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SPEED THE ALL IMPORTANT THING. haaarbody nun H ked » faiiHHis Kentu ky turfman ajbad waa the chlel requisite in the Baueap id a pai at ran boroe, . -n * i ti" aaaatm w; - ■i-pid." * And what after that:" was tin- tii t ijuesijon. "Aioie apeed." w.i- the ready, and fraai the re« -ataai al the barf it seem- aa ii the Mae praaa harai aaaa had pin a the araper repUea la the ajaestfnus. It i.s the botae v.ith the daaatiag burst of speed, abb- to t- ite iiim- II from dangi i in a lanr tiehl. that earns he hulk of the prizi . eapeelallt in racet i"r two rear old-. Taaae araa saw Norelty win mmt oi th. i n ii reatataa fat two-year-olds iti thlO. i -IM illy lb.- Pataritj Stake-, lo.all tin ■awaacr la arhtch ii - always -hot swaj rroai tin aa v rweaptaaj the jams and aiterfareaeea arhach caaai to Textile and other -low beptaaers. If it had not U*«-ii l-.r the -jiii .1 hi- di-plaveil at Saratoga m the fiist half mil- "f the Pararfty. It i- prubaha thai ii- aaaaai have heah aearet third pasiuoa than trst at t hi aire. It araa api d arhleh was the dlstiBpaishlac char-aoterfcUk of Kingitton. tin- sire or Novelty, and it was t he raperlatln quality of apeed possessed by Kingston that mad him mm i the rreatesd race hataaa raet vea in thfat eoaatry. A arusaer of bbt-iiiiyilit ram and 31,823 darlns bis rarinz rareer, Klos toa w»m all his rate- by a short, aharp apaai w in* 1 1 Btaod baa oaaaaMata, aparatindy speaking, on then baaaai When Kin- ton was supj-i-.d to In* far from Ma N -i. the reigning scnsatloe a- a turiatet was thai really ta-t borue. Dr. Hi-t.iou.k Th. two haraea in*t il *• i- nd iii a tbree-ajaartera daah, and many MM ssaa p i I a ta-t pi-rl-rinami-. ue — t of the t ib hi looking tor a rlctury by the reaaajet barae. ihi i- arhat bapan aed Ihe two lioraea ran head and head for a aaarter "f i inih- in M aae I- or a tritb leaa, ami thea ITIagBlaa put in tin- aexl 4-ihth in 11 seconds. The race araa araa thea an l there, the Mighty -on ..f a ead thrift rIloadap boaae in * • fallj twa aad a halt -.- .ii.|- slower than in. Ilasbroack could baaa tenured th- dlataace in a ligbl agabisl time or in a eoatest agahual a bataa of fa -- apeed than Kin; atue. It ara that terrtfie aptial that cooked Dr. Hi bioiuk- gooae, ami it i- tin- ability to pin in that spin t at the psychological moment which aatkea the uaTereace betweea the arat eaua and tin- - md »ia-- barae No h..i- - ran carry hi- top apeed fat net how tar i- a BMa4 gaestJea but it i- generally belkaed " betareea i aaaraa ..nd il inh- of a aaaa i- thi aataldt limit. This, of course, lie-an- pal Wag tin* throtlle w hie open, to butTOW an etujlaeer*! Raying for tin parpoae of llbaatratloB. Wliti Ryaoebj ma.!.- in- m i dash after Oiaeaa in tin tare to; iii. Ureal Republb st.ik ■ al Barab _.i he was liiini an eighth of a mil.- in 1 *• * aeeoada, aad rhsae vaa kaaa the harai mj thai aa oaa ar two orraaloaa hi brtfared thi- real in private. Ralrator, beddet of the Mile reeard in Aaaurira, araa s»i.i by Man Byraea, his tra later, to ban run aa eighth lu ib iiiai • ll-Mi- inn -•; 10 aeeoada, I i-t aa thin i-. tii-— who - i-.% Balvator run hi- atralghl utll.- at Mod mouth iaik would Ik- almost leady to believe any tale if his si ct .1. Taa wrttee war- ataAhnaad at the halt mil H si thai day and he will never forget the sen- it I- us e|M 1 lein e.| daring that trial. It waa ■ bUadiag hot day la .Inly, the sun heating m.-r ]■ 1 !v u|Min the n ddlsb j Ilea aall aai r waira 1 he trl I waa la be bmmsb. liei-en. aa aarratar, cantered leisurely to thi ptmt aecoaipaaled by a ran peat aid in the Hagglu atana . which was to act aa paceauukrr lar a portion of the way. Patapka lion was irirhtg froai the ],y; caestaat as he pawed. ruampiag aertoauly at the hit. Tow heat rapa danced faatastlcallp aad a l most M laded the rlsloa when the apes arete tinned up the bang atralghl wh the sunt waa ta !»■ made, in the bage ■tan l tt t Bnlshlag line 33.000 aaraaaa waitid aaJdaaawj fot 1 he tta I Bgalaal ttiae. Olrfng the barae aaaple oaasartaailtp to get until Into bis stride. Bel gea "aal bin d wn" a tth the fall of the startera lag. To taa aaaa aa the track loohlag at the approachlag barae the tirs.t atmlli far his aaaaalaaj apeed was the tiiht of some hage 1 1 nd. Taa fat aaraj -is pat ba heat the ray thai of thi Iplag feet, the oadp e That ace at aaaaai 1 th quleh 1 ■earring etaaaai of dust arhiea raae at rrerp baol beat and joined eaeli other like wreaths, above .t -in-k r"a an the arconda paaaed there waa the steady, patter or feel like the rolling of a battle call aa a drum sad with neck ;n.d body poised pet fectly, the Might] leaa worhlag ;i , aaaaothly ■■ 1.11 - m of Nome splendid tnaehlM . tin race borai* llHindered down the tiaek. Now m was a hundred rarda aaraj sad now be was ahfaaat, the pounding of his feet oa the yellow soil ringing cleat aad Aitotln r moiiient and the daal eloml- had partially hidden him. and then Cir swap caaat taa 1 sim ararauat of apasaaae aa t lie chaMrdoa drew Beat the ■tand. The rataplan of the haaf beats died aaraj ta tin dtataace und the racers baereasi I in volume. Thert wa- a Momentary rileace, whil-the tin- araa bdag pal up. falhjweal hj ■ Might.! cheer, aad aura half a aatla aaraj knew that hlal rj had h. en anaaa. ■araaaar was ■ fast horse, and so was liis ucatghty opp4tnent. "l any, when thai f id aaa aaraj ha th waa innlned to try It was Balral r*a ■peed aad trad ability thai Made him rouquet Tcaay m th ir awtee buttle at Mm. ps|l .id Baj Voter ws another faat botae, aa faat .1-- aaaal at tin m. Joba Haggius, ta. reteraa train. 1 . a i sheaaJ araea Voter ansa raaning bia baol racea here, aad s.,meh.M| waa expatlatlag im the aaarita of the J • eh s; raster when the laataui asked: "How fll-t is If •■Hi. rerp fast." waa the replp. "s fast aa Kingston?* eased Huggins, Taa in. Hi laterrogated rcratched hi- bead and said after 1 paaac: "Well, ao; I 4o not think be ta." "No." apahe up Huaarlaa, who is one of the beat yadgeo oi Imjts, r anywhere, "and I doa*t think 1 ■ ii aaa 1 bnrae ■ n at aaeoad that roaJd out run Kingston when he araa al Ua beat." W i II ii in Lakeland tclla aoaae reaaathable talea of ii. apeed al Paaalao. and -loim Hjriaad thlnki His Highness aa 1 lam-year-oW coald ran aa faat anybodpa barae. HaMbaapj bad a world of apeed and aa had aVaeltal. bal it l- general I] conceded hp horsemen at. aaaaaraaasa that Kmgstou, now 27 raati old and the leading sin- of winning thoroughbreds in 1910. was :il«ut eiiual to any of them. The traefca oeet wimii be raced aaaa aeaet as .is thaaa over arhleh present day lerords were made. rha toarava whrn King Inn raced were ant ran rJdered aaf aaleaa thej were fetloch ibeji in sand or loam, and thni ajaaurteti in 1:11 was uawaa the same as 1:12 hadap, -New York Sun.