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ANSWERS TO 0UERIES. II. ;. S.. Chicairo. The parlay wi, a- a sir. light single bet on Bighteasy. J. K. s.. Chhenga. The parte] on Bighteasy and Klhni was a draw as to the latter and Won as a single bet on Blghtens] • I. A. .. Chicago. I.i-l year Haiibridgc ran in thirtj races and was hr-t in ntee. second in liftcei.. thud in four, and unplaced in two. .1. K. K.. Chicago. Th" place net on Gmsntere w.i- I draw, neither party having an race other than Ihe first in contemplation. C. K.. Jr Cincinnati, o. Tin- parlav was void a-to EUerd and stood on the other two. it being Baler and not Kih nl thai was entered. .1 I! Chfenga. It hi evident the parlav was made "ii Hill Top in tin- fourth race and Bob K in the PI,!., which teems In leave it a single winning bet on Bighteasy. I. B.. Pittatemt Pn. Tier., not having been enough "rowing" from Bin Grande to execute the I., t on Big Stick, the transaction ended when Bio Grande ara* beaten. L. is. i- righi . .1. K. K . hi. i- YVaponooa lan -• c end May ".::. not May 24. lb was dul. entered «nd his name was in th. . ntiy li-t a- published in Daily Bacing loini. It w is not a substituted race- and the bet lost. T. II. s . st Louis. Mo. People attending Ihe l.n a- in.iiiv place ami show tickets as tbej pica-- and i: i- lb.- sales of the ticket* Ilia! determines Ihe prk-es paid in the waj of dividends on th.- mntaels. There is no .ubiliaix assignment ol nrtcm as iu hooktnakiuj:. W. H. K.. Milwaukee.. Wis. The- wager on 17 1! ••nl was oiel. It was Cider and nol F.lhrd thai was entered and the- bcUinakirs contention is foolish. Klder ami iOlh-icl are dlfTerenl horses and a net an one cannot he coii-l 1 into a aet mi the other. Q ge c. Ohiengn. it docs not mean lengths. but the numerical order away from the po-t at the stau. It might only be heads apart. You must assume that it was practically an even start unless .-.on have Information to the contrary and make your estimate on that basis. Uoie. Si. i.ouis. Mo. The lnon v hit over from the St. Heels scratch went on Oswald B. and the bet should be paid. This is on the assumption thaC mooei di the ci. ail.- Green bet wa- paid irhea the bet Wa- made-