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JUAREZ FORM CHART. JUAREZ, MEX., MONDAY. FEBRUARY 12. 1912.— Terrazas Park. Sixty-third day. Jockev Club Juarez. Winter Meeting of lu days. 10 books on. Weather clear. Presiding Judge. W. II. Shelley. Starter. Mars Cassidy. Racing Secretary. Edward Jasper. Racing starts at 2:15 p. ni. Chicago time 3:15 p. m.. * Indicates apprentice allowance. 1QA7 FIRST RACE— 1-2 Mile. 94402—404—2—115. Purse 00. 2 year-olds. Maidens. "v/ # Selling. Net value to winner 25: second. 0: third. 5. In.l Horses AWtlISt H M % Str Fin Jockeys Owners o n C P S 1276 JOHN HURIE w 110 7 4 1*1 11 1* Small H T Batcheler 6-5 2 2 1-2 1-T 1276 ICICLE win; 2 i 2» *• 2*1 Buxton Mrs H H SeJbjr -i; 2 3-5 1-5 , . . i.Ali * A1HAY ■ ]"~ « :; J3 a* ** Keogh W Sbowalter 4 4 8-5 4-5 1-2 1252 MOSS ROSE 107 1 7 6 6 4=J Imes K Moore 15 15 15 5 2 JJ|0 RECKLESS LAD wn 110 5 1 0* 6k 5* Murray J W Robinson 20 20 20 6 3 11S9 MAGGIE iIX.VGHAM w 107 3 6 4S 4! 63 Gross E L Kripp 28 -»o -0 6 3 llJS KATTY CONNOR w 107 4 2 7 7 7 Groth B C Bunbury 6 7 7 2 1 Time. 2335, 49. Track fast, pinner— BIk. c. by Right Royal- Etta Gilroy trained by I.. I.. Mam. iiinvntn.B1? ;" -:1;- At ,,ost - mtaates. Start good and slow. Won easily: second and third driving. •«« H. lit Kll. began fast and went to the front at one-, then was inclined to loaf when ■ sixteenth from Mate, but drew away again decisively when shaken up. ICICLE! ran in closest pursuit and fldphed gamely 1AR AIiI.W ran well and is improving, but was tiring at the finish. MISS ROSE finished well MAG-blH CI NNINjL~M_sliowe l speed. IOAO SECOND RACE— 5 1-2 Furlongs. 9497S— 1,— 1—105. Purse 00. 3-vear-olds. O wO Selling. Net value to winner 25: second. ISO; third. 5. Ind Horses AWtPPSt U .is % Str Fin Jockeys Owners o ti C P S~ 10301 HARPT w 104 1 2 ink r-h 1=1 l2 Murrav L A Blasingame 10 10 7 3 3-2 Om AILSA PAIGE w 99 I I 5*1 31 3* 2i Groth D Henry 10 10 10 4 2 UM SAM CONNOR wb 110 5 1 6=1 64 4* 3*ft Rosen J E Pierron 3 3 3 11-2 1254 TIE THOMAS w 106 7 5 3J 24 2 4* Gross y Haves 10 10 10 4 2 127. JOHN HECK wb 109 !t S 4J r nk 6* 5* Buxton Mrs F Itson 20 20 "O S 4 12«0*SIR VIE w loO II 7 7 7 6ti Guv H N Shipley 20 20 20 8 4» It77*MABEL KING w .18 4 4 8 8 8 7« Hill L W Hick- 3 3 3 11- 1M1 THE VISITOR w 109 s 7 2* 0*6* l*| J Henry J W Estep 2 28 9 1 2-5 999J»3 YVONNE wit 90 2 I I 9 0 I Willis J E Hoppas 10 S 10 4 2 Time. 2414. 50. 1:01%, 1*0%. Track fast. Winner -B. g. by Canopus — Princess, by Cheviot trained by J. Bark. I111 " P°at at 2:45. At posl 3 minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily : second and third driving HARD! quickly ran into the lead and. drawing oui. easily WOO all the way. AILSA PAIGB closed a gap lrcm 1 slow beginning and made a fas: and game finish. SAM CONNOR ran sluggishly for a half then eaeneoo with a rush. TIE THOMAS ran a good half and is Improving. Till; VISITOR quit after running prominently to the stretch. Overweights— Hardy. 4 pounds: Ailsa Paige. 1: Sir Vie. 2: The Visitor. 1. 1QAQ THIRD RACE— 1 Mile. 91103—1 :.17»i-5— 122. Purse $.100. 3-vear-olds and inward. O W«!7 Selling. Net value to winner 25: second, 0: third. 5. 111,1 Horses AWtPPSt i y2 % Str Fin Jockeys Owners O B C P S 1201»PISCONTBNT W 4 111 7 2 4l 3* 2= 1=* l6 Frasch W H Fizer 4-5 4-5 4-5 1-5 1-9 1277**OU3 HARTRIDGE wb 3 ST 8 3 1= 1*11*12* 2« Hill I Striker 10 10 10 4 S-5 1268 HERETIC m 4 MO I 1 II 21 1*1 I* 3 Taplin Powell and Parker 5 5 E 2 1 MB JIM CAFFERATA WB 5 112 2 8 5h o3 4* 43 4- J CallabanF Otis 110 3 0-6 1279 L. M. ECKBRT w 7 112 1 7 S 0 51 f.nk :,- Small E C Burttschell 3 3 3 4 5 2-6 1206 CHARLES ;REEN W 9 112 6 4 2 » 4» 7 C 6 Willis G H Thomas 20 20 20 6 3 1278MAPLETON w 6 112 4 6 7 7 6 7 7-*. J H.-nrv Mrs F Itson II 15 15 6 2 1366 VIRGIN. LINDSEY W 7 110 5 » 0 8 8 8 8 S Johnson P De Beque 30 30 30 10 5 _, Time. 23 i. 473». 1:10%, 1*9%. Track fast. Winner Ch. c, by star Shoot— Grievance trained by w. H. riser. T.„onr ,0 p°st al :;:1~- Al post 2 minutes, start good and slow. Won easily: second and third driving PISCONTENT ran under restraint for three qj— iters, then passed the leaders u the stretch and won in s canter. Gl S IIARTRIDGB showed much speed in paecmaking and gamely outstayed HERETIC for second Place. HERETIC ran forwardly and. after seeming to tire, easae on again. JIM CAFFBRATA made tin considerable groand. L. M. ECKERT lacked early speed, bur finished with a belated rush. The winner entered for 00. was bid up to I40R bv B. C. Bunburv and bought in. Scratched l200*BIack Mate. 132. Qve:-. Ighte Discontent 1 gonad. 1Q 1 A FOURTH RACE— m 1-2 Furlongs. 00078— 10*4— 4— 100. Purse 00. 3-vear-olds. O J. VJ Selling. Net alue to wimn r 25: second. 800; third. 5. fcd Horses AWtPPSt Vt H »i Str Fin Jockeys Owners 7 U C P S 1211-ACGUIN wn M8 S 1 1 l3 l*il| Moleswh HemlsonandHngan 3-2 S-5 S-5 1-2 1-5 1266*FREE wii 108 2 I 2 21 2= 2; Groth W McLemore 2.1. 3 3 1 "-5 U91 MARS EMILY w 104 7 3 3J1 31" 3= 33 J Callahan.! f,owrie 344:; 1254 W !i. FORD wn 113 4 6 4= 43 45 4=J Kengh R J Powers 10 10 10 4 S-5 1X4 ERROR w M0 I 2 P| 8* r,« 8*1 Hill I ! W Gasser 20 20 20 6 3 1190 THISTLE ROSE wn 109 18 7 6 6 6* Rosen J Johnston 15 15 15 5 2 1:4" -FRAZZLE wb 104 17 6 7 7 7 Taplin B McElderry 6 lo 4 S-5 1 Time. 22%. 48=,. 1:00. 1:06?5. Track last. winner -Ch. f, by Yankee — Radiai trained by S. M. Henderson. Went to !■. -t at 3:44. At post 1 minute. Starr Itraggling and fast. Won duiving: second ami third tin aame. ACt;i IN opened I ap in the early rannmg and set a fa t pace, but was tirins fast ,it the finish. KREH was always In Closest pnrsall and was wearing the winner down fast at the end II RY FMIf.i ran well and bad no mishaps. W. H. FORD was badly outpaced. FRAZZLE belongs elsewhere Ovi rweighi -Thistle Rose, 1 pound. 1Q1 "| FIFTH HACK— 3-4 Mile. 03623— 1 :1 1-— 2— 100. Purse O0. 3-year-olds and upward. O JL A. BeJlinC Mel value to winner S225: ■eeonO, 100; third. 5. Ind Class AWtPPSt i K % Str Fin Jockeys Owners o H T P S~ 1284J. B. ROBINSON W 5 10S 7 1 2* 1J l«| V lines M Shields 4 5 I I 4T 1369*ED KECK W 8 112 6 2 4= ,!S 3- 2l. Prasch W H Fizer ■ :: I 1 1280*BOB LYNCH NiM 1 I 1*4 8* i* M Moleswh .1 Randolph 8 5 M I 116i CHANTICLOR w E 10-". 1 3 1h _"t 23 43 Hill V M Hopptr 10 ]0 10 4 I 1188 HELEN HAWKINS wn 4 103 2 4 »* 4*i 4* 8» Buxton E D Kaufman 58 88 68 0 M 1291 SONA wnSIM 5 I 8 I I 6** Taplin J Schreiber a 1 2-5 80848 ROMPIE w 4 KS 3 S s 7 7 7J0 J Henry .1 H Mead » 20 88 S 4 1188 CLYDE FREEMAN w I 108 - 7 7 I I I S Johnson J H Adams 88 H 58 -0 10 1280 ORBA SMIEE wb 5 106 !» 9 Pulled up. »,: Allison Ac Mrris I t; .; | 1 Time. 23 /5. 48. 1:10%. Track fast. Winner B. g. by Free Knight Belle Becker trained by M. shields.. Went to |"-M at 4:15. At jxist 1 minute. Start good BBd Blow. Won easily; second and third driving. .7. p.. ROBINSON, close np from the start, moved sp fast from the head at the stretch Into a long lend and von ridden ont. ED. showed speed and finished fast and gamely. ROR LYNCH closed a gap and finished with a bellied rush. CHANTICLOR tired after setting the pace to the stretch. HELEN HAW kins ran fairly well. niU.A SMILE waa extremely lame when going to the post and wa« Immediately lulled up Scratched 1200 nooger Rattle. 117. t v i-v eltrht — Konipie. :t pounds. 1Q1 4~ SIXTH RACE-1 Mile. 94103— 1 :37:.-.— 5 -122. Fi.rso 0o. 4 year olds and upward. O J- aw OeDhag. Net value to winner s22.". : second, |80; third. S2".. Ind Horses AWttIS stiliti Jockeys Owners O II C P S B Ml7.!i: GHUj w 4 101 t; 1 :: 2t 2* 1*1 I1 Uuxton J Schreiber 2J 2J :% 4-5 1-3 128DWICKET arnSMO 1 1 - l« ■ Il 2| Hill Fhil-psandTtnpson 2J 21 2| 4-81-1 12K1 FIGENT .. I 1"3 4 1 5 5 6 I I .illahanF D Howard 6" */ •;" 2 4 " IHOaFTORENCB A. w 5 106 i 5 1*1 I- 1 4* 1*1 Grose R J Austin 9 1 I 1 1-2 1388 JUAN w6M8 5 1 1- Il 1» -■-■ : B Johnson L Fountain 10 10 I 3 • lI7»»AZO w I MO • 8 I I Taplin T II Stevens 6 6 I Z 4 5 Time, 24. 4SV 1:10*4, lg*,. Track fast. Wlnnei -B. f. by Tim Payne Chlco trained by • Loan i. Wen: to ,t 1:43, ,i |„ -t 1 naiontc. start g 1 and fast W..n handily; aeeond and third driving. MlZir. GIRL, after being; asved for three- |narters, moved np 1-1 when entering the stretch and. taking 1 lead U"ii going sway. WICKET ran well and made ■ game utretcli effort, 1 at eanld sot net sp FIGBNT rame from the rear In Um taut aaarter and Bnisbed fast. 1 EORENCE A. tired in th but hundred yards. JIAN showed the most earlj speed, but gait badly after leading to the homestretch. CHARLESTON FORM CHART. CHARLESTON. S. C. MONDAY. FEBRUARY 12. 1912. P li etto Park. Seventeenth day. Charleston ■ 1 Etaeiag 8 asm latton. Winter Meeting ■•! 7.". days. 10 hooka u. 1 Weather clear. Presiding .fudge. W. l Schulte. Starter. A. I". Hade. Racing Secretary. 1". J. Pons. Rscinr tarts at 2:30 p. m. Chicago time 1::W p. in.. •Indi rates ssssnsatlea allowance. iiitsT 1!. I. 3-4 Mile. 1*74 1:13% I IOC Parse 1912.sh00 Breeders Parse. 1QA1 OJ J. olds and soward. Colts, Horse* miles and Mare-. Weighl for Age. Net vslni to winner OtM; second, 000; third. BOO Ind nasraes AWtPPSt M . % Sir 1 in Jockeya Owm » H C P S 12X5 JOE RORR ■ 88 128 ■ t I1 ..rt M Bm S 102-5 out IP-.", SEW 1:1.1. II : ■ I [»ftu* W Cnhlll 1 1* . ;..::- 1 i l LEE we. t 117 7 I t 11 8" ::";- C Peak W V Ca •; 7 ". s . 7 Ifl RJUNA COLLINS « I 117 I 1 7 •; :. • 4.. Spelhnan Tennessee Stable 0. 10 •• 11 - " PLAIN ANN w I 117 2 7 1 5 .1 SVllllamsE C Nuii, ■ 08 38 I 1 j OALV1 w r. 12! t 3 f i1 . •- .1 Hanover Mrs 1; 12 80 88 10 4 . 1 RON 1: « 4 122 1 1 if 8 7 7- Schwxer P Kuhns l" 21" -11, k tllttl 6 1 s 7 s s pickena T D Martin 10 3« M 18 5 Tin,.. 25s, BJK, 1:20. Track heavy. Winner— Blk. h. by Baoootkhiu-n — Ameliana trained by J. M. Qoafar, Went to post at 2:20. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won easily j second and third driving. JOK ROBS, favored by the muddy going, wore I.YIHA l.lMi down M the Itretch turn and. takiii- a good lead, won under restraint. 8EWELL, also at home in the gOhag, moved up rapidly midway of the Stretch, but tired in Hie final sixteenth. LYDIA l.I.I. showed speed and ran well, but tired in the final drive. I.INA COLLINS Closed a gap and waa Bping fast at the end. PLAIN ANN" finished well. GAI.VKSCA set the early pace :lmi piit. tun probably will show Improvement presently. Scratched— 1178 Electric. 103; 1172 Miss Stannel. 103; I2S0 Corinth. 117: 90082 l oris Ward. 117: 12"27,. llil. SECOND RACE— 3-8 Mile. USB— 08% — 2T11.°.. Purse 8000. 2 year-olds. Maidens. 1QA4 Ov/ Allowanecs-. Net value to winner fSTO; second. 000; third. .".. Ind Horses AWtPPSt1; H % BtrlTa Jockeys Owner- O II C P Sto 1246 VANDEREN w 115 7 3 1* l1 Loftus Jallaher Bros 5 7 5 2 1 1182 PRINCE FONSO w 112 6 2 2* 8« J Wilson G AV .1 Bissell 30 40 40 13 7 1141 FTGOLA Will 2 8 3 31 Hopkins J L Holland 7 12 12 5 U 1246 BILLY HOLDER w 115 3 I 4 4 C Turner C Woodford 21 2H 11-04-6 2 0 1228 MAMA JOHNSON w 111 11 7 and 5and Moss G Hani 10 12 12 4 2 1258 CLINTON w 112 4 S 61 and F" brother W .1 Young 6 8 7 Q I 5 1258 ROSTURTrCM w 115 !» 8 7 74 Pickens N B Dnvhi 15 15 15 8 I LIBERTY HALL W 115 S 5 8 S8 T Koerner R Daviss 98 18 01 12 8 BOURGEOIS w 115 5 11 9 93 C Peak Mr Earle 20 20 15 S 4 1228 ROSEBURG IV w 115 1 1 10 102 Skirvin 1 H McCarren 8 I I I 8-5 1246*MARTHA ALLEN w 112 1" 1" 11 11 McTasrt J W Burttschell 5 7 7 2J 6-5 Time. 26V5. 38-»5. Track heavy. Winner — B. c. by Cesarion — Margaret II. trained by J. «. GaUaher. Went to post at 2:54. At Hist 3 minutes. Start good and BMW, Wwt easily: second and third driving. VANDEREN moved into the lead with a rush and. showing much speed in the going, drew away in the stretch to win in a canter. PRINCE FONSO ran well in closest pursuit all the way and held on gamely to lie end. PIGOLA made np ground and came with a rash in the last furlong from a slow beginning. rtl.I.Y HOLDER ran wide most Of the wav. MAMA JOHNSON and CLINTON finished close up. ROBE-P.i KG IV. was knocked back at t he start. THIRD RACE— 3-4 Mile. 1274 — 1:13% — I— 100. Purse 00. .i-year olds and upward. 1QAQ tJXJtJ Selling Handicap. Net value to winner 0075; second. 5: third. 0. Ind Horses AWtPPSt1; M % Str Fin Jockeys Owners 0 II 0 P S 128DAMORET w 5 MO 4 2 !■ 29 l"k 1 B Martin C D Ray 2i 1S-51S-51 out 1281 ROSE ;1"EEN w 6 109 11 I1 1J 2s I* loftus H G Fedwell 8-0 2 2 4-5 ont 1230 CAPSIZE wb 4 97 2 3 31 35 3° 35 Skirvin Mrs J W Flynn 3 3i 2 7-Mout 1126 HUSKY LAD WB 4 95 3 4 4 4 4 4 J McCahe F H Milden 4 4J 4J 6-5 out Time. 24. 50*5. 1:18. Track heavy. Winner — B. g. by Hastings — Atirata trained by A. C. Bellewi. Went to post at 3:18. At post 4 minutes. Start good and -low. Won easily: second and third driving. AMORET. seeming favored by the going, followed ROSE QUEEN closely to the last furlong, where he passed her and drew out to win easing up. ROSE QUEEN set a fast pace to the stretch, but was firing 1 i.illv at the end. CAPSIZE had no mishaps and was ! oaton off throughout. HUSKY. LAD ran poorly. Scratched— 1274-Ivahel. 101: 12.,ti Colonel Ashmeade. 101. FOFRtH RACE— 1 Mile and 70 Yards. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. 1QA4 fjyjrx: Net value to winner 10; second. : third. 800. Ind Horses AWtPPSt % V* »i Str Fin Jockeys Owners O H C P S 1251*GOLCONDA w 7 107i 3 2 21 2b 2». 1J 1". J Wilson H Burttschell 20 20 12 6 2 1208 JAWBONE w3 99 4 5 4J 3= 3J t* 2.. Hopkins W A Massey 2 B 7 5 3 5 1-3 98960*PROFTLB wm 5 107 11 11 l1 l1 23 3- B-reyer B C Evans M SB 30 10 4 1273 THE G. BFFRFLY w I 108 S 6 51 41 4s 4s 4* Loftus Mrs J W Flynn 3 6 I 2 7-10 1273*0. M. MILLER wsn 5 114 7 7 7 6l 6 9 5s Schw-big W B Carson 25 4 4 3-2 7-10 12MPTJR8A MAJOR w 5 104 5 4 31 5« 5! P 6 Diggins R M Taylor 50 50 30 12 5 122»»BLACK BRANCH " wn 6 00 0 0 0* 7 7 7 7 Forsythe R Potee 15 15 15 6 2i 1283 LIMPET W 4 104 2 3 Fell. Pickens J P Cordray S 10 7 2J 4-5 Time. 26*. 52*i. 1:21. 1:48%. 1:5325. Track heavy. Winner — B. g, by Goldcrest— Fond Recollection trained by W. A. Burttschelli. Went to post at 3:49. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won handily: second and third driving. GOLCONDA, running in closest pursuit from the start, followed PROFILE closely to the last furlong. where he moved op quickly and drew away under urging. JAWBONE was in a pocket for the first three-ei; iters and went wide in the stretch, but finished fast and probably was best. PROFILE showed the CM st speed lor seven furlongs and tired. THE GOLDEN BUTTERFLY moved up fast after going a half, but tired in the stretch. G. If. MILLER ran as if he disliked the going. LIMPET was iu a forward position when he fell on the first turn. Scratched— 1274 Beach Sand, 105. Overweights Golcooda, 3 pounds: Ursa Major. 2: Limpet, 2: The Golden Butterfly. :.. FIFTH RACE— 5 1-2 Furlongs. 1200— 1:07*-,— fi— 107. Purse 50. ."-year-olds and up-OUO IQfipT ward. Selling. Net value to winner 75: second. 0: third. 5. Ind Horses AWtPPSt H ]i »i Str Fin Jockeys Owners O II C P S •RYE STRAW WB 4 107 I 1 1* 1* l3 P Skirvin W Martin 2J 2J 8-5 3-5 1-3 W4S7 F.OYAL CAPTIVE w 6 111 4 5 4i 41 3 2l Loftus J R Wainwright 3-2 2J 2 S 102 ". 1208 SIR EDWARD ws 9 108 1 6 0* 64 4- 3- McTagrt J W Hedrick 16 25 25 S 3 1238*JAMES IXMKERY w 3 94 5 S 7 7 I1 41 Bruce B Schreiber 10 15 15 8 21 1260 SABO BLEND ws 6 105 S 4 5i 5h 61 5l B Steele L Sniitha 20 30 30 10 I 1238*EAGLE BIRO wb 4 104 3 2 8" 2 21 61 Schwebig J W Burttschell 3 4 4 7-5 1-2 1 38 MINNIE BRIGHT w 6 103 7 7 8 I 0 7* C Turner Mrs J W Flynn 68 88 88 20 8 1230*MON AMI wb 5 100 6 3 33 3 7 8 Connors P M Walker 8 15 15 6 H Time. 26y5. 513A, 1:11*4. Track heavy. Winner — Ch. e. by Griffon— Ardstraw trained by W. Martin. Went to post at 4:17. At post •! minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily: secoiul and third driving. 1 : Y I : STRAW waa kept in the good Koing and. taking a long lead at once, won all the way under restraint. ROYAL CAPTIVE was oulnin all the wav and finished tiring, but resolutely. SIR EDWARD Closed a gap and finished last. JAMES DOCKERY was gaining at the end. SABO BLEND requires a stronger ride: ti an he had up today. EAGI.E BIRD and MON AMI quit badly after running in forward contention to the 1 01 lestretcfa. Scratched— 1240 ROSS of Jeddab, 93: 1250 Sureget. 107: 1238 Richard Reed. 10S; 90310 Howdy Dowdy, HO: U20S Compton. 112. SIXTH RACE- 1 Mile and 70 Yards. 1300— 1:83%— T— 10T%. Pane 0400. 3-y. ar-olds 1Q|"|iO OUO and upward. Selling. Net value to winner 10: second. 1912.sh0; third. $:,0. Ind Horses AWtPPSt U 2 Str Fin Jockeys Owners 0 II 0 P S 1221*TAY" PAY WB 4 102 5 6 6 6 2i 13 lJ C Turner J MacManus S-5 2 I 0-100-6 aV 1233 FORiE w 6 110 3 4 41 41 4i 3-= 2: loftus H G Bedwell 15 20 20 7 2 OOj 12493HELENE ws 4 103 1 3 5 5 6 4- 32 J McCabe F H Milden 7 lo s | 1 1133»V. POWERS wb 4 103 4 1 Il l!i 1"* 21 4° Skirvin C Woodford 3 I 13-51 2-5 12K*CU BON W 4 103 6 2 I" | ] 8 5 5** Bruce C A Andress 5 7 7 2J 1 1.21-BREYITE WB 5 113 2 5 3J 2- .;- I C Peak M Foley 4 4J 4 6-5 1-2 Time. 25%. 5123- 1:191s- 1:48. l:tt% new track record. Track heavy. Winner -Ch. g. by Stalwart — Margaret Kent trained by T. .1. Shannon 1. Went to M st at 4:44. At post 5 minutes. Start fair and slow. Won easily: second and third driving. TAY PAY. away poorly, was a distant trailer for the first half, but moved up with a rush after going a half mile and. taking the lead in the stretch, won in a canter. FORCE also closed a big gap in the last quarter. HELENS made up ground and ran fairly well. V. POWERS tired badly alter showing the neat speed and setting the pace to the stretch. CD BON retired early. BREVITE showed speed, but tired in Hie last quarter. Scratched— 12T,3Maromara. OS: 1237Sir Clegs, 110; 1230 Ragman. 102: 1195 Torn Hassle, 108; 1288 Belle lfawr. 105. Overweights — Tay Pay. 2 pounds. _ JUAREZ FORM CHART. JUAREZ. MEX.. SUNDAY. FEBRUARY 11, 1912.--Terrazas Park. Sixty-seeond day. Jockey Club Juarez. Winter Meeting of 10 i days. 10 books on. Weather clear. Presiding Judge. W. H. Shelley. Starter. Mars Cassidy. Racing Secretary, Edward Jasper. Racing starts at 2:15 p. m. Chicago time 3:15 p. m.. W indicates whip, S spurs. B blinkers. Figures in parentheses following the distance of each race indicate index number, track record, age of horse and weight carried, indicates apprentice allowance. It fr FIRST RACE— 1-2 Mile. 04452— 00*4— 2— 115. Purse 00. 2-year-obls. AHowaaeea JuKJfJ Net value to a law 1 1 8137.00 each; third. 035. lid Horses AWtPPSt1, M a4 Str Fin Jockeys Owners O II C P S 1180 STOUT HEART w 105 1 1 2*1 2-i It Keogh 11 Mci;uiiel 30 30 30 s | 1188PAN ZARETA w 117 4 2 1 1 Iff Prior J F Newman 8-6 0-0 0-0 2-6 OSJt OLD8MOBILE W 183 1 1 41 3J 33 Gross C B Campbell 8-6 8-6 8-0 2-6 out U98*PALATABLE w 115 2 4 ?A i- 45 Estep FT Wood 2 2 I 1-2 out 1188 KINO STALWART w 107 I 6 5 5 5 Small Mrs H H Selby 10 10 10 I 7-10 Dead heat; parse divided. Time. 23. 48. Track fast. ,j» Winners Stout Heart, eh. e. by Stalwart —Two Heart I trained by II. McDaniel ; Pan Za ret Well, f, by Abe Frank -Caddie Griffith trained by EL S. Newman 1. Went to pest al 2:25. At post 1 minute. Start goixl and slow; Won first two driving: third the- same. STOUT HEART and PAN ZARETA ran almost as a team from the head of the stretch to within about 1 hundred yards from the Bnish, where they fell Into the same stride and came under the judges, eyes on a level. OLDSMOBILH was badly outpaced in the early rnaniag, but swished fast and will do to watch. KINO STALWART and PALATABLE were always outrun. Overweights — King Stalwart. 2 pounds. SECOND RACE 1 1-8 Miles. 03050— 1:51 :--.— 5—1 15. Purse 00. 3 ycar-obls and up-iU%J_9 1iQ/ «ard. Selling. Net value to winner S-_2.v. second. S50; third. 5. Ind 11 AWtPPSt St i % % Str Fin Jockeys Owners O II C P S 12 IUDDEN wnf 110 4 6 7 7 7 3t 1* 1: Gross .1 Coneo 0-6 0-6 0-6 2-0 1 G l233*TAHOE w ! Ml I I 8 I 62J 5- 4:l 2 Buxton .1 o and Q H Keene2 2 2 7 pd | l258»DOTTIE B w 1 SS 7 1 I* H ink in 311 311. Hill J Lowrie I 6 6 2 1 I162TIFLIS w 1; 110 5 1 41 t*| 3h 4;i 6* 4". Murray I Alexander b» 10 10 4 8-6 L53 THE PEER wb 6 no 5 2 2. 2 2- 2* 2** 6* Keosjh T t Rutherford 10 10 10 4 8-6 1253 BAR. OLDFIELD w 7 110 1 7 6- 6 S 8 7 ti Bsti p Garrity and Donlnp 8 S S :; 1-6 1289 RUBINON wn t 110 8 8 1* 1« 4i 6i 6nk 710 ;roth T Breedlove 8 S 8 3 6-0 1188 JUAREZ W» 4MC 6 ! ■ 54 5 7 8 8 C H Milbrll K Bernard ."» ;50 68 15 8 1211 HICCOFGH up. 4 104 9 ! !t 9 0 Pulled up. Prior I B In ■ man 30 30 10 4 2 Time. 25. 49«£. 1:14%, l:4iy5. 1:54%. Track fast. Winner Br. g, by Miller lraneonin trained by J. Funeoi. Went td post at 2:51. At peal 2 minutes. Start xo xI and slow. Won easily; I Bd and third driviii.. WHIDEN wss outpaced early, but ran fairly well up and. eoining fast on the turn into the stretch with the leaders and going to the front with a ranh, won in 1 canter. TAiioi-; came froni the tear with a great rush in tie last half into a fast going second. DOTTIE B. showed early speed and led Into the stretch, lir tired in 1 1 last eighth. TUT.IS and THE PEEK both ran good races. RUBINON quit after setting the early pace. Scratched 1253 Pedro. 110; 1253 Rake. 100. Overwi ights — Hiccough. 1 pound. 1QQ7 THIRD RACE- 3-4 Mile. 00031 1:11*4—3 100. Parse 0000. .-.year olds and upward. «- » t % Handicap. Net valu • to winner BOSS; second. 800; third. .*25. Ind Horses AWtPPSt 14 % *, Str Fin Jockeys Owners O II C P S :IDi: OF LISMREWB f. llfi 3 1 1*| 1« I5 1* Buxton TGoulding 65 6-5 6-5 1-4 out iCliOSER w I 112 12 2« .1 CaUnhnnJ P Newman 8-0 0-6 1-5 2-0 ont 1243 -K m i-i i:n y w 4 Ml 4 I 2ti 2"t 3:" "s Ehtep .1 L Brown 2 2 2 t-S out 6228 DR. SMOOT w5 90 2 4 4 4 4 1 Hill J J Kennedy 28 20 20 3 1 Time, J2;.,. 4535. 1:11%. Track fast. Winner -B. g. by Galveston Clara White Drained by J. Darks* 1 - ■■ I- post .it 3:30. t i"si :: minntes. Start and alow. Won easily: second driving;; third b.m. "niy. PRIDE OF L1SMORE went into the lead qnichly and. Knowing terriflc ~i« -d. gained an advantage thj.1 CLOSER eonld not overcome and won in .1 canter. CLOSER wan Interfered with on the turn by I 01 KNAY pulling over directly in front of him and forcing him to fall back and cone annuel |,U| nl, m prand race and finished fast. KOOTENAY ran a fasl half and tired badly in the titial torioag. DK. SMdUT -hewed a Hash of speed and will do in slower company. 1010 ! "I RTI I R.ME -1 Mile. 041«i:: 1 .7 r. 122. 1 EfPaso Stakes. Value . ink.. 4, J*/0 .: yeai o|,i ;,nd upward. S-llmg. Net alue to winner 0000; second. |900; third. 8100. Ind Horses AWtPPSt, i "4 Str Fin Jixkeys Owners 0 II C P I 1880 ROT JUNIOR w 6 107 4 1 1»| 1* 1 1- 1 Bntep E D Knufman 3 3 3 -MOout 1267 1NOLE BEN w 4 104 | | 2| 2" J i" 2* 2| j CaibxhanJ f Newman •; I I 0-3 out • lARASEE w 7 110 ■ I 8*18* :• I I Qi O F. Roajera 8-6 0-5 0-0 1-0 ont UN LOUIS w 6 107 1 I 4 1 I I I Brrmll .1 H Mai ! 2 2 1 2 out lime. 24. 48"... 1:19k, 1:00*4 Track fast. Winner Ch, g. bv Isldor- Isahell itni I by 1: D. Kaufman. Went to post it 3:48. At p..s, 1 minute. Start •-:.»"! and alow. Won easily; acrond and third driviag i"i .11 NIOB vein to the front qnichly and was ill the wav. bat tila rider took no ehanee, drew his whip ahen an ehrhtfa on and rode bin hard all of the Onal eighth. FNiI.l. BEN ran in iosest pnrsnlt thmagli out ami tini-i.ed gamely. ARASEE was next to tie rail In the early running and h.s rider took him back in gel a better position, but be Barer recovered the ground lost. John 1.01 is was close ap in the early rucuing and his early effort told ou him In the stretch. Apprentice allowance was waived on ARASEE 1AQQ " FIFTH HACK— 3-4 Mile. MSB— 1:11., — 2 MS. hm 8380. 4-ycar old* and upward. 1 .— ♦ » Sclliac. Net value to winner 832ft; second. 8ft0; third. 7i. •. Bid Horses AWtPPSt % -J % Sir Im JiK-keys Owners o H C P S 1278 BRAVE WITHKKS WB 4 MS :; t. 11 ]m. in lh Qrosa p Bingham 0 6 5 2 1 1241 KEEP MOVING W 7 Mt 4 7 44 41 ■■l J*| C il MilUrW St Vincent •" f 8 3 1 I 1263 GLORIO W?M8 5 l 5] :.* ;; .1 Henry V P and L E FlneN lo s i :. | 1264*KIXG ELK w 4 M 7 I ::■ 2*1 2« 4- Hill L W Hicks J 2 _ 4-5 2-5 . 1290 TALLOW dip wb ti i"C f . a* 3| 4*1 5** Buxton H Werow I :: :: i I I 1200 BOA NO w- 4 MS j 4 7 7 0 8* Bnten Wheeler dc WUaon4 : .". J l IMS TOM THANKS w « M7 15 • 6 f.3 7 74 Small A C Mot all. it ; 8 s 1 3-2 .77577 NITA K. WSM8 S 8 8 S S 8 Johnson W H Cullinane N 20 39 8 4 * Tim.-. 24. 48*i. 1:134s. Track fast. 1 Winner Ch. c by Withers — Bravery trained bj W. a. McKinney. Went to post at 4:1". At post :: minutes, start food ami slow. Won driving: second and third the s met, BBAVE WITHERS went into the lead at once and. snowing the most speed throughont, was well ridden, bat tired and barely stayed long eaoagfc to win. KBBP MOVING ran sell throughout and Bnbihed with a Basse rash. ci.oltio dosed a gap into a fa-t going third and probably is ImproTlng. KING ELK • » wed speed, bal was done at ftre furlongs. TALLOW DIP ran forwsrdly to the stretch and quit. Scratched— 1072 Bahado, 106; 1138 Portarllnaton. MS. • . Overwelgfata — Keep Moving. 2 pounds: Tom Pranks, : . J SIXTH RACE— 3-4 Mile. 03823— 1:11ft— 2— 108. Parse 60. 4 year olds and upward. 1QAA OUU Selling. Net value to winn. r 822ft; second. 0; third. 82ft. led Horses AWtPPSt?* hk 3* Str Fin Jockeys Owners 0 II 0 P S — KM3J. H. REED wb 6 111 1 1 8*1 8* 2«a 14 Buxton HendsonAHogan 3 3 2 1-3 out ; 1256JOHN GRIFFIN II. w 1" 11- " I 1" T lh 3* Murray D C Cottle .". S 5 6-5 out ; I242SCHILLA vm 6 103 3 3 4 4 4 3° Seidell C E Rogers 6-5 6-5 6-5 1-4 out ; 1242 MARIS HTDE wb 5 llo 4 4 ::« f 8*14 Gross li J Austin I ;: 2 7-10out ; Time. 223s. 47%, 1:12%. Track fast. Winner — Oh. b. l y Woolstborpe — I.iska trained by S. M. Henderson. Went 1" p"st at 4:4... At post 1 minute. Start good and fast. Won driving: second and third the SSBSe. J. II. REED forced the pace from the start and. in a long, hard stretch drive, outgamed JOHN GRIFFIN II. at the end. JOHN GRIFFIN II. set ■ last pace to the stretch and ran ■ game race. UIII.I.A u i tmahlr to beep ap in the early running, bat came with a rush through the final quarter. MARIE HYDE snowed speed, bat tired In the last furlong. Apprentice allowance was waived on CHILLA. S, ratehed -I 12H4 iRalronia. Ill*: 1242n.yte Knight, lo.s.