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PUBLIC PICKS THE VTINNEKS WELL BACKED HORSES TAKE PURSES IN HEAVY GOING AT CHARLESTON. Jockey Pickens Suffers a Broken Leg — Legislative Situation at Columbia Reaches a Crisis— Earncy Schreiber a Visitor at Palmetto Park. Charleston. S. l. February I?.— The Palmetto Park track was heavy todaj as a result of the ram and -now of Saturday ami early Sundaj morning Toe "hi wave broki suddenly ami Ideal weather prevaibil tin- afternoon. The attendance was of large pro pinions. Sixteen bock- were again in line and all were kept busy. Red us.- of the mud. Ilgbl held* ruled iti tin- various races and tin- publl i ; 1 rather easy to locate the winners. Golconda was the only pronounced outsider to win and his i.-tory did not enable the layers to lav up anything, as he wis extensively backed by bis stable connections. Tin opening 1 ace. an affair 111 which the winner reverted to tlu- association m be placed for lire aling bureau purposes, went to Joe Rose. A cloud of anxiety i- hovering over the racing contingent hen- tonight -is 1.. thi prob of ihe Senate on the antl racing bills, which v. ma !•■ a special ord r of business for ton;!., it - ten sioii. Both factions are mustering their fore - and tin- main li:_hi ol thi racing interests will cente in securing an amendment to the bill, giving them inn llty for His season, and striking out the in junction clause. Senator Carlisle, who la sp • is for the Senate bill, dees not feel at all BUre 1 Bin abilitj lo pass bis measure and has shown a li position to forsake l,is 1 wu bill and try to ■ re the passage of ihe Krckmauu bill, which was pass d by the lower house nearly two weeks ago. The Senate Judiciary Committee recently made several amendments to the measure and i , tli.- Senate adopts the amendments, the bill will have to go back to ■ 1 conference. The climax of the legislation will come tonight and it is generally believed that there will be in interruption to the racing for this season. lames MacManus waa the victim of the halter man today. Hi was farced to stand a raise of .i.ii.i lii retain Tay Fay after that colt gaBoped home an ■ ;. winner m the sixth race. S. A. Clopton was responsible for the bidding. There was an accident In the fourth race, in which fockey In kens suffered a broken leg and an ugly looklng cut on the Jaw as a result of a fall while riding Limpet. The mishap occurred on the first turn and was due to crowding. Cap:. P. M. Walker h.,s traded the three-year-old Maxent 111- for Aiat,,r with W. J. Young. Jockey Eddie Dugan has decided to postpone his departure for Austria until March 15. He obtained permission from his employer. Baron Rothschild, 10 remain in America until that time. Rarney Schreiber was . visitor al. Palmetto Part this afternoon. He came from St. Louis, where "■ stopped on his way to Charleston from Juarea. He reports tin- -port at the Mexican track in a thriving condition and showing great Improvement as compared with previous seasons. Mr. Schreiber re eently closed a ileal for son acres near Sedalia, Mo.. where he will ostabli h a new Stock farm. IK leaves tor Woodlands next week to superintend the shipment of i h mares ami the stallions Deutschland, Nealon, Rionockbnrn am in- 1 . 1 ;- new place. Fred W. Gernardy, clerk of the coin-- at Pal nietto Faik. received word from Secretary Loudon of the Hamilton .loekev Club that seven stakes will be announced lor tl, ■ spring meeting ami four for il.- summer meeting at Hamilton. Judge Monek. • tie of lb,, directors of the club, was operated upon iii- appendicitis on Thursday hut. Jockey J..,. McCahey has signed a contract to ride for Thomas Fortune Ryan dming the coming -. Tin- stewards Imposed a tine ot :?!:i on Mart la Foley. ..wner of Congressman Jam.-, for the latt ■:•-failure to carrj blinkers in a race on Saturday last after hi- rider had weighed out with tie ;i. J. Simon Healy, trainer for Cant. !. 1:. Casmttj arrived today. He is 011 bis way to Augusta !■• visit Captain Cassatl for the purpose of discussing plans 1 r the Cbestcrbroak Stables campaign during tin- coming season. c. !K Fleiscbmann, the well known gentlenu 1 rider of New York, was .1 visitor al Palmetto park today. He is -m his way to Camden. S. C. to par- . ticipate in tin winter n lo tournament which la 1 1 annual feature -it thai place. The heavy trek was responsible for only a f«w lei-,- being worked for speed this morning. Some of tie- best trii is were: Darling Five-eighths in 1 Mm. Donald Macilonald rhree-qnarten in 1:23 Hitst - Five-eighths in 1 r99. Raton- Half mile in 58. Jes-tip Burn Five-eighths in 1:1.!. Laaigan- Fh e eighths In 1:13. Lochlel -Half mil In 58. Lore Waiche- -Half mile in "•:. Mar. in W. Littleton Half mile in 58. Re oil.] lean Five eighths Is 1 :W . Sculpture Half mile In ."iii. Silas 1 li ump Five ■ Ighths in 1 ; !;;. Tick Tack Half mile in 5t . Retween races this afternoon Trance wu- -. ,, three-quarters of a mile, the fractional time b . .■■• Ll :-.. 50%, 1 .e.s and 1 :24.