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NOTES OF THE TURF. Turrets trouble is a bowing of both front tendons. Ban Bidge race track at Kansas City is to be converted into a motordrome. Catherine Van. a promising jumping prospect, is down with pneumonia in the east. T. V. OBriens go hI eolt. Pluvious, has been showing soreness since his last start. Lose Queens lameness following her last start was due to the grabbing of her ana iter. .lockey J. Bergen, who is under contract to tee Marrone. has been granted a probationary license in tile east. C. I.. Harrisons Waldo is again galloping in the east, but has no| entirely recovered from Ihe effects of the operation on his foot necessitated by the mishap that befell him while in preparation for the Kentucky Derby. JocUcv Langan. who was killed at Cravesend last week bv a fall during the running of a race, was buried in the colors of his employer. B. K. Carman. Most of the jockeys who are riding on the Long Island tracks attended the funeral obsequies. Samaria, winner of the thirty-sixth renewal of the Kentucky Oaks, was bred by Talbot Bros., in Bear-boa Countv. Kentucky, who have figured no little in Kenluckv Oaks history. They won the race with Miss Hawkins in 11*01 and again in MM with Waiu-auioincn. 1iesidetit 1. J. Dwyer of the Brooklyn Jockey Clan savs the time is not far distant when he will sell the Graveeead Hack for real estate purposes and race exclusively at Aqueduct, which is a far better course and more napntel than the old plant in John K. Madden has sold the Orlando two-year-old. Planter, to Bat Dunne for . «K . Mr. Dunnes -table this year is not strong numerically, but he has a fleet lillv in Crash, a filly by McCee. one of the horses Kdward Corrigau ini|sjrted to this country from Engtend. Trainer Henry Craven has arrived at Shecpshead Bay from Pimlico with live horses, the property of W. Astor hauler and Henry Harrison. Colonel Neville. Captain Ca-satt. Wclken and a couple of two-vear-olds made up the shipment. "Banter" Davidson will ride the jumpers. Horses owned bv John K. Madden. F. B. Hitch rack. II. M. Ziegbr. Karl limit II. .lames CatTrey. Vi".ust Belmont. Newcastle Stable and Silver Break larm will make no tin -ale list for Saturday at the Cravesend paddock. Whin. Lula. Wise Mason. He.tagon and Calvinist are among the lot. The Conev Island lot key Club is making the usual • lab, rate preparation for the opening of its spring neeling. the grandstand has been repainted and the score of minor details incident to racing on the beautiful Sheepsbead Bay course are receiving the attention of Superintendent Frank T. Clarke. The mile training and main course are in excellent condition. While tin cushion is light, thus insuring fast time, it i- ot suttieieiit depth to be safe.