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LATONIAS SPLENDID STAKE SHOWING. List of Horses Entered for Eight Events Assures Brilliant Fall Meeting. Cincinnati. O., September M. — The splendid list of entries for the Latonia fall stakes is being conn meuted on favorably by horsemen in all aeetioaa end according to ail indications, the twenty-Iour-dny6 session of iport which is slated to begin October 24 will be niark d by the best racing ever witnessed in this section. Never before lias there been euch an array of class for a race- meeting at Latonia as Is in 6ight this fall. The quality of the racing should not be far behind that of the New York tracks for a goodly part of the material that will engage lu the sport at Latonia will be similar in make-up to that seen in action on the metropolitan courses. It Is contidcutly expected that all the good ridels Who plied their vocation in New York this summer will be seen in the saddle on all the Kentucky tracks. Latonia will gel, in addition to the horses that race at LexHNTtou and Louisville, considerable accession of Canadian racing material, as the sea-eon in Canada will have closed before the opening of tbe Latonia meeting. The complete list of the horses nominated for the eight stakes at Latonia, with the conditions of the tame, i6 as follows: Latonia Autumn Inaugural— . 88*. Handicap. For three-year-olds and upward. 5 to accompany the nomination. tjtr.o additional to start: guaranteed cash value, . mm. of which 50 to second and 56 to third. Weights three days before the race. Winners after publication of weights 5 lbs. extra. Due mile and a sixteenth. Nominator, color, sex. age and name. Anderson, B. II.. b. c. ."1. Joe Morris. Alvey, E.. eh. g, 5, Iinkola; eh. c, 4, Friend Harry. Baker, A., b. g. 4. Jeff Bernstein. Belmont, A., eh. g, 5, PrtaciRian. Bradley, E. B„ br. h, 4, Helmet. Brandt, H. K.. eh. c, 4. Ilarrigan. Chenault, C. I., b. g. .!. Miltou 15. Clay, W., br. f. :;. Ocean Bound. Dowhofer. L. I.. eh. f, 4, Melisande; b. f, 1, ilary Davis. Dunne. I.. eh. g. 1, The Deer. Gaffuey, .las. E. , eh. c. 3, Barleyt hoi pe. Gorey, A. J., b. b. I, Old Honesty. Greener, J. U., ch. e, 3, Countless. Grltfln. .1., b. h. ." . Czar. Hatfield, !*., b. e. 4. Emperor William. Hlldreth, S. :.. br. h. 4, Fitz Herbert; blk. g. 3, Restlgoucne; b. c, 3. Hampton Court; b. g. Wood waft; ch. h, 5. Firestone. Holle. G. H.. eh. h. 5. Hanbridge. House, W. S.. b. h. 5. Norbitt. Ireland. J. T.. ch. f. ::. Cherry ola. Laud. G., ch. g, 4. All Bed. Livingston. Mrs. 1.. ... br. c. :;, Kingship. Lynch. I. I.. br. f. :;. Fair Louise. McDowell , T. C, b. m. 7. Kings Daughter; ch. g. I, Huck. Nuun, W. E.. b. •. ::, Boyal Report. Odom, G. M.. br. g. 4. Irince Gal; b. g. 5, Nimbus. Oldham, Alt V.. b. c. 3, has. F. Grainger. Schorr, J. W.. b. g. 4. Tom Haywar.l. Behreiber, B. . b. h, 0, Jack At kin; b. e. a, Scger. Weaver. .1. T., br. c. :;. Markie M. Wheateroft. I. II.. b. h, 0. Green Seal; I,, h, 4, TTool winder. Woodford at fixer, br g. .I. Eye White. Yanke, v. G., eh. g, 4. Jupiter Joe. Laurel Stakes ,200. Selling. For three-year-, •ld« and upward. 10 to accompany tbe nominal ion ; HI additional to start; guaranteed cash value ,200, " f which *2" » to s I and M to third. ,300, 7 ll.s. above scale; i lb. less for each Sloo to ,000; 2 lbs. for each 40 to 00. Starters With selling price to be named through the entry box the day before the race at usual time of closing. Three-quarters of a mile. Abadie, Thee., br. b, 6. Woolsandals. Alvey, E.. ch. e, 4. Friend Harry. Baker. A., b. g. 4. Jeff Bernstein. Belmont. A., ch. g. •" . Iriseillia n. Blsseii. ;. w. J., ch. f. ::. Mettle Bereaad. Burns. T. II.. b. e, 4. ttlucoee. Butler. ... eh. f. :;. School m arm. Dberbofer. L. P., ch. i, 4. Melisande; b. I, 4. Mary Davis. Duke, W. I... br. g. Bice Grata. Duryea. H. B., I». g. s. Dreamer. Fnright. N.. b. in. 5. Park flew. Ferguson. .1. vV., br. m, i. Dainty Dame. Ferries. .. .. ch. c. I. Sea Sweli. Gorey. A. J., b. h, ." . Transvaal. Halt. O., b. c. King of Yolo. Hat field. T., b. c, 4. Emperor William. Heaeafeld, T. C.. Jr., eh. f. Kthelyn B. Hlldreth. S. ., blk. g. 5. Beatigo«cfac; br. f. 4. Kose Queen. Ireland. .1. T., ch. f, 3. Starport. laoes, l". H., b. g. 7. Jacobite. Land. G.. ch. g. 4. All Bed. Ixng. g. J., b. g, 3, GaRiota. Lyncli, It. .1.. br. f. 3. Fair Loulae. Milam. J. .. eh. g. 7. Merrick. Millett. P. J., br. g. 4. Billv Klair. McDowell, T. .. ch. g. •.. Berwick: eh. g. 5. Hnck. odom, G. M.. br. f. ::. Pottle Levy: b. g. " . Nimbus: br. g. 4. Irince Gal. Otto. .]. I-:., eh. in. :,. Jeanne dArc. Patterson. C. E.. b. in. 5. Pirate Diana. ttcapeaa, J. It., b. h, . Marathon. Schorr. .1. W.. b. g. t. Tom Hay ward: ch. g. :;, Bob Do.; br. m. Fuitill: ch. m. WOodlane. Stone. K.. b. in. 5. Star Venus. Trotter. E.. ch. g, • . Eyebright : b. C, I. Pomace. Van M-ler. C. C.. b. g. Topland. Woodford. C.. eh. f. :;. Intrinsie. Woodford and Fixer, br. .g. ■ ■ Bye White. Young. W. J., ch. f. ::. Fereno. Fort Thomas Stake- 81,800. Handicap, l or two-rear -olds. 0 to accompany the nomination: *ln additional to start; guaranteed ash value ,500, of Which . -iN i • second and 00 to third. Weight* three day* before the race. Winners after pnbiica-tion of weights 5 lbs. extra. Three -quarters of a mile. Bennett, G. c, br. f. Lowe an. Btasell. ;. W. J., b. -. Southern Light; b. c. Scarlet Pimpernel. Bradley. E. B.. ch. c. Bobby Boyer. Brown, A., eh. t. Bettie Sue. Brrsou. J. It., ch. f. Ella Bryaon. alio. J. «.. b. c. M.-.-kler. Daaeatt. E. B b. f. Heatnerbronm. Clay. */., ch. e. Outlaw; b. c, Single Fill-. Colston. B.. b. f. Piluceaa CaRaway. Harden. W. W.. eh. e. Little Father. De Wilt. C. b. •. Heatherblooaa. Doerhofrr. I.. P.. b. •. Danger Mark. Dunne. P.. b. c. Barn Dance. Fizer. W. H . b. f. Bose WOTth: b. c. W. V. Clark. Put a the, F. A., b. c. Colston; b. •. Bhoottag Sprav: br. e. Silver Brush. QaMblatt. M.. b. r. Wine; b. f. Rnanle sinftield. ireener. J. !.. eh. f. MJoaea. Grtffln. J., b. t. Fuirv Stor . Bend • .-a .v H.. au. b. .-. Colonel II ok in HiMieih. s. c, i.. c, 8k«a; ch, c. Royal Meteor; b. c. KoiuiaU. Dldhaan. W. F.. eh. g. Inspector Ccneral. Johnson. V.. br. f. Miss Nelt. .lohnson. I. on. b. g. Bad News II.; ch. c. Bedwiiie. Joplin. W. O.. b. f. Maezie Keraell, P., eh. •. c. L. lh yie. Long. ;. J., b. g. Exemplar. Lata, .Mrs. M.. b. c. Messenger Boy. Martin. B. O.. b. f. Lilv Paxtoa. Mescl.cndolf. D. W.. b. c. Votthorpe. Milam. J. .. b. c. LalKild. Mllden. F. II.. b. f. Helene. McDowell. T. v.. eh. g. Attentive; eh. f. Premier. Newton. T.. ch. c. Hectanxa. Odom, G. M.. b. c. Ben Laaca; ch. c. Fireman. Otto. .1. E.. ch. f. Chemulpo. Ions, F. J., eh. c. Jack Dehaaaaj; b. t, Ladv Ormi-caat. Schorr. J. W.. ch. c. Star Charter: b. f. Edda: cli. c John Peadergraat; b. g. Scrimmage. Smith. B. N.. br. g. County Tax; b. g. Gorcraaf Cray. Vim Meter, C. C.. ch. f, Princess Industry. Walter-. .1.. b. •. Mclvor. Woodford, t.. b. c. A ay Port: b. e. Fair Star. Yanke. W. 1.. ch. f. Bound the World. Young. W. J., b. c, Leah Crilerion Slakes — ,." 00. llandica|i. For three yea* -olds and ujiward. .0 to accompany the nomination; 0 additional to start; guaranteed cash value. ,300, Of which 00 to second and 00 to third. Weights three days before the race. Win ■era after publication of weights o lbs. extra. Three-quarters of a mile. Alvey, E.. ch. c. 4, Friend Harry. Baker, A., b. g, 4. JeC Bernstein. Belmont. A., en. g. ." . Priscillian. Bisseil. G. W. J., ch. f. 3. Mettie Bereaud. Brandt. II. It., ch. c. 4, ilarrigan. Burns. T. II., b. e, 4, Glucose. Chenault. C. D.. b. g. .!, Milton B. Clay. W., br. g, o. Ocean Bound. Cottle, D. c, ch. g, s, John Griffin II. Daerhofer, L. i.. ch. f, 4, Melisande; b. f, 4, Mary Davis. Duke. W. B.. br. g. a. Bice Craiu. Duryea, II. B.. b. g, S, Dreamer. Perries, J. C.. ch. c. 4. Sea Swell. Fizer. W. II.. b. •, :i. Boca Orande. tiaffney, .las. E.. ch. c. .i, Barley thotpe. Gorey, A. J., b. h, 5, Transvaal. Greener, J. ch. c, . . Countless. Hatfield, T.. b. c, 4, Emperor William. Hihlreth. S. C. blk. g. .", Bestigouche; br. f. 4. Bose Queen. Holle, G. II.. ch. h, o, Hanbridge; b. m, 0, Collo- flay. Ireland. J. T.. ch. f, a, Cherryola. Livingston. Mrs. L. A., br. c. a, Kingship. Long. G. J., b. f, 3, Foursome. Lowe, A. B., b. f. a. Foxy Mary. Lynch, D. P., br. f. 3. Fair Louise. Milam. J. C. ch. g, 7, Merrick. Millett. F. J., ch. g. 3, Bourbonite. .McDowell. T. C, h. in, 7. Kings Daughter. Odom. G. M., br. f. 3. Follic Levy; b. g, 5. Nimbus: br. g, 4. Prince Gal. otto, J. K.. eh. m, 5, Jeanne dArc. Prewitt. D. N.. b. g. 4. T. M. ireen. Behreiber, B„ b. h, . Jack Atkin. Schulte, W. F., ch. c, 3. King Olympian. Woodford. C. ch. f. 3. Intrinsic. Woodford A Fizer. br. g, 3, Eve While. Van Meter, C. C, ch. g, 3, The Fad. Kentucky Stakes — ,600. Handicap. For thr-e ear-olds and apward. 0 to accompany the nomination: 0 additional to start; guaranteed cash value ..-HH . or which 00 to second and $] MI to third. Weight* three days before the race. Winners after publication at weights. lbs. extra. One mile and seventy yards. Abadie. T.. ch. c, 3, Carlton G.; br. c, 4, Ben Howe. Alvey, K.. ch. g. 5. Iinkola; ch. c, 4. Friend Harry. Anderson. B. II.. b. c. 3. Joe Morris. Baker, G. c. br. c. 4. High Range, Belmont, A., ch. g, ." , Priaciilian. Bradley, E. B.. br. c. 4. Helmet. Brandt. H. B.. ch. c. 4. Ilanigau. Chenault. . D.. b. g. 3. Milton B. Clay. W.. br. r, 3. Ocean Bound. Doerliofet. I.. P.. ch. f. 4. Melisande; b. f, 4. Mary Davis. Dunne. P.. eh. g. 4. The Peer; b. g, 3, Saiiau. Fizer. W. II.. I . e, 3. Boca Gaande. Gaffuey. James E.. ch. e, 3, Barley thorpe. Gaifney, John P., ch. g. Tom Bhrhee. tiering. F. Jr.. ch. m, ~ . Ida Mav. Goldblatt. M.. b. g. 4, Turncoat. Greener. J. G.. ch. c. 3. Countless. Griffin. James, b. h. .". Czar. Hattield. T.. b. c 4. Emperor William. Henderson ,v Uogan, eh. c, 4. J. H. Seed. Hihlreth. S. .. br. c. 1. Fitz Herbert; blk. g. ." . Bestlgoiielie: 1.. e. 3. Hampton Court; eh. b, 5, Firestone; b. g. r,. Woodcraft. Holberc, A., br. h, 7, Kerchcval. Ireland. .1. I.. ch. f. 3. Cherryola. Land. ;.. ch. g. 4. All Bed. Livingston. Mrs. I.. A., br. c. 3, Kingship. Long. G. J., ch. g, :;, Beltaf. Lowe, A. 1!.. b. f. 3. Foxy M ir. v. McDowell, T. C, b. in. 7. Kings Daughter; ch. g. I luck. Nana, W. E.. b. -, :;. Royal Report. Odom. G. M.. br. g. 4. Prince Gal; b. g, .", Nim- bna, Boss. J. P.. b. f. Samaria. Schorr. J. W.. br. I. 3. Fuitill; eh. g. 3, John Reardon; b. g. 4. Tom Hayward. Behreiber. B.. b. h, 8, Jack Atkin: b. c :;, Baser. Mrtmtte, W. P., b. in. 7. Zienap. Van Meter. V. •.. ch. g. 3. The Fad. Weaver. J. T.. br. c. 3. Markie M.; b. g. 3. South era Gobi. Whealeroft. 1. II.. b. h. ti. Green Seal: b. c. 4. Wooiwinder. Vauke, W. C.. ch. g. 4. Jupiter Joe. The Omnium Stake - ,500. Handicap. For two year Jds and upward. 0 to a c eonipany he uomi-aatha»: -S40 additional to start: guaranteed cash value ,500, of whi.-h 00 to second and io 1 • third. Weight* three clays before the race. Win net* after publication of weights .", lbs. extra. Three -quarter*, of a mile. Alvey, E.. ch. c. 4. Friend Harry. Belmont. A., eta. g. 5, Priscillian. Bisseil. G. W. J., b. c. 2, Southern Light; b. e, 2. Scarlet Pimpernel. Bradley, E. B.. ch. f. -. Love-Not; br. c, 4, Helmet. Brown, A., oh. f. 2, Bettie Sue. Bryson. G. B.. ch. f. . i:ila Bryson. Clay. W-. ch. c. • , Outlaii: , 2. Sea Spray. Colston. B.. b. f. 2, Princess Callaway. Cottle, D. .. oh. g. S. John Griffin II. Boerhofer, I.. P.. eh. i. 4. Melisande; b. c. 2, Danger Mark: b. f. 4, Mary Davis. Duryea, II. B.. b g. s. Dreamer. Bn right, N.. b. in. 5, Parkview. Ptaer, W. H.. b. e. 3. Boca Grande. foray the, F. A., b. c. 2, Colston; b. e. 3. Shooting Spray: nr. c, 2. Silver Brush. Gaffney, Jamen E., ch. e, 3, Barley thorpe; eh. f, 2. Helen Burnett. Greener. J. G.. ch. c. 3. Countless. Hattield. T., b. c. 4. Bmperof William. Hlldreth, S. C. blk. g. 5, Bestigouche; br. f. 4, Bose Queen; ch. •, 2. Royal Meteor; b. e, 2. Zeus. Holle, G. BL, ch. h. .- , Haahridge; b. in, 0, Colloquy. Johnson. Lou, ch. e. 2. Radwtae. Kelly. I... b. c. 2, La D Mexican. Livingston. Mrs. L. A., br. c. 3. Kingship, img. g. J., b. c. 2. Ranxaaan. Milam, J. C. ch. g, 7. Merrick. Miih r. t;. m.. b. c. 2. BMtaer B. McDowell, T. C.. b. m, 7. Kings Daughter. Odom, ;. M., b. g. Nimbus: ! r. g, 4, Irince Gal: br. f. 3. Follie Levy. otto. J. E. . ch. f. 2, Chemulpo; ch. in, o. Jeanne dArc. Sc-horr. J. W.. b. f. 2. Edda; ch. c, 2, Star Char ter. Schreiber. B.. b. h, 6, Jack Atkin. Schulte-. W. 1.. eh. c. :!, King olympian. Smith. J. it., b. c. 2. Haldeuxan. Smith. B. N.. b. g. 2. Governor Gray. Van Meier. . .. eh. g. 3. The- Fad. Woodford x- Fizer. In-, g. 3. Eye White. Yanke, W. C., oh. f, l*. Bound the World. Young, W. J., ch. f. 3. Fereno. B .sed.ile Stakes — .2* to. Selling. Pot tWO-year-olds. 0 to accompany the nomination; 0 additional to start; guaranteed cash value ,200. of which simi to iecond and » to third. ,000. 7 ll.s. above scale-: J lbs. less for ea.-h 60 to ,000; 1 lb for each 00 to . MK»: 2 lbs. for each 00 I , *tu». Starters with selling price to be name d tbrOngh tin- entry box the day before the- race ;,t usual time id closing. Five furlongs and n half. Bennett. G. C. br. f. Loween. Bradley, E. it., ch. -. Bobby Boyer. Brandt. II. R., b. e, Sigurd. Butler. J., ch. c, Dart worth. Calm. J. C. b. c. Mocklcr. Colston. I! . b. f. Princess Callaway. Doerhofer. L. P.. b. -. Danger Mark. Dunne, P.. eh. f, Crash: b. g, Agawam. Ferguson. J. W.. b. c. Montv Fox. Fizer. W. H., b. f. Bubv Knight; b. f, Floy Baltic. foray the, F. A., h. e. Colston; b. c. Shooting Spray; br. -. Silver Brush. Goldblatt. M.. b. f. Wine; b. f. Bonnie Sheffield. Henderson A; Hogan., b. c. Cel. Hogan; b. f, A value ; b. e. Bed Klaw. Hlldreth, s. c . ch. -. Royal lie tear; b. c. Kormak; i ti i . Beth. Hnabcex *v Spencer, b. f. Marv Day. leliiiseii. F.. br. f. Miss Nelt. Jdtinsoa, Lon, b. g, Bad News H, Joplin, W. O.. b. f. Mac-zie. Kernel!, p.. br. -. Nienjiber. Knebelkamp, c. II.. br. f, Molly Mog. Long. !■ J., b. o, Ramaaan; eh. f, Evia. Martin, R, G.. b. f. Lily Paxton. Mattingiy, M. I.. Jr.. b. f. Nan Ferguson. .Mesclienclorf. D. W.. b. f, Ainberiuc. Milam. J. ., b. c, Labold. Mildc-n. F. II.. b. f. Helene. McDowell, T. C, ch. c, Premier; eh. f. Attentive. Nichols. J. II.. br. c. Jack Weaver. Odom. G. M., b. e, Ben Lasca; b. c, Hesitate. Otto. J. E., ch. f, Chemulpo. Respess. J. B.. ch. c, Fondiead ; b. c. Lottery Man; ch. c. Mayor Head. Boss. J. P.. Ch. f. Tender Heart: br. g. Beuuey. Sabath, M.. eh. g. H. M. Sabtilh. Schorr. J. W.. b. f, Edda; ch. f, Planutess; ch. c. John Pendergraat. Schreiber, B., b. g. Dn Bois. Smith. .1. B.. b. e. Haldemau. Smith. B. N.. br. g. County Tax. Van Meter, C. C., eh. f, lrincess Indttslry; b. c. Sir Dawn. Walters. J., b. c. Mclvor. Wheateroft. I. II.. b. g. I nion Jack. W Iford. C. blk. c. Explicit: b. e. Fair Star. Yanke. W. »., b. e. Swish; ch. f. Tin- Hague. Young. W. J., b. c. Utah. Final Stakes 2Ml Selling. For thn-e-year-olds and nparard. 0 to accompany the lii.ininat ion : 0 additional to start: guaranteed cash value ,200. of which 00 to second and 00 to third. ,000. S lbs. above scale. 1 lb. less for each 0t to ,000; 2 lbs. for each 00 to ! 0. Starters with selling price to be named through the entry box the day before the race- at usual time of closing. One mile and an eighth. Abadie. T.. eh. c, 3. Carlton G.: b. g. 4. Light Blue. Alvey, E.. ch. g. Iinkola: ch. c, 4. Friend Hurry. Belmont, A., ch. l. Priscillian. Bradley, E. it., br. g, 10, Bad News. Brandt. II. B.. b. a, .". Durante. Burton. M.. Ch. f, 4. Alice. Butler, J., ch. f. 3. Schoolmarni. Casev. W. V.. b. m, S, Mamie Algol. Clark. B. II.. b. f. 3. Nannctte. Dunne-. P.. ch. g. 4. The Peer: b. g. 3, Saltan. Enright. N. ch. f. Elizabethan. Gilmoro. u. .[., b. c. 4. Dander. Goldblatt, M.. b. g, 4. Turncoat. Gorey. A. J., b. h. ." . Transvaal. Hattield. T., b. c. 4. Emperor William. Hanenfeld, T. C. Jr.. en. g. ." . Arrow Swift. HBdreth, S. C. blk. g. Bestigouche; ch. h, ." , Firestone: b. c. 3. Hamilton Court; b. g. " , Wood-craft; cb. h, o. Montgomery. House. W. S.. b. h, Norbitt. Ireland, J. T.. ch. f. 3. Cherry oia : eh. f, 3. Star-port . Land. G.. ch. g. 4. All Red, Long. G. .1.. eh. g. .. Belluf. Martin. B. J., br. e, 4. High Range. McDowell, T. .. eh. g. •" . Huck. Mima, W. E., b. c-. 3. Bc.yal Report. Odom. !. M.. b. g. •". Nimbus. Oldham. A. V., b. c. 3. Chas. F. Grainger. Ording. M.. b. b, .". Albert Star. Beid, C. B.. br. h, ti, Ben Trovato; b. g. .1. Third Bail. Bc-inzen. II. , b. g. 0. Westbury. Bes]iess. .1. B.. b. h. 8, Marathon. Boss. J. P.. b. f. 3, Samaria. Sabath and Dowd. b. g, 3. Zyniolo. Schorr. .1. W.. h. g. 4. Tom Hayward; br. f, 4. Fulfill: oh. g, 3, John Bearelon. eh. g. 3. Bob Co. Schulte-. W. F.. b. f. 4. Gliding Belle. Trotte r. E.. ch. g. 4. Dr. HotebeTg. Yau Meter. C. .. b. g. 3. Topland. Weaver. .1. T.. br. c, 3. .Markie M.: b. g. 3, Southern Gold. Wheateroft. I. IL. b. c. 4. Wch.I winder. Woodford A- Boefcuer, ch. f. Mv Gal. Young. J. W.. b. f. 3. La Toupee.