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NOTES OF THE TURF ABROAD. Maedonald II.. the French stalli-m h lonuine to M. Caillaalt, is being much sought after for Germany ami South America, and offers bare been made by representatives from lmtli conn tries, bur nothing definite will be settled until after Febraary 15. The Liverpool executive intends doing away with the rails between the fences thai follow the Grand National course round. Thus, riderl.-ss horses will limi outlets, and not continue in ihe course and la terfere with other competitors to the extent the.. have done in the paat. The en; ire breeding and racing stud of Baron de Rothschild is to 1 ffered at public auction in Paris on Saturday. Febraary 17. at the Rtablisaement Cheri. Included in the list are twenty -live boraes In training twelve two-year-olds, eight three-year olds, and live older horses, eight yearlings, eighteen broodmares, and the stallion La Hoi aioreil. In ail ilitien Karon It. de Rothschild will send up one three-year old. two yearlings, and two brood ma rea. Four hundred and seventy-thiee horses remain engaged in the Paris Grand Prix of 1912. of which total .." ; entries were made in Paris, lis in London, 11 In New York, and s In Rome. Among American owners. Mr. W. K. Vanderhilt has eleven animals, while Mr. H. it. Duryea has nine and Col. Millard Hunsiker three cutties. Mr. August Belmont iia-two horses entered in Paris and live entered in London, and Mr. Henry Payne Whitney has rie entries made in London. Mr. .1. K. Widener nas only one entry, an unnamed product of Adiun - Martini Unman, made in New York, where the remaining ten entries consisted of sis made ,« Mr. .1. R. Keeae, three by Mr. J. E. Madden, and one by Mr. 1. II. Wheat 1 loft. The death took place January 22 of Mr. J. Harm-sell Richardson, who was for man;, yean a prominent amateur cross-country rider. He was a I. in colnshlre man. horn in 1846. and played for Harrow against Eton hj 1864 and 1885, and for Cambridge against Oxford in 1899 and the following two seas ns. His tirst big success as a gentleman Joek« » waa whin be rule Mr. Chaplins Schiedam Mr-. Inline in the National Hunt Steeplechase in 1S7". The deceased was a ureat friend of Captain Ma ami rode Disturbance to victory for the captain in the Grand National Steeplechase of 1S7:;. whlli he -cored again In the colon of Captain Machell in the following year on Retxgnv. Mr. Richardson retired fr mi the turf in 1881.