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AFTER THOROUGHBREDS FOR EXPORT Louisville Ky Octolxr 19 Isidor Schlessinger of Vienna Austria and Angclo Chiealigna of Bo ¬ logna Italy were accent visitors at Churchill Downs Both arc noted horsemen in their native lands and the former has exi orted from this country fully 200000 worth of fine horses They are now en ¬ deavoring to buy half a dozen or more thoroughbred stallions and will remain in Kentucky until they secure the animals they desire Mr Schlessinger was much iuterested in the workings of the pari mutnel pools at the Downs In Austria the com ¬ mission rakeoff is ten per cent half of which goes to the government and the other half to the racing association In some foreign countries as much as fifteen per cent is deducted from the gross amount handled by the devices Mr Schlessinger says even with this heavy commission the machines get the bulk of the play on tracks where booking also goes