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KEMPTON PARK OFFICIAL DIES. Major Joie.-y. the well known sportsman, died last evening a: hi- residence. Sunningdale Park. Berks. Deceased, who was seventj hv - years of age. bad be.-n suffering for some considerable time. had : idually sinking for the past few day-. Major Joi- • v was w.ll known in racing circles, being chair man ..f th.- Kempton Park Race Course Co. The deceased gentleman had generally a tew horses In training, but they were mostly moderate animals that carried the ruby, white cap. The late Jack Watt- vva- al one time his trainer, ami subsequently Sam Pickering st Newmarket, and Waller at Storkbridge. had charge of hi- horses. Possibly ii. best to .anv his colors was Sterling Balm, a daughter of Friars Balaam Yesterilng. which was cotemporary with such good horses as Sceptre, Duke ..f Westminster, Csardas, Levengro, Dooeharv . Cam. Chick, Si. Wimhli m- and Aid Iatri.-k. ami wa- one of tin- i.e-i of the exceptionally smart lot of youngsters which the season of 1991 produced, sin- wa- one of a couple of yearlings --ed I.v Wati- a; ih.- Doncaster Sales of I.hhi for the -mi! of S80 guineas, the other being Bonnie Scotland, which also proved a more than useful horse. Major Job- y had .is choice of i he pair, and s. I. i t.d Sterling Balm, which won four ol the Bve eng igements she fulfllled a- a two year old. Includ ing tin- Coventry Stakes at Ascot ami the historic Gimcrack Stakes at York, she proved to be tack ing in stamina, however, and her only success sub -e.|iiently wis g. ii. i.d .- a three-year-old in the Fern Hill s:ake- ,-t Ascot, still, -he wa- possible the . -t hoi-.- .ver sired I. Friars Balsam, with the exception ol Friar Tuck which finished third in the Duke ol Portlands col...- in the Rerbj ■•! 1902. won by Ar.i Patrick. Tin nparatlve failure of Friars Balsam as ;. stallion wa- all the more sni prising a- in in- trainers ..pinion h«- was mi nncom- uiv smart horse, ami It i- in in- rredli that on -. a-i ii be defeated Mr. yneri ham Minting. A successful youngstel lo cum Main-Joicy- -ilk- in 1911 was Aiibath. aud Gala Twe I was another w Inner In his colors that maj be mentioned. London Spoiling Life of J.iiiua:.v Ll.