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* — — + CONDENSED HISTORY OF THE SUBURBAN HANDICAP i * + This is Suburban Handicap day niul. although Now York racing is Involved in doubt and insi eurity. there is nothing lo prevent the running of todays great raee with an attendance up to the traditions of the event. The fear that it may 1m- the last Suburban, unless some means of counteracting tin- hostile legislation promoted all too effectively by Covernor Hughes ean lie found in the courts, may itself oiierate to bring mil an attendance that will be justly accoiinleii remarkable. From its first running the Suburban has Ih-cii an immensely popular race and the giants of American racing have contested for its honors an niialiy. Its tirsl running gave a foretaste uf its destined quality when, in a titanic struggle. Ceneral Mull UK-. War F.agle and Jack of Ib-arts finished lieai!- apart, with seventeen other stars of the time behind tl.ein. ieorge Kinney. Dailies and Iizarro lieing in the unplaced division. No mediocre race horse ever won the Suburban. One and all of its viclors have been stars of the track and among them such truly illus •rious ones as Dontiac. Troubadour. Funis. Hacel.-md. S.ilvalor. Hamapo. Ilenrv of Navarre. Ben Braah, Imp. Kiuley Mack, odd Heels. Africand-r. Heiiuis. Dchlanie. I.allot and Fitz llertiert were especially of tin- first order of excellence. No horse h:.s won the Suburban twice, but Terra Cotta and Major MM finished second Iv.i.e. Dallot is in great fettle at present and it is quite possible that it is reserved lo: bun to heeaaae Die first to win Hie fame of lieing the first double Suburban winner. The record of the race is: Year. First. Age. Jockeys. Wt. Second. Age. Wt. Third. Age. Wt. Val. Time. 1884 Gen. Monroe 0..W. Honohue . .124 War F.agle 4 102 J. of Hearts C. 114 $ 4."4." 2:11| 1MB Pontine 4 Otaey ..102 •Richmond 4 110 Rataplan 4 ..110 5.855 2:00* 1SS0 Troubadour 4 FItzpatrick . .115 tiHchmond 4 110 Savunac .. 100 5.6! 7 2:121 1887 Hums 4 Davis. .102 Oriilaniine 3 104 Wlckuam 5 ..114 0,065 2:12 1888 Klkwood 5 Martin. .111 Terra CotU 4 122 Firenze 4 117 0.812 2:07 ISM Raceland 4 Garrison . .120 Terra Cotta 5 124 Gorgo 41 110 «,!»00 2:00*. 181K Salvator 4 I. Murphy . .127 Cassius 4 107 Tenny 4 12G G.D00 2:00j 1801 Loantaka 5 Bergen. .110 Major Domo 5 107J Cassius 5 115 O.fJOO 2:07 1S!»2 Aiontana 4 Garrison . .115 Major Domo • 115 Lamplighter .:104 17,750 2:07? 1803 Ix wlander 5 McDcrmott . .105 Terrifier 5 05 Lamplighter 4129 17.750 2:0CJ 1S04 Ramapo 4 Tnral..l2© Bampiet 7 110 Sport 4 114 12,070 2:0CJ 1805 Lazzarone 4 Hamilton .. 115 Sir Walter 5 120 Sng and Dnre 4 09 4,730 2:071 lS.tG Henrv of Navnrre 5 . .Griffin . .129 The Cominoucr 4 113 Clifford G 120 5,850 2:07 1897 Ben Brush 4 Sirams..l23 The Winner 4 115 Havoc 5 104J 5,850 2:07i 1898 Tlllo 4 Clayton. .119 Semper Ego o 106 Ogden 4 109 6.800 2:084 1899 Imp 5 Turner. .114 Banuockburn 4 112 Warrenton 4. 114 G.SOO 2:0Sjj 1900 Kinlev Mack 4 McCue..l25 Ethclbert 4 130 Gulden 3 100 6,800 2:06J 1901 Alcedo 4 Spencer. .112 Watercure 4 101 Toddy 4 100 7.S00 2:05j 1902 Gold Heels 4 Wonderly . .124 Pentecost 3 99 Blues 4 124 7,800 2:05J 1903 Africander 3 Fuller. .110 Herbert 6 118 Hunter Raine4 98 1G.490 2:10j 1904 Dermis 5 Redfern . . 127 The Picket 4 124 Irish Lad 4. .127 16.800 2:05 1905 Beldame 4 F. ONeill. .123 Proper 5 109 First Mason 5. 118 16,800 2:0oi 1906 Go Between 5 Shaw. .116 Dandelion 4 107 Coloul Girl 7. 113 16,800 2:05 1907 Nenlou 4 W. Pagan. .113 Montgomery 3 104 Beac. Light 4110 16.800 2:06 IMg Balh t 4 Hotter. .127 King James 31 M Fair Plnv 3 ..111 19.750 2:03 1909 Fitz Herbert 3 E. Dngan..l05 Alfred Noble 4 104 Fayette 3 101 3.850 2:03? •By Bold Dayrell. fBy Virgil.