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REARRANGEMENT OF FLORIDA SCHEDULE. Cincinnati. O.. June ML -J. U. Strode returned today from Florida with the information that he hid belli made a pTOpoaltloa by reputable IVnsai oil people lo lake charge of racing in connect ion with I he newly-formed later-State Fair Association at i ha i place. I oiirieeii Florida counties are Interested in the venture, and several counties of Alabama. It is proposed to give thirty days of racing in Hie fall and a like meeting in the spring over an im proved track. Tl bjei lionable features alien. iing the recent meeting will poaltirehr be eliminated and none of those who had anything I., do with that meeting will have -my von.- In Hie affairs if the new associaiion. The Penaaeohtaa plan to operate in conjunction with Tampa. Mr. Str.xh. realizes that a MM day* meeting is too much for Tampa, ami he laaka with favor aaaa the prwmmttiea of thirty davs al Iensaola. lh- could then assure horsemen 1JO days of racing each winter and rediu-e the Tampa meeting to sixtv aaya, hegtaatng Jamiarv 1. Mr Mmde claims that the rVttaaeola management will be tinan.-iallv slung. It is planned to give six races dally, with purses ranging in value from mj lo $:Xn», and an occasional handicap of 90,