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RIDING WEIGHTS OF CHARLESTON JOCKEYS Monte oas •■! the young men enployed !n the .Mice of the Charleston Fair and Racing At tioii. has coinpih-d a list of weights that the rid -is at Palmetto Park can make, for the benefit of own era and trainers -eeking jockey-. The list is as follows: E. Dugan U2 T. Baaover l" But well 108 J. William- 100 Moan 107 W. Dunn :ts McTaggart i™ Hufnagel M Sweeney i|Hi Dreyer !••; Goose 100 Schwehig M i peak i,,r Brace M l.oftns P ." Edwards M Bauer 106 E. Martin ..". T. Koerner DM B. Steele BS Pickens 10H Hopkins «.i:: Pairbrother MM Ambroee M Spellmau D»l Fergu-oii Bfi lui J. MeCane vo Gordon n » J. Allen •- C. Iiirii.r DM Skirvin K.1 lor. hand iiki Foray the S3 oiggm- 100