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COMMITTEE REPORTS BILL PROPOSED ANTI-RACING LEGISLATION MEETS WITH PAVOR AT COLUMBIA. Majority of Legislative Judiciary Presents Favorable Report After Hearing Arguments and There Will Ee a Minority Report as Well. Charleston, S. C. January 10.— A favorable report fin Unc anti-betting Mil waa made at Colombia last night l.y the Senate and House judiciary committee. Several members of the committee were opposed t" ill. bill and they will submit a minority report. Tin- racing Interests were represented at jrtater-daya bearing by prominent citizens of Charleston, who voiced their opposition to eaj proposed hostile ation. Ninety-five per cent of the business Interests ol Charleston also mad it known to tin- COM aiitree through their representative that they were • pposed to an] legislation that would interfere with 1 be racing. Several ministers were those most active in favoring the suppression id the racing. Tin bill will go on the calendar and take its usual course, with others, for it is not expected that it will receive any special consideration, and the racing linn are not at all alarmed that there will be any Interference with the sport daring this season. ita in which tell tin-- morning again retarded progress ,.i| construction work at the track, hut witli the cessation of the moisture this afternoon all wis again activity ami it i- now thought certain that n i further obstacles will be encountered to prevent the o|iening on Wednesdaj next. Tin- horsemen are Jubilant over tie- happy termination of the threatened difficulty with the Jockey «iub and final arrangements for an amicable understanding between the local racing association and the .1. i key ciuii have been perfected. Assistant Secre-tarj Algernon Daingerfield will arrive hero on Ban day next and Immediately begia the issuing d licenses to applicants. It is thought that no dlffl- cutty wih i.e experienced by those hoi semen who raced at Colombia in the matter of geting rein Btated. A telegram will lie forwarded to the Jock .. CI ob. containing all the names of those desiring rein-Bt itement and it is expected that this application w ill I" acted Ol at once. Miasm Marshall and Hughes, who returned today m voui their mission to New York on behalf of the ass .elation, announced that everything had been adjusted satisfactorily and that the racing here will be conducted under the Jockey Club rules. F. C. smith, who will represent the Jockey Club as m, w-.ii.i. will arrive with Mr. Daingerfield next Sunday. William Snyder, assistant to starter Hade, arrived today and wiU begin schooling horses as soon as the track becomes available for the horsemen. .!. S. Hawkins was an arrival today, coming here from his borne near Lexington, Ky. 1 rank Humming Bird Tyler came from New York au.l will b. among the layers who will operate during the meeting. Hi. V. 1. King Dodds came in advance of his horses, which are at present quartered at Norfolk, Va. The news thai the ami racing bill Introduced In the Virginia legislature failed in iis infancy was gratifying to the numerous racing men here. .1. C. Milams horses will Ik- campaigned here .-■re in route from Lexington and expected to arrive I morrow. Jockey Bntwell will Ilk j sign a contract offer d him by II. I.. Duryea to ride m France this sww trainers at Palmetto Park are making every use ..f the postponement in the opening of the race meeting and to man] the delaj is decidedly wel-come, it affords them ■ chance to tighten up their charges. The Inside coarse is still being used t :■ the galloping of the horses, George Ham. who is training the Oerst shin;:. bag the following two-yeai olds: Yorkville, b. c, by Yorkshire Lad Susie Bush: Claretta Barns, eh. f, by ri Wells 8weet Eileen, and Mama Johnson, en. f. by Oesarion Over. All three are built along racy I iu- •= and move along smoothly in their galloping, exercisi - . F. Schultes Eeiaap, King Olympian and Cap-t.i n Bravo ar. training RStlsfaetorily here.