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FIFTH RACE 1 Mile and 70 Yards 3yearolds and upward Selling M CAMBON ch e 3 106 By Bridgewater High Degree R F Carman 9707 I atonia ImToy 1431 fast IG5 103 9 9 T Koerner 9 Console Camel Bad News 92T23 Pimlico Im40y 14SJ slow 25 111 2nt in G Archibd G Oxer Cintrella Dixie Knight 924SS Pimlico 1 11C 146 fast 5 98 2 = 21 G Garner 3 Prisclllian Reybourn 92435 Pimlico 1 116 1472 fast 31 110 11 Ib G Archibd 5 Grania Blackford Cheek i i2J 92193 Fort Erie 1 l45i hvy 5 10S 2J 11 Gross 5 BigStlck DKnight TGBntfly TGBntflyin 92133 FortErie Im70y 1442 fast 20 106 in lh Gross T Reybourn Big Stick Compton ComptonBy QUEEN MARGUERITE br m 5 103 By Henry of Navarre Snecrwcll E Guret lilTO lat nia Iiu7 y 1141 fast 2S r V Herbert S Tonsole Melissa All Red C72 Iatonia Iin70y l45X Rood S lort 2 2 C Koerncr U Samaria Jiidgo Walton Arcite J2707 litonla IniTOy 143J fast 21 Juo fi 2 U Austin Console Camel Had News DliH Jatonia 118133 fast U3 lof vu it T ijjte r Thirdllail Nethmost CFGger DG22 Latonia ImTOy 144 fast 2910 110 4 4 = J C Grand J Bad Nevs Toplaud Hans i54 Latonia Im70y 1441 fast 14 101 2i 21 D Austin 8 Camel Carlton G Schoolmarm i49C Ixjuisville 1 116 1471 fast 1110 10S U 3 Herbert 7 Dorante Falcada Ada Monde 452 Lsville 1 11T1C 1T1C l47jf fast 85 10S 2i 21 E Martiu 14 Pirate Diana Claudia Molesey FALCADA ch f 5 108 By Woolsthorpe Falerna T Abadie AbadieS 917 Latonia Im70y 14J fast 21 KKJS S G1 Loftus 8 Console Melissa All Red RedS 92707 Latonia Im70y 1 43 fast 20 107 5 S 4i 6 C Grand Console Camel Bad News 92021 Latonia 1 1IG 146 fast 7 109 5 5 4 45X C Grand 5 CarltonG RoyalReport Mlltoril 92571 Latonia 1116146 fast 3310 102 1 2 li 2 Van Boten 9 Romp Shapdale Hans 92531 Louisville 1 142 good 2 107 C 1 1 = l3 Van BotenlO Col Ashmeade Ameron Eifali S2521 Louisville 1116150 mud 41 98 u 1 I3 I1 Van Boten fi Dorante Klfall Descomnets 9i496 Louisville 1 116 1474 fast 6 97 1 2 11 2l Van Botcu 7 Dorante QMarguerite AMeade AMeade3y HENRY HUTCHISON ch e 3 101 3y Farandole Lady Galopin W J Young 92605 Latonia Ini70y 144 fast 133 107 2 2 GU 641 J Ueavpt 7 Judge Walton Salian Medalim 92GGO Latohia ImTOy l44g fast 15 103 3 1 l 1s Goose 9 Imprudent Foxy Mary Topland 92623 Latonia 118152 fast 135 103 3 2 33 3 Goose 5 Mnrkie M Salian Omicron 92043 Lexgton Im20y 141 fast 21 100 6 3 3 4s Goose 8 PeterPender FranRay Wander 9I99S Lexgton Im20y l42g slow Sh 100 4 1 11 1s Goose 8 Olive Ely ItBrummel Greenbge 91944 Lexington 118158 mud 25 97 4 1 21 2 t E Martin 10 PeterPender Carew CntyCIcrk 91407 Hamilton 1 116 148 fast 10 8510 4 9 g JKIllgth 11 COrmsby RiHeman LcxinLady LcxinLadyBy JEANNE DARC ch m 5 111 By Ben Strome Naoma J E Otto 9270T Latonia 34 l14g fast 8 110 1 1926SO 2 21 lh Walcott 14 Ethelda Woodlane Night Mist 926SO Latonia 34 112 fast 3910 126 1 G G 5ISJM McGee 7 WliHeWool AltheGreat Glucose 92617 Latonia 7S 126J good 6 109 7 7 8 1 710iJ Deavpt 9 Merrick Camel Sinfran 92354 Latonia 34 1131 fast 13 1071 1 3 li 2h G Burns 4 MeYrick Selwik The Fad 92040 Lexington 34 113 J fast 71 107 4 5 5 4TJ Keogh v 5 Emp William RCaptive Selwik 91966 Lexington 9 9 919 Keogh 9 RCaptive Emp William Selwik 91928 Lexington 34 1132 fast 31 109 5 7 71 6 1 McTagrt 13 RCaptive DDame Chapulteiici