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ROYALLY BRED STALLION FOR KENTUCKY KENTUCKYLixintoii Lixintoii Kv November 12 Williams Had frl f AdHbert Stud Hopkinsvil e Ky have islit r E B Novcrs CalgaryAlberta Canada U beautifully hrel young stallioiK Cycladcs by tyllen he br Bona Vista sou of Bernl Or Cyclades dam s Vale Roval by Alert Victor second dam Oiiicn of the Valley by Exniiuster thence to Alice Hawthorn Cyllene sire of Cyclades has sired Ihree winners of the Epsom Derby with u the last Jive voars viz Cicero Minorii and Lenilierg Cyl lenesold for S1SOOOO Cyclades is nine years old nl rml iditably in England prior t hs oxporta llui i the Canadian iirthwtwt In 1KM 1KMWilliams Williams Hadford regard Ibis horse as a worthy snmssor to their grand ld nor Albert now dead and the sncressfiil fire Orniw which they recently M to II T Oxnard of Virginia At their dispersal ale thcv r Mrvrd the mare Hoodoo and eight young Albert iuares as a nucleus for a new stud