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WILLIAM MURRAY TO START AT LAT0NIA. Louisville. Kv.. June 1. -General Manager John j Hachmeister announced tonight the appointment of William Murray as starter darlnr, the romiac La-tonia J meeiing. "Since ihe local resignation of. Jane* Milton the Lalonta officials hare been in a qiiandarv i to fill the posiion. There was a reluctance on the 1 part of starter* lo tackle the fob, with the Ken tacky Slale Rating Commissions rule providing for a w.ilk-up start and no whips for assistants iu force. The l.atonia officials were in iiiininiinicalion with nearly all the prominent available timber, but nolle eared tor the position sate Mr. Murray, who baa « had plenty of experience with the barrier and is « expected lo make Mod. The appointment of George • Lindeuburger as official tinier was also anuouueed. .