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ANSWERS TO QUERIES. S.. River Forest. 111. The return from •raftered on Kings Daughter May 25 was 0.75. The wagered is included. It, C. Chicago. The parlay lost because Puggins was beaten. Only the horses named in a parlay • •Hint at factors in its decision. Eugene S., Cincinnati. O. It is for A. and B. to decide what their agreement meant. Without any agi meut to the coutrary the bit lost. E. P. It.. Los Angeles. Cal. The parlay was void as to W.i tei vale beeaase no place price was against him and won as a single pine bet on Bilberry. II. W. N.. RufTalo. N. Y. Such bets lose ordi narily. but since the bookmaker seems to have agreed to pay he should do so at the lield prices. has. T.. Ruffalo. N. Y. No mistake was made. That is the decision made here ever since mutuel betting began on tin- Kentucky tracks. Your hone •ma badly beaten and the bet lost. T. P.., Toronto. Ont. 1 Sir Ralph was the property of J. K. Seagram when he ran a mile in 1:30 at Woodbine Iark. 2 Thessalon won the Kinds Plate in 1903 When Fly In Amber broke down. R. P.. West Baden. lad, The BrnokUne, Mass.. meeting DCcnrs June 17. 21 and 24. Presumably the race inquired abonl will take place on the lasi day of the meeting, but no date for it has as vet been published. .Wheeling," Wheeling, w. Va. As such wagers nro construed here it was a loser. If. however, the bookmaker decides that because of your agreement he will pay, the rate is .00 to straight and 05 to H«J show. W. C. I... Lexington, Ky. When one makes a parlay bet be wagers that a certain numb, r of horses v.iil do certain things and the bet is not decided until all of the hones named have raced, if not scratched. Sour bet lost became one of roar hones lost. If that hone had won you would have been paid. The limit eiit no figure in the ease whatever, except to detine the highest rate of oMa thai could be won.