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LAW ENFORCEMENT AT Y0NKERS. New York. July 30. — Two men came to blows at the Kmpire City race track the other day. much to the surprise of the regulars. The man who caused the fracas was a stranger to the race track detectives, who hustled him outside the gates. The altercation was due to an impromptu collision between the belligerents as they were hurrying in opposite directions. It was the first bit of trouble seen on a local race track since the alleged bookmakers wen-raided at Brighton Reach two years ago, and it was also the first mixup ever recorded inside the Yonk-ers race course, a fact that prompted this comment by Chief Wolff of the -Yonkers police department: "Beeaase* of statements made by certain law and order people I was led to believe that some frequenters of the race track were inclined to be disorderly, but after constant and careful observation every day at the Empire City track I have been unable to detect one act of disorder, barring this little scrap which was quickly suppressed by the Pinker tons "before my men had a chance to" interfere. I am not defending betting or racing, mind vou, but I am willing to give credit when- it is due. You can say for me that during this meeting I Bare bekrd no profanity, have soon no intoxicated persons inside the track and have been surprised by the general good behavior of everybody. My men have been unik-r strict orders to enforce the betting law as interpreted by the Court of Appeals, and to arrest any person found violating it. Hut tin- regular race track detectives have been so vigilant that We have been unable to secure the slightest bit of Incriminating evidence. It has been clearly demonstrated. I think, that race-goers are more than anxious to help the authorities in the enforcement of the law." The district attorney of Westchester County and seveial assistants have also been favorably Impressed by the behavior of the crowds at Kmpire City. They say that the law has been obeyed to the letter and that there has been no cause for interference. Sheriff Scherp of Westchester also expresses satisfaction with the way affairs have been conducted at the track and wishes to have the fact made known.