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NOTES OF THE TURF. Jo, key K. Gonae Is now riding under the management •• J. s. Ward. Tlx.mas Hatfield will not attempt to race New Star again until fall. P. N. Ir wilt has purchased from M. Ilanley a two year -old .-..It hy .Moharih. L.iighand will he shipped from Latonia to Hamilton to join fhe naal tan Weber string. Ren Bear* has I had foot, the injury having lieen eaus.d hy gravel working under the plate, just as in Waldos case. Matt .1. Winn declares that tie- Kinpiro City Racine Associations summer meeting will be held a -curding to s. hedule. Catcsi.y W.««lf..rd and J. N. Camden arc in the vast in comi. ■ction with the approaching yearling sales at Sb.-oj.shead Bay. The Chest.-r Bare Coinpany has paid lite town corporation about 0,000 hi the last three vcars as jcat for the Roodoe course in England. AleHiidro .|e la Arena, for whom Jack Finn is to train in Mexico, aeeared the i.ick of the thoroughbred st.H-k ini| into Mci.o hy L. Blum. J.-vkey Glasn.-r. who was aarhaadhf injured by a fall at Latonia last week, is improving slowlv. but it ntaaabty will be a long while before he resumes riding. Jockey Frank Cole, who is riding well at Latonia, comes from Aliuosa. .do., and was a development of the Tampa meeting. He is known among his fellow riders as •Brownie." The horses with which Pillard Hill has arrived at Latonia from Lexhegtea include Youthful. Malediction. Wartiel.l. Austin Sturtevant. Dave Wallace. Leveugston and Harold Hall. The Klue Koiiu.ts m. wards niianal the entry of the marc AdaraUea refaard so long as she is in charge of Mat! Swift, and recommended to the Canadian Baring; ftiani iallme tnat Swifts applica tion for ■ trainers license be not granted. The Magdchurgcr Racing Clubs Kronprinzen Prcis lias now b.cir raised !■• »,OH0. making it the most valuable aaeat-tw natal race in Beraaaagr. The race is to Ik- run ou August 14. and is open to officers and auntie nMl af the German and Austr» Hun garian armies only. Distance, about three miles and - one and a half furlongs.