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NOTES OF THE TURF. Kiel AUcrbOCh of Cineinnati. h;is ■ financial in-tet.-t ii |he new Charleston track. Col. If. I. Winn is on a trip to N.-w York and wBl retara to Louisville late in the m i i*. Notice lias been given tiy the Jockey Club that the Kaclag Calendar, its official organ, will be laoaed atunthlj hereafter until further notice instead of weekly. The aanoal meeting of the LooisrUle Pacing ft son elation, the holding company of the taw Jockey elubs al Louisville, will be held next Monday, at which time the orgaafaattoa will !«■ dissolved. Tin annnal Barfing of the Jockey Clab will be helil at is offices, 8 and S East 46th street. New-lurk, on Thursday, January 11. The annaal aieetlng of the Saratoga Association will be held the same day. The Jockey Clab controlling the sport in New South Walis. Australia, has recorded its regret Cat the death of "Mr. Walter it. Halt, who bad been a member of the committee of the A. J. c. for !orty-M- ii years."