Answers To Queries., Daily Racing Form, 1911-05-25


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ANSWERS TO QUERIES. Inincau C, Buffalo, N. Y. If the horse lost the lMt lost. W. J. C. Chicago. Not unless the horse hacked ran as good as second. Inquirer. Chicago. No horse of the names given by you started In an American Derby. Win. H.. Toronto. Oat. Colin was never beaten in a race. He started in fifteen and won them all. Doll. Cincinnati. O. If the bet was at track prices von are entitled to the Arid prices, a return of 52. A. P... Chicago. The American Derby was run ■re times subsequent to 1888, viz.: 1900, 1901, 1908, 1903, 1904. G. P.. N.. Chicago. When Miss Caithness was scratched it became a single bet M Yanker and hi be paid as -ucli. c. K.. Hamilton. Oat The bet pa the Htldreth entry won and should be paid. Any of hi- ellglbles thai he elected to start inn tot the wagar. .1. W.. Chicago. To gel the rate leak at the "equivalent hoOSJUf .»lds" and use the prices there in staking your calculations ■ If the bets were at track prices your return i- 22. 17. P. C. M.. Chicago. It is a matter that must be settled liv the bookmakers sense of what i* bonor aide in the affair. No misinformation could alter the f:ic!s of the race, hut ill telling yon thai Batwa was scratched it arrnn thai be al leaat incurred ■oiii.. obllgathMI to --.iv you from • loan caused by his statenient.

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