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MANY COMING TO LATONIA KENTUCKY MEETING ATTRACTING HORSEMEN FROM OTHER RACING CENTERS. Jockey Glasncr Falls While Riding Tritoma and Is to Hospital in Unconscious Condition — Jockey Scoville Rides Three Winners. Cincinnati. O.. June S. Todays racing at Latonia was marred by •■"I accident that occurred during tin-hearth nee when George Glasner. riding Tritoma. Ill an i was wveiely injured. The mishap occurred Juki as the twelve two year-olds making up the field ■rcre scrambling for positions prior lo rounding l lie hist turn. Tritoma was lieu well up with the leaders. Inn made a sueleh u swerve anil fell. In the general mivup that followed, many of the horses engaged suffered. Glasner was thrown heavily and • mii of Hie lenses coining from lichiml struek him a sharp Plow sliuhtly share the left rye. cutting a .uash aeartj an inch long, lie was carried to the jockeys ipiartiis in a semi conscious condition for trealmein and later rushed with all ■Md to i nearby hospital. At a late hour he was still unconscious inn 1 1 ■ « - doctors expressed hope t ,,at In- injury mU not prove serious. Ordinary fields again furnished the racing, hut there was a surprisingly targe attendance. A liberal sprinkling «1 surprises during the afternoon enabled those with a ] ■ -ln-lia n t for playing long-priced ones to reap tin- hem-tit. Aspirin was tin- chief surprise and paid his hackers at a ratio of over 41 to 1. lie scored in a sen sational manner in the las; stride over Pal. which recently ana restored to yr. « 1 standing by the Ken lucky Stale Bacpig Commission. Jockey SV .villis gno l riding was a feature of the afternoon. The Bradley rider inaugurated a series • •f suci-esse- wiieii he landed rundanicnlal a handy winner in the second. He followed it up by winning with Oriental Pearl in the fourth and wound lift the Way astride Third Kail in the closing dash. This race brought out the best starters of the afternoon and furnished ih, iiieilium for heavy speculation. Molesey . which recentlj U-cuiie the property of K. S|m-ii ■. showed ■ surprisingly improved performance ;.s compared with his last previous start at I ouis-ville and «;i- pressing the winner closely near the end. Ihm Diaz showed sudden improvement when he ■ ■ I !• !■ loin to a hard drive to land the purse in the third race. Jo* key Ausuii. who n injured hy ■ fall from John Furlong at Louisville, resumed riding today. Wayne Joplin si livid today from Churchill Dvaw nud re|Mirted that the good lillv. Parkview, was not expected to live She took sick soon after her last start and has gradually grown worse. J. S. Hawkins arrived today from Ixxingtou with several in rata, including l.otta Creed. T. C. McDowell was iiotiticd today of the death of ;. rewrite! colt l,v Allan -a-Date— Peg Woitington which he regarded highh. P. .1. Mile- got in with four horses from Baltimore. I George Kiotos consignment of ten horses, including Nimliis. M Gal and others, was shi|iped here toiiigh" fioiu New York. .Tame- Critliu telegraphed thai he- would ship Czar here t unorrou to join l!:e rest of his horses now hates a ill pa ig nod a I tin track. N. K. cairn lodav with several horses that had tea raced at Inmate, Mefceys Koornor and Bate "ere each lined hy the starter for di KObedlenee at the jhis! and for a similar ofleusc K. Martin was suspended for three day-. Tom Toobey. one of the disappointments of the afternoon, ran in handages and will he retpiired to earn tie mum c.piipnicut while racing here unless special permission is obtained from the judges to dispense with them. Trainer GcSTge Ham. who lia- Penan and H:in-Ini.ige in charge, announced today that he had • hanged hi- plana for -hipping tboae cracks to Hamilton, and thai he would keep the Ge-rst Holle rtaaat intact here during ihe Latonia Metteg.