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SPRINGMASS TO GO ABROAD. Robert T. McKeever. who baa arrived it Charleston ■ 1 York, hai arranged to -hip his black 11 Spring!! - to I ranee n. t spriiig. II ..■•niatioii ..f SpringuMss is such that -In- should make, a •_... -1 Jumper and I" with this idea la i. thai slie will be -.-in abroad. Mr. McKeever baa I Mund on the other side. The latter -ran, 1 in a steeplechase on Noveml* r 30 and after race nas retired to winter quarters. Sancton. u.i- -obi by Mr. McKeever lo 1 French turfman, broke bis leg during the running -n the Prix Mot tagnie. Sanctus waa leading hi- field by a rood margin when be fell, and be probably would have won had he st...*! up.