Second Race [2nd Juarez, Daily Racing Form, 1912-02-04

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- - 1 . ■ 1 . I ■ SECOND RACE— 1 Mile. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. 84103 1:37% 5 122. KEEP MOVING, b. m, 7 110 By Yankee— La Polka W. St. Vincent. 1152 Jaares 1 1 141 fast 20 112 2 1 8 ." *r- C H Miller 1 0 Ferrons, Chilla, Little Jane. 11 88 Juarez 1 1 :40" fast 4 111 1 2 1 I 4 1 4"3 J Henry 1 Ben Im as. Eje White, Os.ur... 1017 Juarez 1 1:391 fast 6 IN 3 3 5 6 7 S,3"Rosen S Lena Lech, Miami. Tim Judge. 88079 Juares 1 1:411 fast 6-5 110 5 5 5 4 41 5* Moleswn 7 Chantldor, Robert. Error. •-■41 Juarez 11:401 fast 3 10S 6 4 8 8 7 T"«?JJ Henry 8 Ix tta Creed, L. Lech, S.Connor. 88881 Jaares 1 i:4ig good 7-5 107 4 3 2 2 11 23 Grow 7 Anne McGee. Oacaro, Woiferton. 99851 Juarez 1 1:41* slow 5 1"7 1 1 1 1 l2 I3 Rosen 0 Setback. Allanfearn. R.andRound 99809 Juarez 1 1:41 fast 4 107 3 11 1 1» 22 D.-nnv 12 L. Creed. B. Oldlield. C. Green. 99764 Juarez 1 1:401 fast 4 107 4 5 5 5 6 6" Denny 7 Woolwlnder, Allanfrn, L. Paxton 99728 Juarez 11:42* fast 5 110 5 4 5 3 lb 8*J Fraseh S Rompb*. Hamtis, JndgeWaltOB. 99692 Juarez 11:41 fast 30 105 4 3 5 6 31 3"* Dennv 10 Leopold, Miss Kuril. The Monk. 99232 Latonia 1 1-16 1:47 good 59 107 7 7 7 7 61 611 J Moore 12 Woolwlnder. L.Creed. J. H. Reed ■807 Latonia lnffSy 1 :46* hvy 17 117 14 7 7 71 732 McTasrt 10 Max Astir. M.-rrv Lad. Supple. 0884 Latonia lm70y 1:461 slow 14 110 2 13 3 4and 6 " Kennedy 7 Q. Marguerite. LkCread, E. Collins. SETBACK, b. h, 5 118 By Ogden— Set Fast E. Gaylord. 1169 Juarez 1 1-8 1:531 fast 8-8 ill 1 7 :. ] ::-.; Taplin 0 B.ol For tone, Wicket, Misprision. 1122 Jaares 11:41 fast 3-5 11" 1 S 7 7 4l 3s Keogn 0 Oacnro, Robert. King White. 1983 Juares 11.39 fast 4 MS 7 7 7 7 7: 6JK. igb 0 Juan. Bannis, L. M. Bckert. MM Juares 1 1:«M fast 7--5 Ui 7 6 5: Zj l"4 Keogh 7 Sons, Maniac, Pern 1.. i»ii Juares 1 Lioj good 5 110 ; 5 5 « | 5»| Keogh t PlylngFeet, Plgent, P.MnlbolIsnd MS08 Juares 11 Ml faat 5 115 E 3 2 I : :i .1 Howard B Lena Lech, Woiferton, Coopers. 99851 Juares 1 1:411 slow 6-5 M8 3 3 3 I 2:12- J Howard 6 K. Moving. Allanfearn. R.aiidRnd 0752 Juares 1 1:39* fast 15 in* 5 4 4 5 5 i u Howard S Lackrose, Dutch Rock, Balronia. 97139 Latonia 1 1-16 1:47 fast 21-5 115 2 6 5 5 2s I1 T Rice 11 Etniiv I.e. . Startler. Leopold. 96122 Latonia 1 3 16 l:59g fast 27-20 110 5 5 4 4 51 7*3.1 Class 11 Kleuap. llannis. Short Order. 96370 1 1-16 1:47* slow 16-5 lll I E I 2 l2 I2 J Class R S. Knight. WgTing, B.of Kichmd 96081 Lsville lm70yl:45 fast 18-5 109 3 5 5 3 4i 42 T Rice 10 K.Solomon. ColdenPearl. Melissa V.917 LoutsMlle 1 1:411 fast 61 109 11 8 6 4 4» 4- J Howard 11 .T.Walton. Col Pearl. ShortOrder 90766 Pimttea 3-4 1:14| fast 16-6110 5 6 5 52 Pk Page 12 TheGsrdener, Sixty, W. 1. Hlnch * WICKET, b. t 8 107 By Hamilton II.— Cricket Phillips and Thompson. :n"9Ju:iroz 1 i- ! 1:531 fast 8 Ml 6 8 1 2 2 - . l- Hill 8 B.of Fortune. Setback. Misprision 1151 Juares 1 i:4lji fast 6 no 8 8 8 2 3- 2 Taplin 10 Onatassa, llannis. Pedro 1084 Juares 7-8 1:26* fast 7 110 2 I 5 7 6- S*l Taplin 0 1. Mi:, ken. "Tanker, Heretic. 1079 Juares 1 1 :41g fast 4 no 7 5 3 3 8** V B C ttoa 10 Sona, Misprision Ben Uneas. 10S2 Juares 11.39 fast 10 110 7 3 2 2 8*2* B Cotton 8 Plgent. B. of Fortune H.Ratil- 1042 .luar.z 1 1:411 fast 7 112 6 5 3 1 11 11 E Cotton 12 P. Vision. Weynoutb Maplet on. 98891 Juares 1 1:431 good 20 10410:1110 9 •"" 92» K Cotton 10 Misprision Minnolette H l"nca« 90849 Juarez 1 1 :42| slow 10 lofi 4 s s S 7 7" I" Cotton » Cbsries Cr.en Coppers Gunston 99761 Juarez 11:42 fast 4i to; 2 8 8 8 6 8*|E Cotton B Sugar Lump C. Green Kiddy Lee 9*d;m Juarez 7 8 1:291 fast 60 107 7 7 7 7 7 7"lMeinpn 7 Mannis llellco Barney oidli.ld 99671 Jnarda 1 1:42 faat 100 103 7 8 10 13 io 10"Mempa in Fr.-d Mnlnolland ugelus Juan. M688 Helena 1 1:42 fast — 109 V K Cotton 9 K.oflTBnboe. Patriotic. Qn Lead 9S518 Helena 1 1:411 fast — 111 1 R Cotton rt HamHway E.Stewart Patriotic 9S469 Helena 11:421 slow— M2 3J F. Cotton 11 J.oLantern. LukeCates. Bonflls 88088 Anaconda 3-4 1:201 slow 41 108 3 4 4 4 4-2 I Cotton 4 P. Industry. Darelngton. MIssSlv 96060 Anaconda 1 1:461 mud 50 104 7 6 6 7 7 71,»B Cotton 7 Stoneman. Patriotic. M.Greeuwd LITTLE MARCHMONT, b. g. 5 111 Bv Marchmont U.— Spoli* Onina C. T. Brownfield. U22 Juares l 1:41 teat 3 112 3 6 6 4 6s 6° ] Henrv ! Oscuro, Rolart. Setback. 1106 Juarez 1 i:3:»*. fast 6 Ml "■ ; t; 6 2*121 Rosen 8 Maude Girl, Znlo, Misprision. 1085 Juarez 11:4;* fast 2 Ml 3 12 2 n 21 Taplin 7 Mais. Girl, Rampant, Weymouth, I it Juarez 1 1:414 fast 10 no 2 8 8 9 8- 6*1 Taplin 10 Sona. Misprision. Ben llncai 99961 Juarez 1 1:4*1 test 2 Ml 3 7 7 7 4n« 3 j Henry s Y. Iooh, b. Oldfield. Black Mate. i*-*yi6 Juarez 1 1:42 fast 6 110 2 6 4 3 3=1 1" J Henry 11 Kiddy Lee, I?. Oldtlcld, Chesa. 1 alias 1 1-16 1:431 good — 10a 5 0 Crossover. Engraver. Minnolette. 9943a Dallas 1 1:7.64 lwy — 109 4 9 Pedro, Lucky Mose. U. II. White. 99293 Dallas 1 l:4t] hvy — 109 3 T T Burns 3 Crv Babv. Wolferton. 98731 Okla. City lni7oyl:46 fast 10 109 5lslSmal 8 Mamac. Night Mist. Pipe Vision. 98727 CHcCity Ab 7-8 1:271 fast 6 104 6*1 Pendgast 8 T. Franks, H7 Relief, Ell Meter. 98420 Hutch* n lm70y 1:40* fast 3 109 31U T T Burns 4 Erin. Indusy, Maniac. Sureon. r 98398 Htchn 3-4m50yl:18t teat 6 108 S i T T Bums 6 Geor.Shand. B.oftbeBay. S.Sam. t*332 Hutchn 3-4m50yl:181 teat B MS 2* I T Burns 5 Heine, Altair, May Sutton. 98057 Anaconda 3-4 1:181 mud 50 Ml 12 12 12 12 12* 4 Kederis 12 SinnFeinn. An. May, Haineraway H7 77 Anu ada 11:42 fast 16 IM 4 6 6 C 6 7=" A Walsh 7 Cisko. Moutauklon. SamBarber. RMAnti nda 1 l:4-§ good 20 MI 6 6 6 6 7 8" Hopkins 0 L.McXally. Mont. Don. Stoneman BIT OF FORTUNE, b. g. 5 107 By Altamax— Bit of Fashion E. F. Wright. • I Juarez 11-8 1:631 rut * W E 2 1 1 l lak Garter 8 Wicket, Setback. Misprision. 1138 Juarez I 1-8 1:611 test 4 1M S 4 4 1 11 21 B..rei 11 Discontent, B. oidti.-ld. S. Barber ,11" Juarez 1 is 1:55| fast 4 MB I 2 11 r. 21 Carter 7 V.Lindsey. Whidden, B. Oldfield. 1092 Juarez I 1:40| teat 2 Ml 4 2 3 3 E2» 4S3 Curr 8 P. Vision, Vir.Lindsey, B.Uncas. 1062 Juarez 1 IM fast 3 MS 2 4 4 4 4J 31 Carter 8 Figent, Wicket, Booger Battle. 1002 Juarez 2 4 1:144 good 6 112 2 2 3 43 3* E Hbrand 12 Acquia. Star Venus. Stafford. M747 Juarez 3-4 1:14 last 6 1"0 4 6 6 7 4 1 Carter 10 Chautiolor. .T.Cabiniss. J.Henson 1 MMt Spokane 3-4 1:16 fast 7-10 106 6 6 2 2« 1 Carter 8 G. Intent. M.Greenwd. E. Adams 1 Mi 4:: Spokane 3-4 1:161 teat 15 K»6 7 4 4 3i 28 Carter 10 .Desmond, M.Girl. M. Hannah. , M40G C. dAlene 61 t l:07g fast 100 104 7 8 8 8 8"lCarter 9 Pawhnska. Enfield, Imprint. 97292 Anaconda 3-4 1:15 fast 13 99 5 5 6 6 671 Carter 6 E.G. Hogan. Rosarno, Bellsnicker I "■Anaconda 3-4 1 :161 good 6-5 ".4 3 6 5 5 591 Carter 7 Biilv Myer, Rosarno. Maxing. 97876 Butte 3-4 1:148 fast 20 97 5 6 6 7 6» Carter 8 F.G. Hogan. D.Warfield. Marburg : 97776 Butte S -8 IHM fast 60 107 5 4 6 5 51S E McEwen 7 Pajaroita. T.Triek. EncleJ.Gray ■: M Vancouver 1 1:40] fast — 1 13 l4 Keogh 5 Rosevale, S. Delivery, Johnstown VIRGINIA LINDSEY. br. m. 7 110 By Pirate of Psnzance— Indigo F. Do Bequs. 169 Juarez I 1-8 1:531 test 10 l 7 2 12 4 4*1 5*| Bur* game 8 Bit of Fortune, Wicket, Setback. 1110 Juarez 1 1-1 1:661 teat 4 Ml 112 2 2* 11 Burgame 7 B.ofFortune. Whidden, B.Oldfld I 1092 Juarez 1 l:4tf fast 15 MS 3 4 4 4 tat 2| Burgame 8 P. Vision, B.Uncas, B.ofFortune , 1072 Juarez 7-1 1:274 tent 10 Ml 3 3 6 6 S 7!"JMurray 10 Mapleton. B. Wilson, M. Roberta. HM2 Juarez 1 1:414 fast 5 M5U12U 11 11 9="4WiIlis 12 Wicket, Pipe Vision, Weymouth. 1018 Juarez 1 1-8 1 :65g fast 10 1"9 1 1 1 1 2=1 2J Burgame 0 OceauQueen, .T.Page. P.Vislon. 1006 Juarez 1 l:*.-g fast 4 loo 1 2 3 6 6 6:« Hill 7 Juan. Lawn. Pipe Vision. 99963 Juarez 11-8 1:55 fast 15 loO 3 1 1 2 21 5*1 Hill t Wolferton, Ocean Qu«n, Copperi 1 99916 Juarez 1 1:42 fast 15 MS 6 3 5 6 6* 5»A Hill 11 L.Marchraont. K.Lee. B.Oldtield. , 99891 Juarez 1 1:43| good 30 M 6 4 2 2 2" 551 Willis 10 Misprision. Minnolette. B.Uncas. , 99867 Juarez 3-4 1:13| fast 40 102 4 8 6 6»* 6=° Willis ft Little Jane. Gelico. J. Henderson. . 99S09 Juarez 11:41 fast 20 107 8 3 5 8 11 11 » Groth 12 L. Creed. Kp Moving. B.Oldtield I 9-.772 Juarez 3-4 1:161 good 16 lo7 2 3 3 2 6-3 Groth 12 Americus. Guustun. Bit a-Fat. 997oo Juarez 7-8 1:30| fast 20 107 2 2 4 6 6 7 » H Radtke 8 Allanfearn, Zulu. Roseworth. NM okla.City 31:17 fast 10 119 57 Louder 10 Bob. Cook. Bevstein. B. Bramble I 98720 Ok. City lm70y 1:464 fast 25 103 5* Burgame 10 Heine. Luke Gates, Weymouth. 911657 Ok. City lmJoy 1:461 fast 8 109 6llJWashear 9 C.W.Kennon. CryBaby, Buchanan 1 96601 Okla-City 3-4 1:17 good 6 106 2i Jensen 10 Valencia. Daypeep. Severs. MANDADERO, b. g. 3 92 By Mazagan— Sekra J. O. and G. H. Keene. 1112 Juarez SI t 1:06? tettt 8-5 Ml 1 6 6 4h 3=i Moleswh ft Amohalko. Gift. Sam Connor. 1091 Juarez 51 f 1 :07j fast 8 1 4 1 3 4 4i 23 Moleswh 10 Sir Irenus, Gift. McAlan. 9999 Juarez I 1 1:144 good 2 M3 2 3 3 1» n Moleswh 10 Skillute, DontSayNo, nazelC. 99975 Juarez 6-8 l:01g teat 3 110 6 4 3 4»k 61!3Gross 12 Rnuuette, Odeiia, Skillute. 99904 Juarez S 8 1 :o.jj fast 2J ]oi 2 6 E 5 3:J J Moore 12 Ix ne Star, Brai-k Bonta, M. King , MM9 C dAleaa »s 142] teat 4-5 112 1 2 3 3" 4*1 Bnxtan 11, P. Henderson, M.Fl-niiug. ••SG C. dAlene 6J f l:0!g good 3i 102 3 12 l"k T-h Grata 8 Horus. Ymir, Thistle Rose. MM9 C dAlene 5-8 1:011 fast 4i 100 4 2 2 2!i 4* Hopkins 7 Lady Rankin, Royal Tea. Ymir. 972M Butte 4J f 65 fast 2 111 1 3 3 2i 2n Rooney 7 Dromi, Auto Girl. Ethels. •7113 Salt Lake 1-2 478 fast 3-5 102 1 5 5« 3» Anderson 6 Nidad. Vimur, Camarada. 97 13 Salt Lake 44 f 64g fast 9-10 111 10 2 2»i 9lcJCoburn 11 Billy Hancock. Electric. Nidad. CHARLES GREEN, ch. g, 9 112 By Balgovvan— Apozea G. H. Thomas. 1122 Juarez 11:41 fast 15 112 2 2 4 8 S*° 7,r Jahnseu 9 Oscuro, Robert. Setback. 1092 Jus / 1 i:4o§ fast 15 105 6 5 5 7 V Glu lost 8 P. Vision, Vir.Lindsey, B. Unsaa, 1079 Juarez 11:414 fast 20 110 4 3 5 7 41 98 Poet 10 Bona. Misprision, Ben Eneas. 15o Juarez 1 l:40g fast 6 1 S 4 3 3 4 6* 2« Post 7 Rd and Round. Roaewrtb, Novgd I 10M Juarez 1 1:404 fast 15 113 3 5 6 7 7 6 " Gross 7 Ben Eneas, Bye White. Oscuro. 1«« 4 Juarez 1 1 :4-1 good 20 107 5 3 3 3 6 48 Gross 6 FlyingFert. Figent. F.Mulholland 1 99944 Juarez 1 1:403 fast 10 los 3 2 5 6 6 4*f Gross S rx fta Creed, L. Lech, S. Connor. Juarez 1 l:43g good 5 I09 12 3 7 51 4J Keogh 10 Misprision, Minnolette. E.lncas. MS49 Juarez 1 1 :42g slow 3 Mill 1 P l1" J Callahan J» Coppers, Gonstou, Tillia. ruarez 11:41 fast 6 1-J7 4 4 3 3 52 4sj J Callahanl2 L. Creed, Kp Moving, B. Oldfield 1 99761 Juarez 1 1:42 fast 6 107 7 1 2 2 Zf 23 Gross S Sugar Lump. Kiddy Lee, AlmaBoy M724 Juarez 5i f l:0Sg fast 30 HO 8 9 10 10 1018iG Howard 12 Mariellvde. LyTendi. M.Hannah 1 M9M C, dAlene 11:43 good 20 111 5 4 4 8 11 U« W Gargan 12 Juan. Sneezer. Patriotic. MTU C dAlene 1 1:464 hvv 44 103 2 2 2 2 34 311 Gross 8 Star Actor, T.IVer. L.Rensselaer M7M C dAl.-ne 5-8 1:03 mud 12 106 1 7 6 7J 811W Gargan 12 FaueuilHall. QuickXrip. RioPecos 9S5C2 C. dAlene 3-4 1:144 fast 30 109 4 6 8 9 11" W Gargan 12 M. Hyde, Balell.i. M. Randolph. 98461 C. dAlene 1 1:43 fast 15 101 2 2 4 5 51 4ll W Gargan 12 Soath.Gold. Matador, FrenchCook ; M413 C. dAlene 61 f 1:094 fast 15 111 7 8 6 6J 65i Riddle 11 Eddie Mott. Zonl. Barnsdale. RUBINON. b. g. 9 112 By Lord Dalmeny — Bessie Bisland T. Breedlove. 1116 Juarez 3-4 1:134 fast 40 106 IS 12 12 ll5 ii« Murray 12 Great Friar. W.H.Ford, Balella. 81069 S. Anita 1 1-4 2:06* teat 20 Ml 6 5 5 9 7 ll" M Preston 15 Lucy C. Silrer Knight, Urine. M914 and Anita 1 3-M 1:901 teat 40 107 2 12 5 71 611 J King 10 JaneLuurel. H. Doyle, M. Officious.

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Local Identifier: drf1912020401_2_7
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