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GOSSIP FROM BLUE GRASS REGION. Lexington, Ky.. January 13. — The agreement between Major Poxhall A. Daingerneld ami Charles P. Hill, representing Clarence 11. Mackay, for a sub base on Kingston I-arin for four years. Was .0111 pleted in its details today and tin- deal will he - osed when Major Daingerficld signs a lease M1.1t Mr. Mackay will mail from New York Monday. Major Daingerfield is n-i-iir tin pla re. which tains 315 a.-res. f..r himself and not for James R. K..H-. Th- Keene hot -• are to remain at Castle t..n I-arin. now ..wind by David M. Look, ami Major Daingerfield Is to continue to manage them, making hi- visits from Kingston l.inu. until Mr. Keene dli noses of them finally. General C. •. Watt- takes a sub-lease from Major Daingerfield on about It" a.-i.-s ,.f tin- farm. Major Daingerfield will conduct tin- farm as a boarding place tor blooded boraoa. Charles 1-. Hill, who ha- been her.- for sj years a- manager ..; tic Kingston Farm, will, after he and Ml-. Hill have a visit i about sil w •-, ks t friends in tin- east, •-•• to Prance to take chars Meddler and the mares thai M; Mackay ha- .11 that country. The i •• -i i - . • 1 :- viclnitv ■ th.- departure of Mr. an 1 Mrs. Hill, but they are glad I" know that Maj-- Daingerfield and his int.-: _ • Oil to In In the blu - -1 1 : .■ 1 : ■ ■ - I- I -nci.