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DEATH OF GALLINULE IN IRELAND. Sire of Pretty Polly. Wildfowlcr and White Eagle Passes Away Unexpectedly at Owners Farm. one of ill. moat renowned horses of recent years, th.. hi li nil . Gallinnle, died at the Browns Iowa Sni i. Carrara., County KlWare. Ireland. Jana D, at i lie sge of twenty-eight years. He was i v, ei -.lc1. remarkable rigor that bis .1. ith was iiiiei,e. I.-.! and it had been announced that be was red from public aervtce and would only he ed with hi- owners man-- this year. London iiiil* Life ;_i.s the following comprehensive ii of his career: ■■li.- was :: chestnut horse by Isooomy— Moorhen, and belonged to Capt I. H. Greer. Galllnnles dam like the mother of the reeentlj defunct Isin glasa Deadlock, bad i somewhat romantic can i .,.; ben i ■ i belonged to the late Doke of ] • ron shire, and after winning a i lltng race, sh was iMiughl for 14 i guineas by the late Tom Green. Be in turn parted with her to .1. c. Hill, a well-known northern sportsman, who pal her to jumping. :ir .: sin- proved herself verj proficient. Mr. Hill ultimately sent the mare to Isooomy, and Gallinnle waa the r- suit of the alliance. "The foal wa« sold lu the lat« Marquis of Ailes bury, then Lord Ssvernsk . and as ■ two-year-old won three r-i..-. including the valuable National Breeders !: u. Stakes. Gallinnle then train • IT. and was lo the late Abington Baird, who . !..: ..i money over him In the Lincolnshire Handicap of 1888 wen bj Wise Man. Mr. Baird eventual]] sold lb horse i. Captain Greer I thousand guineas om of the greatest bargains in horseflesh ever secured. When Gallinuh went !.• the stud in Ireland he v.:,-- i,.. • to mares. For ■eveml years past his fee has been 21m _nim as, mil be has made s mark equaled hj few stallions. In is;.;: he had but one winner, viz.. Ballyhur. which won s selling plate at i;:. Derbj Novemlier rtlng. lr..m that .ia» Galllnulen utock began to assert themselves, and i.i th. following v..,r we and Portmarnock, Lesterlln Hoc] ii. oe. a trhi which were destined tn win big rabies, making their ti:-i appearances. Lesterlln an i ; ,■ , race? In Ireland before coming over here and i rylug oft the besterfleld Nurs tj at Derby from i big tii Id. Bock Dow- in the following year p* ... and Gasetteer tin Hurst Park Handicap, while Portmarnock and others i ie. - In li eland. •ii! 1866 ret i fen of Galllnnles progeny wen i England, bat In Ireland they accounted for thirteen. Portmarnock. however, .von the Boos Memorial Stakes st Ascot. The following I ason Galllnulea deseendanta began to make a mnch more pronounced mark, for amongst them were Bittern, winner of the Great Surrej Breeders Foal Stakes :.t Epsom Spring, Willi.. wb-r. which carried off three races, Klrenla HTaternen and Mount Prospect, no fewer than thirty four events la Faclsud and Ire land being won, the total value of wb ch was MB wr.. ■ Even belter results Were obtained In 1*0S, for Galllnnles stock accounted for thirty-five races. value 601.780. The chief contributor to this sum was Wildfowlcr, whose St. Lexer success netl d |25, Baldoyle did well In this, his first, seas n securing three races, all at Manchester: Gaaetteer won roar races; General Peace, two; Mount Prospect, two; Watrrnen, two. including the Derby Cup: Portmarnock, the Sal ford Borough Handicap, at Manchester; and Siren is, the Duke of York Stakes, at Kemptoo, **Oeaeral Peace won the Lincolnshire Handicap the next season, wide Sireaia carried off the Laa e.ishiie Handicap at Manchester: and in Inland Oppressot and stein. .il. wire the most aaccessfui. A lengthy list of winners represented Gallinnle in 1000, Included amongst them lioing Coorlan, Elena, Gallinaria, Game Hen, General Peace, Good Mcrn ing. Goosander, Mount Prospect, Oppressor, Slrenia. ai .1 Waterhen. Sirenla had previously si1,wn her liking for the Kemptdh Park track, and now mi ceeded in winning ill.- Jubilee Stakes from a ra go. d field of handicap horses, carrying tin- I.i.: weight of lis pounds. A total ■ 176,680 stood t" his credit at the end of the season: but. big though n waa, that of 1801 left it far behind, as th.- produ i of thirty-eight races realised 6102275. jam.- in ;, won six nuns, h.-r successes being in the Princess Cup at Newmarket First July: National Breeders Produce Stakes at Ssndown Iark: Champagne Stakes. at Doocaster; Autumn Breeders Foal Plate ami Michaelmas Flan . at Manchester. Bella Gallloa only seeled once hut that success was worth .V- r.nii -tiie Coronation stakes. ;,i Ascot. Mount Pros pect earned 65,000 by his victory in the Liverpool Cup: whili * nquering Hera won mi eight occasions. mostly in Ireland The rear 1802 saw the advent on the turf of Fartman, who won all his engagements. 11 mmenced by winning the Great Lancaahiri Breeders Produce Stakes, at Liverpool; Anglesey siak. -. at lie- Cnrragh; Baliway Stakes, at ti" i arragfa; and Great Sapling Plate at Sandown Park. This seas,,:. Introduced us t«. Hammerkop, win. won four ...i races, tin- total value ■.! which was in-: over 0,000. towards th. grand aggregate if 667,000. "The year 1803 will ever t. ■ memorable for th- Brat :• i • i ■• trai of the peerless mare Pretty Polly. She made her debut In the British Dominion Xwo x.ii old race ai Sandown Iark. and ridden by . Trigg finished ten 1 agtha la front of her nearest opponent. Going from one Euccess t • another, ~i,e won during. th. seas. ni the National Breeders Produce Stakes at Sandown. Mersey stakes ;lr Llverpocl, Chsmpagne Siak.s at Doncaster, Autumn Breeders Foal Stakea at Manchester, Cheveley Dark Stakes, and Middle Park Ihite st Newmarket Second Ocl • her, and Criterion Siak.-s and Moultou Stakes ;l. Newmarket Houghton running through the season anapproacbed and winning altogether 67,510. "Snmr ais.. made his firs I appearance in this v, ir. and ... . anted for four races, while Farlmau. Game Hen, General Cronle, ami Hammerkop ach contributed over ,000. Lady Drake, however, was responsible for 1,715, her four successes Includ ing th. Victoria Cup at lluisi Iark. Galllnnles sens and daughters won altogether fort] tn i e.-iits. totalling 3260. "The so. is,. n of i:»m proved the lw-st. foe with Pretty Polly winning the classic races confined to Sllies she plsced a further 2,200 to her sires credit. In addition to the One Thousand Guineas and Oaks, si,.- ais., w.u the Coronation stakes at Ascot and the DoOCastOT St. Leger. the NSSSSU stuk.-s at Goodwood. Dark Hill Stakes at Doncaster, and Fne Handicap Sweepstskes at Newmarki • HOUgbtOn. She. h.AV.Ver. si, tilled llel til— t def..ll. u-iiig beaten hy Presto il. in France. Galantine won .770 as the product of four successes, while Sentrys three victories realized 810,250, and Ham merkops two, ,710. Galllnnles winning total reached 6164,628. "Pretty PoBy won four races in 1666, but they only amounted to 817,160, her tirst success of the year being la the Coronation Cup at Epsom, and tin-biggest contributor towards the aggregate of 26.-148 standing to Galllnulea name was the two-year-old BareeUe, whose three victories included the National Breeders Produce Stakes at Sandown Park. LTalume, another two year old. won five races and Aibila. three races. Hammerkop won the Alexandra Flat, at Ascot and the Ccsarewitch, while Glen-.iniov scored In the Queens Prize at Kemptou. "We saw the last of Pretty Polly in 1806, for after being beaten in the Ascot Gold Cup by Bachelors Button she was retired. She had. however, again won the Coronation Cup at Epsom. Chief contributor in this year was another two-year-old, lids being Slieve Callioii. whose ihiee Koccessea were w utli 620,450, and included the New Stakes at Ascot and the Champagne stakes al Doncast r. Bochetter also did well, winning on tie occasions. Including the stewards Cup. Hammerkop again won the Ali tandra Plate at Ascot, while Gala Wreath and Poussin each won over 65.000. "The yeat Of 1807 again saw Callinules stock in th.- ascendant. Slieve Galllon started the season well by scoring in the craven siak.s :i t Newmarket, and t.d. .wim; it up by victory in th" Two Thousand Guineas. He was then heavily backed for the Derby, bul failed to stay, and was beaten by both Orby and Wool Winder. He only run once afterwards, winning the St. Janus Palace s akes al I scot, ami being then sold to go to Germany, "Al.ti.". u 1 two-year-old made his appearance in White Eagle, which cantered away with the Wo dcote Stakes, and after two farther victories | won tin- National Breeders Produce Stakes at Sun down. Ad Blacks tl.r.e races wen worth 2,000. iii contradistinction to his earlier s,.i-o:,~. oearij all Galllnules progeny win- running in Lngland. bis i nil winnings in ir. land in this season being bul ,310, towards the complete aggregate of 10,015. "White Eagle never seemed to give bis best inn ning :.s a three-year-old, and though he was the t.i-est contributor towards tbe 6,115 credit .1 t" , iiis sin-, he was ci. -eh followed by Prineesse de •alii -. which was carrying the colors ..f King Edward. She accounted for four races and 5.:t0u. while Glasgerii n. helped with .just short •: .sin.iniii. Apart from these, however, the majority of the f..ii tlii.e raced secured were of small value. "in 1900 Phali ron. which had provi d a dlsappn nt nieiit .-is a two-year-old, showed got .1 form, and bj ... in.: fne lim.s including tin- race for the Jockey Club stakes at Newmarket First Octobei meeting . irned S,420. Again did • two-year-old make a line debut, this being Admiral Hawke, ■ brother b . Pretty Polly, which carried oft tiw .ents worth oat 5,000. While Eagle, which numbered .si his successes the City and Suburban, added -i 395, while Pun. ess. de Galles won the Corona :i.n si.ikes ■, i Ascot. Again were forty three events credited to the sons and daughters of this wonderful sire representing a sum of 38,550. As hsd happened before. Admiral Hawke did not fulfill his juvenile promise In 1910, and was i all] sold to go to brm. my. None of the others won i i stake of ,s"..-ii.. so that GalUnulea total at tbe end of the seas..,, reached bat 0,000. The • applies to last season, for very fen ■ »..l hones represented him, though be had eleven two-yi winners almost a record. Altogether his sons and I daughters have up t. date won dose upon 500 races - worth ,419,42and/