untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1910-06-01


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Governor Gray, 11-10, Won was yesterdays OCCASIONAL. oil ue losing money every day you are holding oil your subscription on ibis service. Mere is our record since we resumed it: Mav 4— ESCHAU 5 2 WON May 6— TIM PIPPIN 4-1 WON May 12— DENVER GIRL 3-2 3RD May 14— TAMES MC 6-1 3RD May 19— AL MULLER 8-1 WON May 21— GRASMF.RE 8-5 3RD May 27— ORIENTAL PEARL 14-5 WON May 31— GOVERNOR GRAY 11-10 WON Tli. do not come .very day. but only about two or three a week. .00 FOR FIVE WIRES. Yesterdays One-Horse Daily won. No One-Horse Daily M lay. Mondays Form Special ran second. Vest. n|a. g Parlay won. WEDNESDAYS FORM SPECIAL: Red Tuesday 99-38-27 57-58-42-54-43. The Turf Reporter Room 312. 59 Dearborn Street. Chicago. III. BLACKFORD, 6-5, WON was yesterdays One-Horse Wire. TODAY S FORM SPECIAL: Ohio. Magnet. Market. Hawk. .00 X SPECIAL GOES BETWEEN JUNE 4 and 8. Snd in your subscription now. National Racing Review, Chicago SPECIAL GOES between June 2 and 4. If this on.- does not win. yim ft our in -M S|...i.il FREE. Get Your Subset iptions in at Once. LOWtfN... 9-10 WON WAS YESTERDAY S FORM SPECIAL. Three winners and 2 s ids out « last ti • • sl.nl. i . WEDNESDAY S FORM SPECIAL: 524 in Book 159. GOING SOME for 25 CENTS PER WEEK. Nolliin like M . BLUE BOOK, it i, the STANDARD. New Book Out Today STARPORT . . 5-1 2ND was yesterdays Daily Wire. .00 FOR SIX DAYS. Code Occasional: Gravesend. M.chursn -Game Mink Ate. The Standard Turf Guide Boom 211, 59 Dearborn Street, Chicago. 111.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1910s/drf1910060101/drf1910060101_6_7
Local Identifier: drf1910060101_6_7
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800