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BOURBON BEAU SURPRISES RECENT ARRIVAL FROM THE EAST TAKES HANDICAP AT LOUISVILLE. a ~1 1 Defeats Good Opposition in Feature Contest at Churchill Downs — Weather Uncomfortable, but Patronage Docs Not Diminish, Louisville. Ky.. May m Bourbon Beau, owned by T. Collins. Starting beta for the tirst time, created a stir hp arassnaaj tin* eaajp hauatteajp thaw featured I hi- all. 1 in 1 11 s prom am. A-ide troin the laet that hi araa at long odds, his [►erlormam a was impres-siv. . La- In took into 1 amp a band of racers that imlnded Captain E. II. ta-satCs Latonia Derby elgible, Eleatfaeahrnoaa, and rlMaaaaa N. Camdens laaahl aanam. The latter furnished the distimt disappointment of the race, for he waa an overwhelming favorite and traihd hopel.s ly throughout. II- itherhrooni did gie her backers a Bans] run for their moiey. for she st t a dazzling puce during tho ■nd hnaa aauBraarn, adhnai gttve her supporters liigti hopaa of uitim.-itc aaecaaa, but she heajaa shortening bet strides perceptibly approaching the attetch turn. Bourbon Beau, which had beea hat rJaaaal pursuer alt the way. then dashed Into the lead and he was not again headed. Tin- showing of Starry Night, also a Latonia Derby prospect, waa pfeaaaag to her owner, for she ehnaau 1 big Dip in the final iptarter to take second money ! roin Heat her hrooaa. The latter weakened iii baa nu:il aaarter aa If ahetl and is expected to improve-on this perforinanee. The winner and second aaaaa la this race m re imtii si red hj star MMaa. B"oia Boala*a poot effort was nn plainahle. sksBM held Ar-iiihald to blame because he did nut persevere with him during the first half mile. Sweltering v e.i 1 her made the Dowaa an untouiforlable s[M t today, bat it did net heap down the attendance and the nana] aaaahet were aa hand and took a keen interest in the raclgn Boiigli rldoag on tiie part of some of the |Maaaai aha had mounts in the second race caused » spill, which luckily was not attended with aerlnaa raaalta. Two of the atartera fell bearlly becaaae af crowding ■ ii ilie tii -t turn. Kvia was tiie first to aa snaj u and Mnry Day followed. Tliey were ridden reaaaaet-ln ! hp QoaM and . Boss. The judges tried to fl: ho blame, but the other riders in th*- race cotddj not stale deuniteij who was responsible, and as tho spill occurred at an anarJu w here the fadkeaj caaM ■at determine the matter for themselves they wi r.« lined t" let the Incident go with a warning to all the rid- n .loim Qeasaa II.. an ll handled ba jih key Qaaaga took the areaaare of Chapul tepee in the sprinting ran m which aaaaa gaad ahaa-dhrtaaea raceta nut. Chnpnlti pec was niu.h the t est in the raca, * but was cut off raw atedly in the early running, while John Griaaa II. . with a clear course, was going al lag ahoal his bualnt aa. At the last furlong |M»st. Chapul tepee loomed up tncn.ieinLly. but proved un-eajaal to Che task of overtaking the steady going h ader. Stingi 1 was best of the others and accounted fat third money. John W. Scbort tinally took a purs, with bis frequently dlaappointing l irlbat Dan. u hea the latter beat Booby. The latter was best, but the diminutive .1. Anna harerj retahaad his seat in the saddle to the finish. Kittery. which had acted fnctauaalp at I ha pent, ftalabad la third place. Tiie opeaiag daah. also for juveniles, went to Light O* M l.tfe. arhleh was rnapled in the hettlag with Piping Boca ;is the F. .I-huson eulry. Sir r.laise. the favorite jn this race, handled by 0* Are.iibald. was never prominent. Crowding was in pari reanoaaihle for his failure. Archibalds effort aa Sir Clears la the 1 iaaiag dash caaat in for ertti-etaaa, lie- Carman riib-r took back an M ratal BCi 1 aaaaa while racing tJaraara the baehat retch, but aared conaiderable groand entering the atreteh. His final rush araa unavailing, fot Fort Johns, m and Shapdale held him safe. Fort JcauMua taking ■ winning lead ill the last few strides. After the fiui h. OI la Johnson, owner of Saiapdalo. bid up PW John HM from his entered price of .*:J00 to paeaj, but the hois" u 1- retained. V. i:. PhtlUps, who at one time trained the extensive stable aaaul by Fred Cook, had his only racer. Top land, lahaa from him hy tin dataakig process aft-r tin finish of the sixth race reaherday. I-:. F. Miller, owmr of Night aflst, aecared him for . 7t;o. Charles F. Craing. r. who is inaaclated with 1re-aldins Jadge Price in the hadaaar1 waa farced to shnenl himself during tiie tail two races und his ph... wa- rill, il IV Col. Matt J. Winn. apt. J. T. Williams is aegot la tins urlta S. c. Illldretfa for the s. ivies of jockey C. II. Shilling to rate florrraar Cray in tin- latirnla Dathy. J. B. ateapeaa won im iir-i paaaa of hai aaaaaai when For. heid reared in the aeeenj rue. iv- is re parted •» ban profiled well by taa victory. The crowding that mars many of the ncrg tiere aaaa after tie start will probably caaat tin- Maaatgi meal 10 apodnt an addlthaaal i atrol jadge ami station him aI out a furlong from the Btarthng iwunt. wheti he can ejanrtj ohatrn who is at fault for the trouble. QaHahet Broa. bare iH.imht of B- oih Thompson the three year old brown gelding, bv Hastings — Lndp Bajron, tor «mi. Hreretsry w ft, BtdareU of the Kentucky Slate Racing Commission has received another entry to the Kadursnee stakes at four miles. II. K. Knapp. owner of fosahaaa Plata, bcenaaheg a -uh-. i-ib.-r i ■ retarj Bidw-ll now baa foarteea noMtaatloaa for the bag race. He is eaaaaacnt that he will eaallp gat t w nty. C. L. flhrrlaba, who meed the Kentucky Derbr winner. I. 11 Man. as a two .11 old. and sold him 10 in- presenl earner, B. F. 1 anaaa han aaaaaaer fat s.i.Ihi. wa- a rhdtot at Ihurchill IKiuns this art 1 k. Mr Harriaoa a mi aaraa bad aae bataa 1:1 tralniag. tin faaaoas Waldo which ha- aal raced since ii- daaared brllllnnl two sr old farm in InVJa. frsinei w. .1. V. ing i. I rale tag Waldo thai aaaaaaa, HatrJgaa has been pal lag up rare in his work »r late and wiil 11 t I. - e-i in public Rg t nl as his ow n 1 . II. B. fliaadl . expect* u. M -i -i ih ■ anearaaea an- quartered at Douglaa I irk and like its training faclHtiee iin- liiensely. Work-outs at Cbarcfain Doaraa this naeaaaaj; traek fast: Agtllt* -Mile in do. handily. Barn Dance -Mile in 1:43. driving. Delam Tin 1 e quarter- in 1 :1."".2. Km 1*1 !nt Mile iii I ;,■_■■. handilv. I hi Bton Mile in 1 : Lis. handily. I la n lev — Mile in 1.431, easilv. J:m k Weaver Mil. in I M, ■■ .-ilv. I, iorri— Mile in 1:49, easilv. N inabty 1-id Mile in 1:4.°,*. N -therniost— Mile In 1:44, Otlbi S, ren eighths in 1:P4. K. ■■ rt Bruce— Mile In 1:1 ;:. Kowland on- Three-quarters In 1:151, H -i 1 Klo 1 rhn ■■ eighths In 37i. Southern Light— Mile in 1:4.1?. 1 The Fad— Three-eighths in. obt, £ f. jg; j