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HUSON REPORTS TO GOVERNOR DIX. Albany, V V.. Fehrnnry 29. Tbe demand la this state for horses Is far greater than the supply, sc cording •• s r rt sent to Governor l»i by Commissioner Husoii. of the State Departasenl of Agri culture. The letter was in response to lovenior Dixs cammunicstlon directing tbe commissioners nttentkm to the borai breeding Industry In New York Mat. and asking bis ..pinion as to what methods could tx- .1 to stimulate tins branch ol ainii :.i bustwndn In tbe state. Commissioner Huson sa~ that anuualh 80.000 horses sre brought Into thai state, main! from th weat, tor am m farnw, at an average cost of «» each. F.xprcssins tbe opinion that New lork possesses many advantages over tome ol the states wbere horse breeding - carried on extensively and profit Commissioner Huson says that formers of tiiis Mat.- should produce all the homes need on their farms, and also be la s nnattion to supply la part i be constant demand for norma -of the t.M" sellable na army and pollci tei k e. " i i mmissloDor Huson proponed to make a thorough Investigation "i conditions in ibis state with ■ view t.. ascertaining what type oi borses ma be most profitably iiroduced in enj given locaUty. Hi ! lievea that Ken Yorka Ian oa the subject should ■ be carefnll] revised with ■ i w to raislag the stand aid ot tbenyures usi.i [or public service and the elimination .•* the Interior itslliona