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TEMPEST STRIKES LATONIA DOWNPOUR IN MIDST OF HACING UPSETS FORM CALCULATIONS. Bolt of Lightning Strikes Stables, Kills One Horse and Maims Another — Tony Bonevo Wins Handicap from Pinkola. Cincinnati. O.. June 24. — A terrific electric storm that l. .11. .u. .1 1 Ik- running of the third rare r«-:t t«-«I :i ii it.! naale UMH the large gathering af spoliators I t I. Miopia ihis aft rn «.ii. In the staid, yards e- ■ .t mi in was intra* :■ «ii«n tin- lightning struck bam V. 1g Jlll.l kill.-.! tli.- tu.i year-old II. R. Hf.-iinl . owned by V. A. Kirwan. Tkt la, -or. II. w iird Sheas*, w hi, P was stalded in the satin- bam, but :ii aa ft-. ..ii II. It. Brandt. as :ils«. struck hv the Itghtjahtt :iml is not expected to recover. A stable !m, js :ils,. reported to have liecn injured li.v the lightning. PI.. heavy raia followed the tliiin.l. r :ind lightning rearrerted tin- course into what losi-ini.iisi | mortar i»-.i an! dr. .v.- tin tarn students t.. patrajtattac anew for flu- bad flu ratal. 1iior to tin- running of tin- tilth ran- that*, wore runi..rv ,,f aa attempt on tin- part of s..iu«- unknown arraaa t.. tanii.. r with ili«- riil.-r of Baala Ji.H.i.i. |ii.- |afign bad Lafraa before them with :i i.-w i.. aarertahahag who approached him. Tb«- bay Klo.-ldfasth declared that tl.,- perSOB was BBlBOaB t.. hi:n. Tli.- judges will •-•• into the mailer thor ougtilv. Th - mattei first came to light when oftlis intoriiu-il his .-..intact employer. .1. M. C.oodc. ■! the awtl ItMB made t.. him. Roola Baala was seemingly it a s.ift r-i~.i. Inr after tin- ram cam.- up there MR many whs thought that tin going voi:hl mili tati- BgahBKl I j i — i -hatn-os. Hi- won. h.w.v. I. !jke a .-..It. ami First Peep i Nik aecaBti place from tin- porly handled thas. I. Grainger. The race- was in flu- nature af ■ pr.-liiiiiiiary lot tin- mils start la tin- Canadian Derby ..u the opening day at Fort Erie. Hi- will In- shi|i|»id north with others in the innli-ii siniL HO Tin-sdav n.-M. Tin- lian.lii -ap whii-li loiitiir.-il tin- anl wont to T ii Hom-r.i. and his victor] was mainly dm- 7 tin- atlvanta:.-. br r.-.-.-i.-d at tin- start, for witti ai .-.-ii scnd-ofT pinkola would have ri rttmA Om •HHiiinu. The «-..n- isn-nt M«irtov.-. which *iis thoiiplit t. have the lieut chance in tlu- ra - - tiefore the lain .-am.-, coiilil not rim in the muddy jroim: and araa beaten off. Tom Hay ward landing third Blare. John Fnrlons finally inanaci-d to graduate from the maiden rlaaa bj a rletary in th.- daaaac dash. Be wa-.l.if Ibjehtl rejtanled on ae.-ount of douhl as to his ahility to run well in the L.-inc. lie vm aw:T Mllllll I Walt and le,l Tom I.ivlK-e. the layorit. I.. tie entir. di-tame. Bii: Ihdds niaiked the first three races and nuteh crowding ensii.-.i. Joekey C. Graad was one of tin-ofteiiiiei-- in the third BMr and the juilses fined him *o . with a w irn hi that ■ reprtltftaa voiil.l ne an ■ leactliy su«|««iishiii. Jockeys T. Rlne and 1». Aiii-tin w;- oth.r- that ••nt;:.--.i in raajafe Tidinjr. hut Ihe , aflb lals let tli.-tn ell v. ill ■ r.-iirim-jnd. . twii.-r aiui train. -i " l.a.l.-s lot tin- last two ■vefca at tin airrtlai: will 1m t-.-ii.-w.-ii on Sunday • lleyt. larkry S.-..vil|. . arba returned to the saddle t.xlay aft«-r a two days nus|ioiision. was airain suspend.-il ! t..i tw - iaya m the l:i~-i race f..i l.»i .-dieiie. at the l ost Jockcv s Tn.ler and 1». Austin w.-re fined $•!•". ; B the stall.-! I.t the -a in. ofl.-n.s. Keeent work ..itl Brer the I.atiuiia iraek were: Ada ». Walker Tin.-. i|ii.-irl.-rs in 1:17. "has. IV I. rainier Iiir.-. i|iiari.-rs in 1:1R. Ii .ii hi Halt mile in 4!i. l»r. Waia i Brissa I hi.-. -quarters in 1:20. i . len Helen -Hall mil. in ."ill. *» Kabjhl ThoBahl Thrw-rlghtlBi in SS. I„leno Mil. ill 1 ..".. Lack M-. Mile in 1 :4H. Ma] r.n.l. line---quarters in 1 :2 i. Ran v i~ Tin. . .pun. -r in 1:H. The Tiiree .|iia|-l is in 1 : li*. Third Kail Throe quarters in 1 -■.. Tols«m d »r Five-elKbths in 1 : i::. U~ll.un Mil- in 1:45.