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R. T. WILSONS 1912 STRING. New York. February 22. — Four two-year -olds pttr-chi-.ii by Hi. hard T. Wilson, president of the Saratoga Association, from John F. Maddea recently reached the Wilson atablea at Bebaamt Park. They bring the Wilson two-year-old string up ro eleven, and it is the liest looking lot that has ever been gathered together in the stable. The four in .vomers were a bay eolt bv Ogden — Yankee Slater; a hay olt by Planudes— Pocket-piece; ■ hay gelding by Ogden Laodicc. and ■ chestnut coll by Yankee -Tarantella. The other Madden bred youngsters that are at Belmont Park under the care of trainer Thomas .1. Ileaiey are 1 chestnut colt by Yankee — Courtplaater and a bay tilly by Yank..-— Boya! Ciiti. Otbera of the Madden purchases are Mary T., 1 brown filly by Ogdea Mariti. and Ponkataaset, a bay till v by Yankee— Mamie Worth, both af which arc in training at the Charleston track in the care of A. G, W.ston. Mr. Wilson lias three strikingly handsome voung-atera of bis own breeding In tbe bay tilly Geneata. a daughter of Broomstick and LAlouette; the chestnut filly Heater Prynne. by Disguisi — Witchcraft, and the chestnut cit Moatreaeur, by his own young stallion. Montfort, and out of Madcben. Montfort is at John Hynea Stamford. CI., farm, ami ii was there thai MoatreeaoT v.ns foaled. He is a slashing big eolt now and iu many respects is a counterpart of his sire. These are all in the big Wilson bam at Belmont Park. of the Wilson bred lot the Witchcraft filly at ibis time appears to he tbe host. The dam i- 1 Horoscope man- thai was hi-,-,] by James U. Keene. and the tilly being by Ki-guisi. really makea her the product of tin- Casrletou Farm. Witchcraft was rac.l by S. W. Street! and later won for F. K. Smathers and utter still for F. Ambrose Clark. She i- now eleven years old, and has had Tew stud opportunities. Iiu Yankef — Royal Gna filly resembles her brother. Nausbon, greatly, except in color, she is built along the sane- sturdy linos and has much the same way of Loing. ii i- probable that PimUco will be the first track at which cither of these Allies will In- saowii. and tiny will have ample opportunity to be tit tor that weason. Th.- big ham al Belmoal Park afforda a chance for training in all weather, and the horses .in- -cut along -manly in all seasons, under a shed thai i- -i la- - to the mile. The older horse- of tin- establishment that are ai Belmoal Park are all doing w-li. ami it is aaaured that tie- Wilson suing for th.- 1912 season ..i racial will be a good one.