaee baperlal, Sandrian. ■ Pulk 1 and other tteei and staying horses. The Kensington Steeplechase, at about iv... mii.-s. and the Gasette Stakes, for Ihree-yesr-old tilli.-s at a mile and a sixteenth, will Ih- run Wednesday. Tliistledale, Kutus. Ranyali. Cabochon, Kara. Grandpa and Black Bridge are the pick of the Kensington eligibles and S-h,.,l-marm. Sticker. Turf Star. Ocean Round. Ethel D.. loiis. S.. CherryoU, Infatuation. Indian Maid. M*X-o.ina and kSjaler are best in the Oazelle. Tin- stake ra.e for Thursday is the Expectation. for two-year-olds, si five-eighths of a mile, with Footprint, Babbler. Aldlvla. The Rascal. Royal Bagle, Stir ORysn, Novelty, Textile. Towtoa Field. S. th. Danger Mark, Anna Casse, Maid, tndora, Naiishou and Amalli prominent in its entrv list. it is of the guaranteed value ef 83,580 anil well worth a I— It. The Broadway stakes, fat three-rear-elds, al a mil-- and a sixteenth, will lie run Friday. Ir has Charlie HsTgrsve. Starhottle. Martinez. Rarleythorpe. Waldo. Iulka. Dalmatian. Sweep, Grasasere. S.arpia. Rocky oRi-i.-n. Pretead. Sandrian. Sager, The Turk. Can.ileficrrv and Irin.e Imperial iu its list of nominations and presents an opportunity for a reniarkaldv interesting race The Greater New York Steeplechase, the Maul .inset stakes, for two-year-olds, and the Parkway Handicap, for three y carol, Is and over, will be decided Saturday. Most of the :-o i jumpers of the day are in Ihe GrMter Neat York. Hawlev. Footprint. lh- Kascal. Royal Eagle. Housemaid. Miss Nrtt. Archduke, Nightfall, star ORyan, Towtoa Field. Seth, Danger Mark. Pluvious. Anna Casse. Maid aad A n tenor are a ng llie nominations to the Manhanset and the Parkway presents an opportunity for lris-eillian. Sir John Johnson. Alfred Noble, king James, Bestlgouche, Firestone, Dalmatian, Rallot. Hflarieus, Maskette. Rocky OBrien. Fitz Herbert, Pretend, .lii.ose. Nimbus. Jack Alkin. The Turk and other swift ones. Altogether it is a very captivating program. Al Toronio the Maple Leal Stakes will be rnn « I«y, the names of its probable ciiteslants being arint.-.l today. The $.3,000 Toronto Cup. Street Rail way Steeplechase and the William Hendrie Memorial Handicap will be the stake races of Tuesday. N-xt to the Kings Plate, the Toronto Cup is the most important race of the meeting and among its nominations an- Much excellent race horses as Dalhonsie, Plandmore, Countless, King James. Restigoache. Dalmatian. Sotemia. Amelia Jenks. R.-yhouni. Jack At-kin. Nealon. Riuiv.s. l.oiiquet. Polls. Light Woo! Ilu-o Cook. Parmer and Detective. Last vear Sim llil.lreth s.-nt King James to Toronto and won the up with him. He intends to trv for it again this vear. The Street Railway has a Mg ,-ntrv of" -cod lumpers. The William Hendrie Memorial is for Canadian-bred three-year-asss aad aver, with Meadip, .-in Maid. Frolic. Foil Parry. Seismic. Jane Shore, Glimmer. Parmer and Shimonesc appearing best ol its nominations. At Louisville the closed stake races of the week an- the Louisville Handicap and the Keatacky oaks. The Louisville Handicap will be run Thursday it :s at three -quarters of a mile with such rani. I go, rs as Plakola. Mettle Bereaad, Milton R.. Ethel D, Parkview. Eye White. Early Tide Doaaa Colhaary 1 herrrola. Damtv Dam.-. Crystal Maid Merrick Berwick. Centre shot. Men Double. T. M Green 1hil Mohr. Wini-rgreeii. Sponner. Dr. Waldo Brbrgs and Ihe lad among the fifty-foar eligible to start. Ihe Kentucky Oaks is of doubtful aspect this vear with no idly standing out pr inentlv. Inralirr s.. Lottie l reed, Placi.le. La Toapee. BlSI UIS I, Foursome Pel-laret. Foxy Mary. Relic Plem. Imprudent. SvL.-stris and rerun seem likely to furnish the starters. The Montreal meeting opens Saturday Willi the Windsor Hotel Pup. for ihi -year-oMs and aver, at a mile and an eighth, as its chief feature Sou Dal liousle, Dixie Knight, chief Kee, Countless Detroit Lady Esther. Busy. Arondacfc, Font. Fnltill. Jack Atkln. B net. Seismic Polls. Thco P.M k Parmer and Detective are best in this and a capital contest is in prospect.