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Oakland Entries and Past Performances for Monday, May 30 WEATHER CLEAR. TRACK FAST. OAKLAND ENTRIES. Racing -farts at 1 :4 p. m. Chicago time. .*;:4 ». ■ Rhus well in mud. ©Sup* rior uumI runner. . M maiden. * Apprentice allowance. First Race — Futurity Course. 17« feet less than .! 4 mile. .1 year Jds and upward. Sidling. tlraek i -coi 1: 71M7 1:4181 t tw. IimI. Horse. vt. R - -. A. Wl. Hqk N»77.".| Waner 112 1:1 » 4 . . 14«U . . X*JM W775 Milpitas 117 1:10? •..MC..X4K s!a;71- Seivicen.M- 112 l:«lj 4. . 1 1S. . ©tHWi S!MR«: .Sainest 4 . . Ktt. . X *C v.t7:- BHruiiig Bush . . . .11.3 1:10J »",. . HKi. . y .so WKW1 s.iivase io: i:Mg s. . Ha;. . ©t;7r, W7ZS1 Ingliam 107 1:12!! C... 10.1. . X 070 S!*74 ; La Petite M 1 : 1 0 is ::. . S!..xt»i.5 V.!7 Siscns BMi 1:11? 3..*MB..X«H Vm;71 Arthur IDinaii ...10! 1:11 %. .1 11 . . X4KS HKEZ21 Coinburv 104 l:Mf tj..B.i i.5.5 S9PJ8 Lady Rensselaer. . .104 1:124 4 ..!!.. X 135 Second Race— 1 Mile. T! year olds and upward. St-IIiug. I I rack Hllll: 1lo4 — 1 :: SJs -4— !♦.".. I r.S72 H Rov Junior 4 107..X725 S!747i Good Ship :;.. X.5..X720 WTO Aks Ar Ben. 110 1 :.:!« 4..110..XJ45 80720 Clennadeane 8S 1:423 :,.. B3..XT13 «74! Biased ... !»;.. x7B W771 Aitermath 107 1 :40J i. .111 . . X710 S5SOO Captain Burnett ..11:5 1:40 7..111..X705 Third Race — 3-4 Mile. .S-year-olds and upward. Handicap. Track record: 7X2SU— 1 : 1 1 • — :— no. i SHTZI* Goldnun IIS 1:111 5. .111 750 NMM4* Daddy ;ip B4 I:1HJ ::. . !M;..x745 s«i74si Lewiston 100 1:12= :...!.-, ©740 «*!i72." Bit of Ymttmme !Xi i:i2S :: !2 X7X5 S5HJ57 CkHMlligbt 98 1:13g 8. .llo. .07. | Ind. Horse. Wt. Rec. A. WL Hdcp. MP Key Hindoo llo 1:14 5. . 107. . X725 Fourth Race — 1 1-8 Miles. .!-year-olds and upward. Hamlicap. Track record: 7202!»— 1 :51 -:— HK». SII74S- BlBBLINt; WATKR 4. .1 17. . ©750 V7!! liblie Unary "... !H. .©745 S540«l Raleigh KM| S. .IOS. . X 745 ma/a MricaUr 112 1 :52 7 . . 1 12 . . X 7.!.5 BM3» 1-c.llie L HO l:Si* 5. . 102. . x7.".o 80720 Rov Junior I.. !2..X7:H S!G5i Whidden 10.5 l:Si» S. .*.:;.. ©725 Fifth Race— 1 1-4 Miles. 4 veal -olds and uiiward. Seiilng. Track record: 7HKS1 — 2:05! -« ioo. S!771-*Coll ert H 2:0S S. . !2..X700 S!747- Spring Ban M 2:074 7. . loo. . xie»S S 771 Trocha 4. . lo:t. . X0!0 M771 Coppers 100 2:081 5. . 107. . X4W3 tmtjm* oaiiny UK 2.074 7..102. . xP o S!747 Dinhess of Moute- bello 104 2:14 «. . MB. . X075 « 7:: J. C. Clem 1112:07 7. .107. . X 70 «747 Mike Jordan Ml SMI 0..102 0m Sixth Race— 1 Mile. .".-year olds and upwanl. Selling. Track record: MMH ITSI i Ml S!721- Kais..|lioff Ill l::Hj! «. . 11 1 . . x 725 50771 Dovalta 107 1:44s 5. . 103. . X720 N!I74«J Jalcne Gale .1.. M..XT1S X7!Mi- Anipedo ». . 114. . X715 8 t74!: S|M- ial Deliverv ..107 1:43 5. . MB. . X715 RSXttO* Collector Jessnp ...113 1 :4:i !. . 10S. . X71 50772 Matchtulla 4..1O1..X700 Sfl770 Phillistina 4.. !K..©7CO 80800 Orilene T..M8..X4BB S!725 I»uis StreirlM-r ... 4. .101 . . xttVO Tlie figures under "Rec. In alurvi entries show the iK-st time made by the borse at the distance, with weight carried, since January 1. 1!MR. This time is not necessarily made by a winner. It may Ik- the estimated time of a losing performance.