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DAILY RACING FORM PUBLISHED DAILY EXCEPT MONDAY. Daily Racing Form Publishing Co. Ml Now Number "PLYMOUTH COURT, CHICAGO. A Dolly Reflection of the American Turf by Telegraph. Editor And Proprietor. F. II. Brunell. Associate r.]n..r. Clinton C. Riley. -i i m tary. Mrs. F. II. Hrunell. Entered as second-class matti-r. April 2. 1S06. at tin- past oArt at Chicago, Illinois, under the Act of Mir. ii ::. MMl ■OKU copies s cm If sent hy mall first class only 0 cents. TERMS: r.-r Wert S .r 0 Per Month 1.50 Half Year ».«0 IMie Tear 17.00 II ■ alHve rates are for single copies as scaled 1. tli rs first class mail. Daily Ka, ing Form Publishing Co. prefers to send single copies as in -1 class mail in all cases. I.i. till Mi! s, ripl-iis — outside the down-town dls-I rut — will l.e declined at ulh.-r than first class mail matter ruli •-. Subset ipi ions must be paid In advance. TELEPHONE 20S7 HARRISON. Tor btisliuss and circulation purjsises only. Tills telephone has no connection with the news or editorial department! and cannot be used to communicate with them. To l»e considered and answered, all queries to Dally Racing Form must be sent over the full name and with the address of writer. The names and ad-dnss. s are subject to a local and foreign directory I.St. ST. LOOTS, M".. OFFICE. 1111 NORTH SIXTH ST. Win. Laser. Jeneral Agent, •leleplione B. 11 Olive 321K. Hack numbers and monthlies supplied. CINCINNATI. .. OFFICE. 720 MAIN ST. W. S. Manns. Heneral Agent. Telephone Canal 1S77. Back numbers and monthlies supplied. Los: ANOEI.ES. PAL.: Alfred Wimbiish. News-cart. 132! Sooth Spring St. HI FFAI.o N. . It. J. s. i.leiib. rs. Fllieott Square, l.oi ISVII.I.K. KY.: i lu- T. le. tin!.-. 232 Fourth Avenne. Plllslll l;... PA.: II. A. S.Mifer News Co.. 222 Federal Street. LEXINGTON. KV.: E. T. Urines. 106 North Limestone Street. DAYTON, OHIO: Pony lions,. News-stand. DENVER. COLO.: Kendrick-P.ellaiuv Co.. 900 912 Seventeenth Street. TORONTO, ONT.: W. C. Ormsby. Iroquois ITotel. C. It. Palmer. Palmer House. T. C- Wild. ck. Imperial Hotel. HAMILTON. ONT.: McArlhnr News Agency. Iliomas French. !»0 James Street, North. DETROIT. MICH : L. nijMI lip, f.s Lamed Street. West. Tel. Main UBS. Ceptea delivered within mile circle. DANVILLE. ILL.: las. tiro Urns.. 41 North Vermilion. OALESBLRO. ILL.: O. A. ■weaasa, 311 East Main Street. EVAN8TON, ILL.: M. Schultz. PoO Cbur.h Street. FFiEl . ILL.: Peoiia Newi stand. r,00 Main Street. KENOSHA, WIS.: W. II. Robinson. 203 Main Street. KALAMAZOO. MICH.: Kalamazoo News Co.. 40! North Rur.lick Street. NEW ORLEANS. LA.: O. B. Hill. 108 St. diaries Street. Mb Ooalff. St. Charles News stand. CLEVELAND. OHIO: J. C. Budil. 1 sr, l Silh Street. N. P.. KANSAS CITY. MO.: Bll tail In Cigar au.l News Co., Ninth and Walnut Sue. :s. HOT SPRINGS. ARK.: II. C. Weaver A: Co.. opp. Arlington Hotel. INHI n .roils. INH. .1. I. Steinberg. Terminal Station. MH.W u Mil:. WIS.: Frank Mulkern. Third and Crand Avenues. MEMPHIS. TENV: It. M. Hansford and Co. 1 . II. Clarke .V Rro. p. Hot. 1 N. as stand. MINNEAPOLIS. MINN.: M. .1. Kavanangh. 50 South Third Street. NASHVILLE, TENN.: Heart P.ros . 21K North Cherry Street. BI.I E ISLAND. ILL.: H. II. Watlles. lit: Inion Street. CIIICAOO. ILLINOIS. MAY 27. IMS.