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* ■ * LOUISVILLE STAKES MAKE BRILLIANT ARRAY mjm Louisville, Ky.. September 10. — The list of nomi nations for the fall meeting of the New Louisville Jockey Club, made public today hy Secretary Lyman 11. Da via, fully lM-ars out all the claims that have been made that Keiituckians will this fall be treated to the best racing that has been seen in the west for many years. Indeed, the management of the local jockey club would be quite justified in predicting that its sneetlng, scheduled to begin October 1 and continue nineteen days, will eclipse in brilliancy all that have passed before, including even the famous meetings of the Colonel Clark regime. For the historic St. Leger Handicap, which is to be revived after a long lapse, the conditions aud nominations are as follows: St. Leger Handicap— ,000 value. For three-year-olds and upward. 0 to accompany the nomination; 0 additional to start. Guaranteed cash value, ,000. of which $;550 to second and 50 to third. Weights to be announced three days prior to the day of the race. Winners of a race other than a selling purse after the announcement of weights to carry 5 lbs extra. One jnile and a sixteenth. Carlton ., ch. c, 3. T. Abadle. Pinkola, ch. g. 5; Friend Harry, ch. g, 4, Edward Alvcy. Joe Morris, b. c, 3, R. H. Anderson. Jacquclina. blk. f. 3, W. T. Anderson. Priseillian, ch. g, 5, August Belmont. Helmet, br. c, 4. B. it. Bradley. Harrigan, ch. c, 4. 11. K. Brandt. Ocean Bound, br. f. .i, Woodford Clay. Milton 15.. b. g. 3, C. D. Chenault. Jaek Right, ch. c, 4, Jay Cooke. City Fisher, b. c, 4, E. F. Cooney. Miss Naomi, ch. f. 4. Edward Corrigan. Adalia, br. f, 3, C. De Witt. Melisande, ch. f, 4; Mary Davis, h. f, 4, L. P. Doerhofer. The Peer, ch. g. 4. P. Dunne. Glorio, br. h. 5, W. P. and L. E. Fine. Barleythorpe. eh. c, ::. James B. GatTney. Old Honesty, b. h. 6, A. J. Gorey. Countless, ch. c. ;!. J. G. Greener. Czar. b. h. 5, James Gritlin. Bmper«r William, h. g. 4. T. Hatfield. .!. 11. Reed, ch. c, 4. lleuderson and Hogan. Restigouche. blk. g. 5: Firestone, ch. h, 5: Pits Herbert, br. n, 4: Hampton Court, b. c, 3; Wool-craft, b. g. 5. S. C. Hildreth. Taboo, b. f, 4. Max Hirsch. llanbridge, ch. h. 5, George II. Holle. Norbitt, b. h, a. W. S. House. Claudia, h. f. 3, S. K. Hughes. Chen Tola, ch. f. 3, J. T. Ireland. Tom Hayward. b. g. 4. Lou Johnson. Kingship, br. c, .!. Mrs. L. A. Livingston. Relluf. ch. g. 3, George J. Long. Kings Daughter, b. m. 7, T. C. McDowell. Royal Report, b. c. :;. W. E. Nuun. Nimbus, b. g. 5, G. M. Odom. has. F. Grainger, b. c, 3, Alf V. Oldham. Great Heavens, ch. c, 4; Tonv Bouero, br. h, G, F. J. Pons. Leamenee, eh. e. 4, D. Riley. John Furlong, blk. g. :, J. C. Rogers. Jack Atkin. h. b. i: Sager, b. c, 3, B. Schreih-r. Uenap, i . m. 7. W. F. Schulte. Green Seal, b. h, 0; Woohvimlcr, b. c, 4, I. II. Wheatcrof t. Jupiter Joe, ch. g, 4, W. G. Yanke. The Iroquois Handicap, a stake for racers of all ages, will he one of the interesting fixtures oi the meeting. Its conditions aud nominations follow: Iroquois Handicap — ,009 value. For all ages. £10 to accompany the nomination; 0 additional to start. Guaranteed cash value of the stakes to be ,000, of which $:;."i to second and 0 to third. Weights to In- announced three days prior to the day of the race. Winners of a race other than a selling purse after the announcement of weights to carry live pounds ex Ira. One mile. Carlton G.. eh. c. :t. T. Abadie. Pinkola, ch. g, ." ; Friend llarrv. ch. g, 4, Edward Alvcy. Joo Morris, b. C, R. II. Anderson. Jaeqm lina. blk. f. W. T. Anderson. Jeff Bernstein, b. g, 4. A. Baker. Priscillian. ch. g, 5, August Belniout. Low ecu, br. f, 2. G. c. Bennett. Helmet, br. c. 4, E. R. Bradley. Harrigan. eh. c. 4. II. R. Brandt. GlnCOSe, b. c. 4. T. II. Burns. Compliment, ch. c. 2. James P.utler. Ocean Bound, br. f. :i, Woodford Clay. Princess Callaway, b. f. 2. R. Colston. Jack Right, eh. •. 4. Jay Cooke. Guy Fisher, b. c. 4, E. F. Cooney. Piute, ch. g, 4, E. Corrigan. otilo. ch. g. 4. D. C. Cottle. Mclisande. ch. f. 4: Danger Mark, b. c, 2; Man Davis, h. f. 4. L. P. Boerbofer. The Peer. eh. g. 4. P. Dunne. Glorio. br. h, 5. W. P. and L. E. Fine. Boca Grande, b. C, 5. W. 11. Flzer. Bat leythorpe. ch. c. 4. James E. GafTney. King Solomon, b. c. •!, Gallaher Bros. Old Honesty, b. h, 7. A. J. Gorey. Countless, ch. e, 3. J. G. Greener. Czar. br. h. 5, James Gritlin. Kmperor William, b. g. 4. T. Hatfield. J. H. Reed. cli. c 4. Header— *. Begun. Restlgooehe, blk. g. 5; Firestone, ch. h. ." : Fitz Herbert, br. c. 4; Hampton Court, b. c. 3; Zeus, h. c. 2; Kormak, h. c. 2: Royal Meteor, ch. c, 2, S. C. Hildreth. llanbridge. ch. h, 5, George II. Holle. Cherry ola, ch, f, .1. T. Ireland. Miss Nett. b. f. 2. Frederick Johnson. Tom Hayward, b. g. 4. Lou Johanna. Robert Brace, br. g. ~. Lou Jones. Kingship, br. c, •!. Mrs. L. A. Livingston. Foxy Mary, b. f. A- B. Lowe. Messenger Boy, b. c. 2. B. Lutg. Fair Louise, blk. f. ■ . D. P. Lynch. Kings Daughter, b. m. 0. T. C. McDowell. Royal Repori. b. c, 3. W. B, Ntmn. Nimbus, b. g. .": Prime Gal. b. c. 4; Follie Lew, b. f. ::. g. m. odom. Jeanne I Arc, ch. m. •". J. E. otto. Font, br g. 4 : Tonv P.onero. br. h, ft, F. J. Pons. T. M. Green, b. or br. g. 4. I. N. Prcwitt. Samaria, b. f. James P. Ross. Jack Atkin. b. h. 0; Sager. b. c. 3. B. Schreiber. Governor Gray, h. g. 2, R. N. Smith. Melissa, ch. f. 4. Thomas Toohey. Then Cook, h e, 4. Amos Turney. Toplaml. b. g. •!. «. «. Van Meter. Markle M.. br. c. S, W. C, Weaver. Green Seal. b. h. 8, I. H. Wbeatcraft. Jupiter Joe. ch. g. 1: Round the World, ch. f, 2. W. G. Yanke. The entry list for the Falls City Handicap is typical of the sprinting events. Its conditions and nominations are as follows: Falls City Handicap — 1.999 value. For three-year olds and upward. 0 to accompany the nomination; $.10 additional to start. Guaranteed cash value of the stakes to be ,000, of Which 50 to second and 150 to third. Weights to In- announced three days prior to the day of the race. Winners of a race other than a selling purse after the announce ment of weights to carry 5 lbs. extra. Three-quarters of a mile. Pinkola, eli. g. 5; Friend llarrv. ch. g, 4, Edward Alvey. Spohn. h. g. r , W. T. Anderson. Jeff Bernstein, b. g, 4. A. Baker. Priscillian. ch. g. 5, August Belmont. Mettie Bereaud. ch. f. 3. George W. J. Bissell. Helmet, br. c. 4. K. R. Bradley. Harrigan. ch. c. 4. II. R. Brandt. Ocean Bound, br. f. 3. W. Clay. Milton B., h. g, 3. C. D. Chenault Piute, ch. g. 4: Miss Naomi, ch. f, 4. E. Corrigan. John Griffin II., ch. g. 8, I. C. Cottle. Tim Pippin, b. g. 4. M. J. Cromwell. Jack Nunnally. ch. g, 0. A. F. Da v ton. Mary Davis, b. f, 4; Melisande. ch. f. 4, L. P. Doerhofer. Ethel I.. ch. f, 3. P. H. Donnelly. Bice Grain, br. g. 3. W. B. Duke. Sea Swell, ch. c. 4, J. C. Ferriss. Glorio. br. h. 5. W. P. and L. E. Fine. Barleythorpe, ch. c, 3, James E. Gaffney. Transvaal, b. h. 5, A. J. Gorey. Countless, ch. c, 3, J. G. Greener. Emperor William, b. g. 4. T. Hatfield. Rose Queen, br. f. 4: Restigouche, blk. g. 5; Firestone, ch. h, ."»; Fitz Herbert, br. c, 4, S. C. Hildreth. llanbridge, ch. h, 5; Colloquy, b. m, C, George II. Holle. Cherryoln, ch. f, 3, J. T. Ireland. Kingship, br. c. 3, .Mrs. L. A. Livingston. Foursome, b. f. 3, George J. Long. Foxy Mary. b. f, 3. A. B. Lowe. Fair Louise, blk. f, 3. D. P. Lvnch. .Merrick, ch. g, 7, J. C. Milam. Kings Daughter, b. m, 7, T. C. McDowell. Nimbus, b. g. 5; Prince Gal, b. c, 4; Follie Lew, b. f. :;. G. M. Odoin. Jeanne dArc. ch. m, 5, J. E. Otto. Jack Parker, ch. c. 4; Font, br. g, 4; Ben Double, h. g, 0. F. J. Pons. T. M. Green, b. or br. g. 4. D. N. Prewitt. Jack Atkin. b. h. i. B. Sohreilier. Anavri. b. g. 3, L. C. Shobe. Melissa, ch. f. 4. Thomas Toohey. Then Cook, b. c, 4. Amos Tnrnev. The Fad. eh. g, 3; Topland, b. g, 3, C. C. Tan Meter. Al Mmlor, b. g. 5; Trance, b. f, 4. I. R. Whin- Wright. Green Seal, b. h, 0; Miss Sain, b. m, 5, I. II . Wbeatcraft. Eye White, h. g. 3. Woodford and Fizcr. Jupiter Joe, ch. g, 4, W. G. Yanke. The South Louisville Handicap is a sprinting race open for racers of all ages. Its conditions and entry list are: South Louisville Handicap — .5o0 value. For all ages. 0 to accompany the nomination; 40 additional to start. Guaranteed cash value of the stakes to be 1,509, of which oO to second ami 159 to third. Weights to be announced three days prior 10 the day of Hie race. Winners of a race other than a selling purse after the announcement of Weights to carry five pounds extra. Three-quarters of a mile. Pinkola. ch. g. .1; Friend Harry, ch. g, 4, Edward Alvey. Spohn. h. g, y. T. Anderson. Jeff Bernstein, b. g, 4. A. l.aker. Priscillian. ch. g. 5, August Belmoat. Mettie Bereaud. ch. f. 3. George W. J. Bissell. Helmet, br. c, 4: Love-Not, ch. f. 2; Bobby Bover. Ch. c. 2. E. R. Bradley. Harrigan. ch. c. 4. H. R. Brandt. Ella Bryson, ch. f, 2. G. R. Brvson. Glucose, h. c. 4, T. II. Burns. Milton B.. b. g, 3. C. I. Chenault. Princess Callaway, h. f, 2. R. Colston. Piute, ch. g. 4. E. Corrigan. John Griffin II., ch. g, 8, D. C. Cottle. Tim Pippin, h. g, 4, M. J. Cromwell. Jack Nunnally. ch. g. ti. A. F. Davton. Melisande. ch. f. 4: Danger Mark. b. c. 2: Marv Davis, b. f. 4. L. P. Doerhofer. Ethel I.. ch. f. 3, P. II. Donnelly. Sea Swell, ch. c, 4. J. C. Ferriss. Glorio. br. h. W. P. and L. E. Fine. Rubia Granda, b. f, 4, T. W. Flynn. Barleythorpe; ch. c, :t, James B. Gaffney. Countless, ch. c, 3, J. G. Greener. Emperor William, b. g, 4, T. Hatfield. Zeus. h. c. 2: Restigouche. blk. g. 5; Roval Meteor, ch. e. 2; Rose Queen, br. f, 4: Kormak, b. c, 2: Novelty, b. e, 2, S. C. Hildreth. llanbridge, eh. h, 5; Colloquy, b. in, C, George II. Holle. Cierryola. ch. f. 3. J. T. Ireland. Kingship, br. c. ;!. Mrs. L. A. Livingston. Foxv Mary. b. f. 3. A. B. Ixiwe. Messenger Boy. b. c. 2. B. Lata. Fair Louise, blk. f. 3. D. P. Lynch. Merrick, ch. g. 7, J. C. Milam. Kings Daughter, h. m, 7, T. C. McDowell. Charley Buddeke, til. e. 2. Matt McNamara. Nimbus, b. g. ." : Prince Gal, b. c, 4; Follie Lew. h. f. 3. G. M. Odom. Jeanne dArc, ch. m, 5; Chemulpo, ch. f, 2, J. E. Otto. Jaek Parker, ch. c. 4: Font. br. g. 4: Jack Den-man, ch. e. 2. F. J. Pons. Jaek Atkin. b. h. ti. B. Schreiber. Anavri. b. g. 3. L. C. Shobe. Governor Cray, h. g. 2. R. N. Smith. Marbles, blk. m. 5. F. B. Stevens. Then Conk. h. c, 4. Amos Turner. The Fad. ch. g, 3. C. C. Van Meter. Trance, b. f, 4; Al Muller. b. g. 5 J R. Wain-wright. Green Seal, b. h. S, I. H. Wheatcrof t. Intrinsic, ch. f. 3. Catesby Woodford. Round the World, ch. f. 2. W. G. Yanke.