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NOTED ENGLISH TURF WRITER DIES. With sincere regret we have to record tbe death of Henry Surii thw ait.-, which occurred yesterdaj in hi- seventy-fifth year. He araa aasociated with sporting Journalism for more than forty vers, a considerable part of thai ti:::.- being pissed ..n the -tall of the defunct "Bells I-if.- in London." of which In was at one period the editor. He joined Ihe Sportsman in lss.-,. Bnd for several years wrote "Vigilant" daily, or a retiring .in. I amiable dis-poaition. he endeared himself t« all with whom he came iii contact, and those who knew him will f.-el in hi- death th- 1..— of a personal friend. His health failed him a few yens ago, and he was 110 longer able p. wield a pen thai adorned any subject np.n which it treated and bad given pleasure to countless nailers. An ardent fisherman, a student of natural history, fond of cricket, and an authority on all amtters p.-rtaining to ornithology, he was v type of man all t.». rare, and the world of sport U tin- poorer today by tbe death ot Uenry Smurth-waite. London Sportsman of Febraarj 8.