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/ i j i ■ I 1 i i . , | | | , , ■ , i : j ] ] j , , : i i . . j i j I 1 I i GETTING READY FOR SPRING HORSES BEGIN TO ARRIVE AT TRACK OF THE KENTUCKY ASSOCIATION. Bill Introduced at Frankfort to Impose Tax on Receipts of Racing Associations for Highway Improvements — Gossip from Blue Grass Region. Lexington. Ky . February :;.— A hill proposing the imposithm of a rax for road purposes of •_ per cenl. on tin- gross receipts of all racing associations in Kentucky was introduced in the General Assembly b.v Representative David Clarence Gray, a Meade County farmer, last Thursday. Ii is the first mess ure of ih.- present session of the Legislature that in any way affects the lurf. Then is some encouragement in the rumors ol chances for legislative relief in New York and the revival of racing on the running tracks of the great Empire State, but it is not of the ort that |.ui-the blood of the breeder tingling with the sensa lions that would attend the certain return of "good times." As an Illustration of what the dosing of the New York tracks means to Keetneklans, bike the experience of Dihelliert I.. Davis, the owner it Rpokwood Farm, which is located in Woodford County, sonic fifteen miles from Lexington. When the repress it in a ry laws were passed in New York Mr. Davis fiad 147 head of thoroughbred horses si Rook Wood, and fully llTi of these were •boarder- They were owned by various persons, manv of whom were residents of New York. There were "among the number six stallions and eighty-seven broodmares. Hie remainder lieing horses that had been in train tag or yearlings that had not been broken. • Tu left me gradually, though certainly, until today I have only six thoroughbreds on the premises." -aid Mr. Davis, "and these I expect soon to sell. 1 bar • the broodmare Pamela, by Hamburg: a four-ycr old filly by Lissak— Quebec, and four yearlings Including a brown tilly by Br.v n M.iwr-l.oval Man ; a bay filly by Bryn Mawr — Notlimah ; a brown coil i.v Bryn Mawr — Petroline, and a brown cort b.v Elk horn — Witch of Endor. I am now in negotiation with a gentleman who want- the six and I think I shall accept his proposition." A. I.. Bolton, of Helena, Mont., was a visitor here this week in search of a good racing tool. He came with the idea that he could dose a deal with John Rodegap for Base] Burke, but he did in it Ii id the price for the good daughter of Sempronius as low as he supposed. He looked at several others. Including E. It. Bradleys Bell Horse, but returned to Montana without making a purcha--. Charles .1. McKenna has named his Nasturl iiim — Meddlesome She colt Foundation. "You see he is the tirst one 1 have owned." said Mr. McKenna. "and 1 regard him as the foundation of a good rac ing stable and maybe a breeding establishment. Therefore the nam.." Will McDanhl is training Foundation and he likes him. He is a robust, healthy fellow that looks as if he might thrive on raiing. Mr. McDantel took up during the week the fillies Damson and Peeping;, belonging to W. H. Landsman Ocean Bound. Ocean Blue ami Cloud Chief came up from Bourbon County Friday and joined Ruck-born, Magneto and Inlai to make up the li*12 string of Clay Brothers under the care of trainer French Brooks. Ocean Bound is in tine bodily condition and looks as good as -he ever did. Praetorian. Wheelwright. Sister Florence and Samlrian were brought up from Johnson N. Cam dens Hartiand Stud Thursday and arc now in the -i ring that trainer J. O. Keen" i- galloping at the l.eal track. Charles i. inn has disposed of all the interests of Clarence II. Maekay and himself in this vieiuit.v and is bidding farewell lo hi- local friends. He. leaves Monday morning f..r New York and will shortly go to France to look all.r Meddler and the broodmares that Mr. Maekay has in that country. Mr. Hill, during his six years as the manager ol Kingston Farm, mad.- many friends in Lexington and vicinity, who regret his departure. The application Of the Louisville and Nashville Kail-road for a new trial in the case ol ate-by Wood lord and John T. Ireland, Bourbon County turfmen. who were recently awarded damages in the sum of Sl.t.OOO f..r the destruction of yearling thoroughbred hois.-.- en route from Lexington lo Juarez, was d -nicd by Judge Ki it in the Fayette Circuit Court today. Arthur Hancocks Frantic dam of Tommy Wad-dell, ami Lady Godiva, have been shipped to fillers lie simi. Virginia, the former to be mated with Cell and the latter with lb-no. Maj. Thomas J. Carson ha- leased the stallion King Hanover trom John E. Madden. He will stand at Dlxiana Stud, along with Trap Rock, which Major arson recently leased from August Belmont. James R. Reenes realty has foaled a brown coll by Peter Pan at Castleton Farm.